
Peru Mission eBulletin - June 2022

Sinergia transforming to Savings & Loan Co-op

Sinergia Cristiana is in the process of transforming into a savings and loan co-op for our presbytery and other Christian churches in the north of Peru. We will continue to do micro-finance as we have for the past 15+ years, but this development will allow us to do much more:

  1. We'll be allowed to offer savings accounts which have been shown to be more helpful for low income families than loans.

  2. The educational component required for co-ops will make it even easier and more natural to integrate the Gospel into every aspect of the program.

  3. We'll no longer be subject to 18% sales tax.

  4. It will allow greater integration with our other ministries like Bethesda Health and Geneva School.

  5. This will provide a natural platform for greater unity and collaboration with other denominations.

There are still legal hoops to jump through, but we are nearing the end of the process. The Sinergia team has recently completed required training and has submitted our application to the Superintendencia de Bancos y Seguros. Please pray for the team, and for fruitful ministry that will bless the Christian community in Northern Peru for many years to come.

Bethesda Vaccination Center

Our Team

Field Notes

Please join us in praying for the following:

  • Construction on the Cristo Redentor Church is advancing well. We hope to have a usable kitchen and bathrooms by next month (we’ll share photos then). We are still short on funds to complete this first floor (~$13K). If you can make a donation we would be very grateful!

  • We have 20 children awaiting sponsors for the new site of Christ Kids in Cristo Redentor Church. You can learn about the children and the program here.

  • Bryand and Jessica Cruzado are raising support to join us in Peru and also awaiting the arrival of their first child next month. Jessica and Bryand will be working with Christ Kids, short-term teams, and the Cristo Redentor Church.

  • Cristo Rey Church just received two new members last week and celebrated their 12 year anniversary. Praise God with us for His faithfulness! More about this next month.

Thank you for your faithful prayers and support!