THURSDAY 26th MAY 2022                                                         VOL. 2022.06 
Do you know what’s good for footy? Toyota #ohwhatafeeling

This year KDJFC are participating in the Toyota Good For Footy Raffle and we need our Tiger family to get on board and help us raise our target of $10,000 for the club! The club receives 100% of the profit of all tickets sold on behalf of our club!

Funds raised will go towards our end of season club wind up and for purchasing and updating club iPads, which are now compulsory for every team to have on game day.

Every Tiger family will be emailed a unique Raffle Seller link and we are asking families to sell a minimum of 10 tickets to help fundraise for the club. You can share your Raffle Seller link via email or on your social media with your friends and family and encourage them to buy a ticket or 10!

A Roar of Appreciation to Kalamunda Toyota

Kalamunda Toyota have been major sponsors of our club for many years, and we are grateful for their continued support of KDJFC. During Round 5, Kalamunda Toyota will be at Kostera Oval with the vehicles you can WIN in the Toyota Good For Footy Raffle on display.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to say hello to Kalamunda Toyota General Manager, Michael Travcich, check out the cars on display and purchase a ticket or 10 from one of our roving ticket sellers, as we work towards hitting our $10,000 fundraising target!

Kind Regards,
KDJFC Fundraising Sub Committee
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