
Salam Diaspora,

Per tama2 saya ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1443H, mohon maaf lahir dan bathin.
Kebahagiaan besar kita rasakan pada Hari Raya Idul Fitri tahun ini, dimana kita, setelah dua tahun, bisa merayakannya bersama dengan keluarga dan teman2.
Kita harap juga bahwa masa pandemi betul2 sudah berakhir dan kehidupan kita menjadi normal kembali.
Walaupun demikian tetap kita merasa prihatin pada situasi didunia yang sedang kita hadapi, keadaan perang yang terjadi pada saudara2 kita di Ukraina. Semoga perang in cepat berlalu dan kami tetap mendoakan mereka2 yang terkena bencana ini.

Dalam organisasi IDN-NL kami juga mulai bisa mengadakan kegiatan2 dan gugus tugas kami sangat antusias dan kreatif dalam menyusun acara.

Kami harap anda menikmati acara2 kami yang diadakan online karena kehadiran secara fisik masih dibatasi: a.l. acara International Women’s Day pada tanggal 8 Maret dan acara Hari Kartini pada tanggal 26 April. Kami sangat berterima kasih kepada Bapak Duta Besar Mayerfas dan tim KBRI atas kerjasamanya serta fasilitasi acara2 kami tersebut.

Juga kepada Harm Stevens, kurator Rijksmuseum Amsterdam yang telah memandu kami pada kunjungan ke pameran Revolusi.
Kami harap anda tidak lupa untuk mengikuti seri webinar dari gugus tugas Liveable Cities untuk Heritage, dimana kerjasama ahli2 dari Nederland dan dari Indonesia untuk antara lain pelestarian bangunan2 zaman kolonial dikembangkan dan dipererat.
Saya harap ditahun 2022 Diaspora lebih bisa berkontribusi untuk membantu pembangunan di Indonesia.
Maka itu dalam buletin ini saya ingin memanggil saudara2 yang ingin aktif membantu tanah air untuk menghubungi kami. Kami masih membutuhkan banyak tenaga pencinta Indonesia. Janganlah ragu atau malu, saling membantu kami maju.
Semoga anda menikmati musim semi ini, selalu diberkati serta sehat2.

Lany Pradjarahardja
Ketua IDN-NL Belanda

Beste vrienden van Diaspora,

Allereerst wil ik je een Gelukkige Eid Al-Fitr 1443 H wensen, mohon maaf lahir dan bathin.

Wij voelen ons gelukkig om Eid Al-Fitr dit jaar samen met familie en vrienden kunnen vieren.
We hopen ook dat de pandemieperiode echt voorbij is en ons leven weer normaal wordt.

Niettemin maken we ons nog steeds zorgen over de situatie in de wereld waarmee we worden geconfronteerd, de staat van oorlog die onze broeders en zusters in Oekraïne overkomt. Moge deze oorlog snel voorbijgaan en we blijven bidden voor degenen die door deze ramp zijn getroffen.

In de IDN-NL organisatie beginnen we ook weer activiteiten te houden en onze taskforces zijn erg enthousiast en creatief in het organiseren van evenementen.

We hopen dat je geniet van onze online evenementen, aangezien fysieke aanwezigheid nog steeds beperkt is: We hadden online Internationale Vrouwendag op 8 maart en Kartini-dag op 26 april. 

We zijn ambassadeur Mayerfas en het Indonesische ambassadeteam zeer dankbaar voor hun samenwerking en het faciliteren van onze evenementen.

Ook aan Harm Stevens, conservator van het Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, voor het begeleiden van een bezoek aan de tentoonstelling Revolutie.

We hopen dat je niet vergeet deel te nemen aan de webinarreeks van de Taskforce Liveable Cities, waar de samenwerking van experts uit Nederland en uit Indonesië voor onder meer het behoud van gebouwen uit de koloniale tijd wordt ontwikkeld en versterkt.

Ik hoop dat in 2022 de diaspora meer kan bijdragen aan de ontwikkeling in Indonesië.
Daarom zou ik in dit bulletin degenen onder u willen oproepen die actief het land willen helpen om contact met ons op te nemen. We hebben nog veel Indonesische liefhebbers nodig. Aarzel of schaam je niet, help elkaar vooruit.
Ik hoop dat je geniet van deze lente, wees altijd gezegend en gezond.

Lany Pradjarahardja
Voorzitter IDN-NL Nederland

Upcoming events/Geplande evenementen/Acara yang akan datang

Jawa Timur Lunch

Join us for the Jawa Timur Lunch with Indonesia Diaspora Network Nederland. The price includes an authentic East Javanese Indonesian meal. Enjoy Indonesian dance performance by Madaloka Dance Studio.

