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Thank you to our members and supporters!

European Mental Health Week (9-13 MAY 2022)   |   WWW.MHE-SME.ORG/EMHW 

Last week, we made a success of the 2022 European Mental Health Week and we would like to thank you all for your support! Of course, it is not just one week and our work is not over. We will continue to #SpeakUpForMentalHealth because #MentalHealthMatters

This European Mental Health Week, we asked you to try five things and we are happy to report that we were able to achieve all our objectives thanks to your support: 

1. Thank you for raising awareness on social media

Over the last week, MHE's social media presence grew and this is thanks to everyone's support. We are grateful for your engagement, likes and shares. 

We thank everyone who joined us during the week to speak up for mental health and show your commitment to youth mental health.  

2. Thank you for attending our events

We asked you to join our events during the week and you did. In case you have not been able to join during the week, you can watch the event video (click on the visual below to watch the recording). 

3. Thank you for telling the world why youth mental health matters

We asked you to tell the world why youth mental health matters and provided social media assets in 17 European languages.

We are happy that our members and many external stakeholders used these assets. Some used our shareable, fillable images with their own messages.  You can see a few examples below. 

4. Thank you for informing yourself & others

Conversation starters about youth mental health 

Opening up about our mental health is not always easy, even with people we trust. We are happy that young people have spoken up for mental health and have been vocal.

5. Thank you for spreading the word that youth mental health matters

We asked you to spread the word that youth mental health matters throughout the week using the hashtags #EuropeanMentalHealthWeek and #SpeakUpForMentalHealth

Thanks to your support and engagement, millions heard about the campaign and we received almost 2.8 million impressions on Twitter and 5.7 million impressions across all our social media platforms. 

Next steps 

Our work is not over and going forward, we invite you to share MHE's Policy Asks to your networks. These urgent policy recommendations to support young people’s mental health call for: 
  1. Adequate prevention of mental health problems
  2. Meaningful empowerment and active engagement of European youth in the decisions taken regarding their mental health
  3. Targeted mental health support at every stage of life
Read the document and share it with your networks. 

Quote of the day 

Thank you for getting involved in the 2022 European Mental Health Awareness Week. With your support, we will continue to improve mental health for all.

#SpeakUpForMentaHealth ♥ #EuropeanMentalHealthWeek
    Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission’s CERV Programme. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
Copyright © 2022 Mental Health Europe, All rights reserved.