
Summer Newsletter

Dear Thaxted Yogis,

Firstly, may we extend a huge thank you to all those who attended our recent open day. We had a steady flow of visitors throughout the day and a lovely time was had by all enjoying the taster classes, Michelle’s gong baths, and mingling with both new and existing clients. Many thanks to all the teachers and helpers who gave up their time to make the day such a success. 

We have lots of exciting events and workshops coming up over the weeks ahead, starting with a fabulous double bill this weekend...

Ceremony of Sound Workshop with Michelle

If you are a fan of our Gong Baths, there are a few remaining places for this Saturday’s (28 May) Ceremony of Sound workshop where Michelle will be delving a little further into the powerful journey of sound healing...
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Settle into Stillness with Robyn

Robyn’s monthly Yin Yoga class, Settle into Stillness, takes place this Sunday (29 May) and we have now confirmed three more summer dates for your diaries. Book early if you don't want to miss out on these rejuvenating and relaxing Sunday morning classes.
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Yin Fascial Yoga Workshop with Dominique

Our Yin Fascial Release Workshop with Dominique Preston on 4 June is nearly sold out, so be quick if you want to book a place. We are excited about Dominique’s long-awaited return and this fantastic workshop which combines Yin Yoga with myofascial release techniques.
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Melting Moments Workshop with Robyn

Our special Melting Moments Workshop with Robyn Silverton on 17 July will incorporate yin yoga, breath work and meditation, and will have a focus on the fire element. Book early to avoid disappointment.
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July Gong Baths with Michelle

We are pleased to be able to confirm that Michelle will be running two gong baths on 22 July: one at 5pm and one at 7:30pm. A further date for August will be announced soon so please keep an eye on our social media and website for more details.
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4-Week Beginners/ Foundation Evening Course

There are just a couple of spaces left on our forthcoming four-week beginners/ foundation course, which starts on 6 June. This evening course is designed for anyone who is completely new to yoga as well as those who wish to revisit their practice.
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New Yoga Teacher: Sarah Power

We are delighted to welcome Sarah Power to the team. Sarah will be covering some classes for us over the busy holiday period. She teaches a mixture of strong flows and gentle yoga, and her classes include pranayama, asana and relaxation.
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Open Day Survey

Thank you to all those who completed our recent Open Day survey - we have taken on board all your feedback.

It seems there is enthusiasm for a regular Sunday class so we hope to trial something starting in September, alternating between a morning stretch class and an evening wind down session, which we hope you will support.

Watch this space for further details. 

If you missed it and would like to receive the survey, please email Danny at or click here to access our online form.


Thank you for your continued cooperation with the parking situation in the yard. A map of where to park is displayed in the studio and on the website for your information.
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We love to hear what our yogis think about our studio and classes. We post your kind words on our Testimonials page.

Would you consider posting a review about us online? It only takes a minute, but it helps other people learn about who we are and what we do.

You can post a Google Review or a Facebook Review, or simply drop us an email at

Cancellation Policy

This is a gentle reminder of our cancellation policy which is at least 24 hours notice for a class and 14 days for a workshop. Workshops are expensive to host and when we don’t have enough time to resell spaces due to last minute cancellations they can run at a loss.

In exceptional circumstances, upon request, we may be able to move your booking to another workshop, but only if we are able to fill the original booked space.

Thank you for your understanding.
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