
Big moments

We’re keeping the newsletter short and sweet this week, because we’ve just been though a moment we’ve been working towards for almost two years: our licensing inspection. We were thrilled to be able to share Hyacinth and its vision with the representative from the Department of Education. She loved the space, took lots of pictures, examined some of the materials, and looked over our policies and documents. Everything is good to go! As a result, we’re looking forward to our formal presentation to the Board of Private Academic Schools on June 10.

Coming Up

If you’re in the neighborhood for Porchfest on June 4, we’ll have a table out from 2:00-4:00 pm with musical activities for our young neighbors. Stop by to clap some rhythms, make an instrument, and explore sound!

Each Wednesday from 10:00 am - 1:00 pm, Carmen will be at Hyacinth so that you can visit. If Wednesdays don’t work for you, please send us an email at to set up a different time.