Sunday, June 19, 2022
13.00-15.00 CEST

Tickets are available via Eventbrite.

Heritage Webinar Series #9
Voices of Indonesia

Museology in Indonesia: Dynamics of Private and Community Museums
Wednesday, June 22, 2022
14.00-16.00 CEST or 19.00-21.00 WIB


KRHT Daniel Haryodiningrat
Director of Museum Ullen Sentalu, Yogyakarta

Nata’alui Duha
Director of Museum Pusaka Nias, Gunung Sitoli, Nias, North Sumatra


Organized by:
Heritage hands-on, Indonesian Diaspora Network the Netherlands (IDN-NL), and IDN Liveable Cities (IDN-LC).

Hasti Tarekat

Ullen Sentalu Museum located in Kaliurang, Yogyakarta is a Javanese Art, Culture and Nature museum. The museum’s location at the foothill of Mount Merapi, coincides with the northern part of Javanese macro-cosmology, while on the south lies Parangtritis along the Indian Ocean. The Museum is also located in the middle of the former Mataram Kingdom, marked by Borobudur temple in the west and Prambanan temples in the east.

The museum collection comprises among others the history of noble women from the royal court of Mataram Kingdom. Besides that, the museum also emphasizes living heritage programs to put actual contexts of the collection of tangible and intangible heritage.

Museum Pusaka Nias or Nias Heritage Museum is managed by the Nias Heritage Foundation that was founded in 1991. It is the oldest community museum in Indonesia.  Its activities are not only focused on the preservation of Nias culture but also raising awareness about environment and stimulating local economy through sustainable tourism. Megalithic artefacts from Nias are popular in international trading and this museum is one of the efforts to keep the artefacts in Nias.

Both museums are examples of private and community museums in Indonesia that survive rapid development of economic, social, and environmental challenges in Indonesia. Both speakers will share their stories of how they keep up with all challenges to stay true to their ideals and to contribute to society.

Heritage Webinar Series #9 
Stemmen van Indonesië

Museologie in Indonesië: dynamiek van particuliere en community museums
Woensdag, 22 juni 2022
14.00-16.00 CEST of 19.00-21.00 WIB


KRHT Daniel Haryodiningrat
Directeur van Museum Ullen Sentalu, Yogyakarta

Nata’alui Duha
Directeur van Museum Pusaka Nias, Gunung Sitoli, Nias, North Sumatra

De discussie is in het Engels.


Georganiseerd door:
Heritage hands-on, Indonesian Diaspora Network the Netherlands (IDN-NL), en IDN Liveable Cities (IDN-LC). 

Hasti Tarekat

Museum Ullen Sentalu is een Javaans kunst-, cultuur- en natuurmuseum in Kaliurang, Yogyakarta. De locatie van het museum, aan de voet van de berg Merapi, valt samen met het noordelijke deel van de Javaanse macrokosmologie, terwijl in het zuiden Parangtritis langs de Indische Oceaan gelegen is. Het museum bevindt zich ook in het midden van het voormalige Mataram-koninkrijk, met de Borobudur-tempel in het westen en de Prambanan-tempels in het oosten.

De museumcollectie vertelt onder meer over de geschiedenis van adellijke vrouwen van het koninklijk hof van Mataram. Het museum benadrukt het Living Heritage-programma waarbij met de collectie het materieel- en immaterieel erfgoed levend wordt gehouden.
Museum Pusaka Nias of Nias Heritage Museum wordt beheerd door de in 1991 opgerichte Nias Heritage Foundation. Het is het oudste streekmuseum van Indonesië. Haar activiteiten zijn niet alleen gericht op het behoud van de Nias-cultuur, maar ook op het vergroten van het bewustzijn over het milieu en het stimuleren van de lokale economie door middel van duurzaam toerisme. Megalithische artefacten uit Nias zijn populair in de internationale handel en dit museum is één van de inspanningen om de artefacten voor Nias te behouden.
Beide musea zijn voorbeelden van particuliere en community musea in Indonesië die de snelle ontwikkeling van economische, sociale en ecologische uitdagingen in Indonesië overleven.
Beide sprekers zullen vertellen hoe zij alle uitdagingen aangaan om trouw te blijven aan hun idealen en een bijdrage te leveren aan de samenleving.

De sprekers zullen ook ingaan op kwesties van hun collecties uit de koloniale periode en hoe zij in hun musea omgaan met kwesties van omstreden erfgoed.

