

Last month we got some very exciting news that we had been successful in receiving funding from the Vodafone Aotearoa Foundation to support our rangatahi initiatives. Keep an eye out for the new part time youth coordinator position that we will be advertising soon. You can read more about the funding here ➡️

Congratulations to the winners of our Easter Bunny hunt. They found the bunny hiding at Kew Bush, Kingswell Fire Station, Russell Square BBQ, Georgetown Scout Club and the Elizabeth Park playground.
With the April school holidays and the basketball lines freshly painted thanks to Fulton Hogan it was a great chance to bring back our always popular 3 x 3 basketball events. Check out the new 4 square we have also had painted in the corner of our basketball court.

We will be getting some balls shortly for the public to use, or bring your own down and give it a go!
Youth Week was celebrated with a free community concert in conjunction with the Southern DHB. We had some of Southlands best young talent including The Terrace, Tahla Ward, Cloud Nine, Jorja Glassey, Brianna Loan, and Meadow Bodkin-Allen putting on a great show!
Covid-19 is still hitting people hard and we have been doing our bit to support our community by delivering food parcels to people isolating. If you know of anyone needing some support while isolating get in touch with The Covid Welfare Line 0800 512 337

You will see later in the newsletter another South City clean-up day coming up in June. We would love to take these clean-up days all around South Invercargill so let us know… Is there a spot around South Invercargill that could do with a spruce up? Picking up litter, clearing rubbish?
Finally we are always looking for new ways to reach more people in our community so very soon you will see a South Alive Newsletter coming straight to all 9812 mailboxes. 

This great new DuraPanel Polo Aluminium Fence was donated by Boundaryline and installed by D Roberts Fencing Ltd, both were amazing companies to work with. If you are looking to have a fence built why not give them a call to support their business.

We have received so much feed back from the community and how the fence has really made a difference and has also brought a great sense of pride to South City. 

Check out the before and after photos below! ⬇️

Down at the pantry you can buy as little or as much of our bulk products as you need. When you buy the amount you require you’ll save on wastage, you’ve got a fresher product and you’re saving money because you’re not buying the pre-packaged quantity which may be much more then you need. Buying from bulk is a great way to shop more efficiently and the incentive to shop smarter has never been stronger with the cost of groceries being so high. You can also substitute a whole lot of your household cleaners with cheap alternatives like vinegar and baking soda – see our handy tip further down the newsletter.

We are in the running for this years Southland’s Top Shop promotion through more FM. We would really love to win the $2500 marketing package and you can help us get there by voting The Pantry as your top shop - register and vote for us by clicking the blue botton below - we would really appreciate it.
There’s always a smile and a chat to be had down at The Pantry – see you soon
Keep an eye on our Instagram and facebook pages to keep up to date with new products and what’s happening at The Pantry.
Tickets are now on sale for our annual fundraising dinner. The theme this year is a mid-winter Christmas dinner which will be on the 18th June 6:30pm in the Pod. The menu looks great with the usual classic’s of Roast Turkey and Glazed Ham but the addition of the vegetarian options Cranberry & Lentil roast and Mushroom Wellington sound really delicious. There will be some great raffle prizes and auction items. Tickets are $48 and you can purchase by clicking the blue button below or calling into The Pantry.

Each Pay it Forward box of essentials will help a person or family from our community in serious hardship. We’re working with Fernworth and New River Primary Schools and Aurora College to identify those in need in their communities.

Please, let’s look after our community by helping those who could really benefit from our generosity.

April 2022 Update:
• 22 PIF deliveries since last monthly report,
• There has been a lot of feedback around families struggling to afford meat, so it is good we have been able to supplement our food boxes.


Daffodils can be planted any time from mid March to the end of May. Planting time makes little difference to the eventual flowering time as this is dependant mainly on winter cold and spring warmth. Daffodils need full sun and well-drained soil.Plant them with about 10cm of soil over the top of the bulbs, but cultivate the soil deeply before planting to allow easy root development.

Keep mulching, sow peas and beans, May is also the month for planting tulips.
Feed fruit trees with sulphate of potash to help for next seasons fruit development. 

If you have non treated sawdust layer it onto your compost, along with chicken manure and sprinkling of dried blood and bone .
Jerusalem Artichokes are ready to be dug up, they are lovely roasted. Save a few to replant straight away.

From The South Alive Fruit & Nut Team

Vinegar - Cleaning

  • GLASS CLEANER- Clean windows and glass by spraying on undiluted white vinegar with a spray bottle. Dry off with newspaper or kitchen paper towels.
  • CHOPPING BOARDS- To clean and deodorise wooden chopping boards, sprinkle on baking soda and spray with white vinegar. Leave for 5 minutes and then rinse clean several times .
  • SHOWERTILES-Clean soap scum from shower tiles and glass with a half strength mixture of white vinegar and water. Scrub and rinse well.
  • FLOORS- Add half to one cup of white vinegar to soapy water when cleaning floors to cut through stubborn stains.
  • WASHING MACHINE - To clean hoses and unclog soap scum, pour a cup of vinegar into the machine, run a normal cycle with no clothes in the machine. Do monthly to keep the washing machine clean.
  • STAINLESS STEEL- Polish stainless steel surfaces with a paste of vinegar mixed with baking soda. Rinse well.
  • MICROWAVE - Clean the microwave by boiling a solution of a quarter of a cup of white vinegar and 1 cup of water in the microwave.
  • BLOCKED DRAIN - Pour half a cup of baking soda down the drain and follow this with half a cup of vinegar. Leave for 10 minutes then run hot water to clear.



Cordyceps (Cordyceps Sinensis) is a superstar mushroom that has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for centuries for vitality and relief from fatigue.

Physically speaking, you can't beat the power of Cordyceps. Known to increase oxygen intake to the body, this may assist to boost your energy levels, improve overall performance, and ignite your inner strength to achieve your goals throughout the day.

If you require more information, pop into The Pantry and ask our great staff about this product.

$49.90 - 90g Pack
Have your contact details changed?
Some of you lovely volunteers have been with South Alive for 10 years now and you may have you moved, changed your phone number or email address?

Let us know so we can update our records by clicking on the blue button below or call 03 218 6882
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Copyright © 2021 The Pantry & South Alive, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
PO Box 7055, Invercargill 9844

Phone: The Pantry 03 214 5200
Monday-Friday 8.30am - 5.30pm Sat-Sun 9.00am - 4.00pm

Phone: South Alive 03 218 6882
Room hire available - Monday-Sunday 7am-10pm
Office hours - 10am-2pm

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