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MAY 2022

Hello Extraordinary Professionals!

Back in the day, they used to say the most important things to learn in school were the 3 R's. Reading, (w)Riting, & (a)Rithmatic. Apparently, spelling was not as important. ;-) As a working professional adult, I have learned that there are some other very important R's to consider for your mental health and wellbeing. This has been especially true over the past two years as we have all had to deal with some significant interruptions and changes to our “normal” routines.


The past two years have posed new challenges that none of us were prepared for. Many of us had to completely change the way we work. For some, it meant working from home full-time and endless zoom meetings. And parents navigating working from home while also caring for small children or helping kids with online school. 


While things are starting to return to some sort of normalcy, there are still plenty of other challenges we continue to face. Every time you fill your gas tank, I bet that adds just a little bit more stress to your day. Over the last two years, we have and continue to endure a lot of stressors, but we are surviving, right? Is that what we want though…. just to survive?


We can do better than that. Here are some key R’s to think about that will help you do more than just survive. If you make a regular practice of them, you can even thrive in very difficult circumstances.


REFLECT- Take some time to reflect on these past few years. Not just the pandemic, but what other things are going on in your life? What other challenges have you had to endure? What major shifts or changes have you faced and adapted to? It truly is worth taking a few moments of your time to really think about and reflect on things instead of just continuing in the rat race from one thing to the next without taking a break or breather. This exercise isn’t meant to bring you down, indeed, just the opposite. Give yourself a pat on the back for making it through these tough times. Consider how resilient you are. Evaluate where you are career-wise - is it time to make a change?


RECOOP - Have you taken time to just rest? When was the last time you took a vacation or even just a day or two off from work? Covid shut a lot of things down or at the very least made it more challenging to enjoy recreational activities. We all need time to unwind and recuperate from the daily grind. This is vital to our mental health and wellbeing. Human beings are not capable of non-stop physically, mentally, or emotionally taxing activities without them taking a toll on our health or mental / emotional / spiritual wellness. In order to show up each day as the best version of yourself, you need to build in time for recuperation, without it, everything feels harder and more overwhelming. Do yourself and everyone else around you a favor, and take time to take care of yourself, so that you will have something to give to the demands of work and life.


REIGNITE - Have you lost sight of your goals? Lost your passion for things? By taking time to REFLECT on where you are and have been, and giving yourself some regular time to RECOOP from life’s everyday demands so you can position yourself to REIGNITE some forgotten goals and passions. It’s too hard to go after the life you want when you’re exhausted. Scheduling time for refocusing is vital to mental health and clarity. Take it from someone who can work herself to the point of exhaustion. It’s not good for anyone. That is why I have made it a regular practice in my own life to follow the 3 R’s of adulthood. If you’re not enjoying your life, what are you working for? Make your work life work for YOU!


Stay well,

This is me practicing what I preach! :-) 




An article by Forbes explains, "DON'T harass the hiring manager!" But, DO send an appropriate and expected follow-up/thank-you letter.  READ MORE >>>>

To help you out, this month's resource is all about Thank-you / Follow-Up Letters and includes a template you may use to make sure you keep it professional.

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Thank you/ Follow Up Letter Template!

I'll take it!
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