
EBCC Newsletter

Summer 2022

Photo by Pavel Smyček;

Dear all,

After what had seemed a very long and sometimes difficult three years since our last conference, many of the EBCC community were able to meet at our 22nd conference in Lucerne in April. I know that very many of the participants will agree that this was a joyous conference – a chance to meet old friends, make new friends, to learn and to strengthen bonds. We owe the Swiss Ornithological Institute, and in particular the team led by Peter Knauss, an immense debt of gratitude for all their hard work in organising such a superb event. Of course, our thoughts were with those who were unable to join us, and in particular those in Ukraine, and under oppressive regimes in Belarus and Russia.

The conference has strengthened the EBCC network, and so will the step of establishing an EBCC office, based in Prague with the support of the Czech Society for Ornithology. This has long been an aspiration of the EBCC board, and we are sure it will lead us on to greater successes in the future. Read more about this, as well as many other activities across the network, in the newsletter below.

Exciting times!

Dr Mark Eaton, Chair, EBCC

The EBCC has a new office

From April 2022, the EBCC has its first professional office based in Prague at the Czech Society for Ornithology (CSO). We are delighted that Petr Voříšek, who has been involved in EBCC projects for many years, will be the manager of the EBCC office. The primary duties of the secretariat will be to provide support in organisational and logistical tasks, including the organisation of conferences and meetings, developing capacity across the EBCC network, engaging in scientific collaborations including responses to funding calls, and fundraising. Another role will be the communications to external audiences, e.g. through our website, e-newsletter and social media, which Alena Klvaňová will manage in her new role as the EBCC Office Communications Manager.

This exciting development will undoubtedly help the EBCC achieve even more in developing monitoring and research to underpin conservation acros Europe, but will need continued funding – we will be looking for financial support from across the EBCC’s network to maintain the office.

Read more
Check the list of delegates

A recent publication compares the breeding and wintering waterbird populations trends

The annual Dutch breeding bird report published

Copyright (C) 2022 Czech Society for Ornithology on behalf of the EBCC. All rights reserved.

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