Heritage Webinar Series
Voices of Indonesia
Third Wednesday of each month

Indonesia and the Netherlands share a history that is still alive today and cherished in both countries. It is important to build understanding about the shared history that has many facets. To be able to achieve the understanding, regular communication through a webinar series will be helpful. 

Second, the webinar series is mainly to share voices from Indonesia to the Netherlands to update the general public and heritage professionals in the Netherlands about the latest development of shared heritage in Indonesia.

We do not use your email information for any other purpose. If you do not wish to receive information about our activities, please send us an e-mail to

Past Events/Recente activiteiten/Acara yang sudah berlangsung

"History and Tradition of Batak Textile" event on the occasion of International Women’s Day - March 8, 2022

To celebrate International Women’s Day on March 8, 2022 the Bincang bincang Bhinneka Tunggal Ika event was organized by the Indonesian Diaspora Network, The Netherlands with "History and Tradition of Batak Textile" as the central topic.

The hybrid event was organized in collaboration with the Indonesian Embassy in The Netherlands and took place at the Aula of the Indonesian Embassy, The Hague from 10 -12.30.
In his opening remarks the Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia, Mr. Mayerfas, mentioned the diverse culture of Indonesia. He also elaborated about the culture of North Sumatra and recommended a visit to Lake Toba and the island of Samosir.

For this event, Mrs. Sandra Niessen, an anthropologist from Canada, currently living in the Netherlands, was invited to give a presentation about the history and traditions of Batak ulos. Joining online via Zoom was Ibu Uli Panggabean from Tarutung, North Sumatra, a woman who still practice the traditional art of ulos weaving. She told about her love for traditional weaving and the obstacles she sometimes encounters in the daily process. She explained her desire to own a private plot of land, so that she could grow materials and natural dyes for the ulos.

The audience at the Indonesian Embassy Aula KBRI Den Haag on this Tuesday morning represented a number of members of International Women’s Contact from various countries. The event was followed through Zoom by participants from the Netherlands, Indonesia and several other countries. Also joining via Zoom was the Head of Sionomhudon Village, Sumatra. He spontaneously offered his assistance to donate a plot of land to Ibu Uli, so that she can realize her dream. For sure, the audience in the hall and the participants of the webinar were very moved upon hearing this offer.

The event continued with a fashion show featuring Batak textiles. The clothes were auctioned on the spot along with several pieces of Batak textiles. The audience of the event and participants via Zoom participated actively in the auction. The results of the auction will be donated to Mrs. Uli Panggabean in Tarutung for her dream program, preserving the traditional ulos process so that the quality of the fabric is maintained.

The event was also enlivened by the Tor Tor dance, from Sumatra, by two beautiful dancers from Madaloka Dance Studio, the Netherlands.

In her closing statement, the chairman of IDN-NL, Mrs. Lany Pradjarahardja, expressed her joy that this event had succeeded in introducing the rich history and traditions of Batak ulos as well as in helping the traditional ulos practice in Tarutung.

The event ended with a lunch at the Indonesian Embassy Aula, in which traditional dishes from Sumatra were served.

Acara "History and Tradition of Batak Textile" dalam rangka International Women’s Day - 8 Maret 2022

Untuk merayakan of International Women's Day pada tanggal 8 Maret 2022 yang lalu, Indonesian Diaspora Network, The Netherlands (IDN-NL) mengadakan acara Bincang bincang Bhinneka Tunggal Ika dengan tema: "History and Tradition of Batak Textile”.

Bekerja sama dengan Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia di Den Haag, acara yang berlangsung dari pk. 10 -12.30 diadakan secara hybrid dan diadakan di Aula Nusantara, KBRI.

Duta Besar untuk Indonesia, Bapak Mayerfas, dalam sambutannya menyebutkan budaya Indonesia yang beraneka ragam. Beliau juga menceritakan tentang budaya Sumatra Utara dan mengusulkan untuk berwisata ke Danau Toba dan pulau Samosir.

Untuk acara ini didatangkan Ibu Sandra Niessen, seorang antropolog asal Canada, tapi tinggal di Belanda, yang memberikan presentasi tentang sejarah dan tradisi ulos Batak. Dan juga hadir dari Tarutung, Sumatera Utara, melalui zoom, seorang wanita yang masih mengulos secara tradisional: Ibu Uli Panggabean. Beliau menceritakan tentang cintanya terhadap mengulos secara tradisional serta kendala yang kadang ia temukan dalam proses sehari hari. Dan ia menceritakan tentang keinginannya untuk memiliki sebuah lahan tanah pribadi, agar dapat menanam bahan ulos serta bahan pewarna secara alami.

Para tamu yang hadir di Aula KBRI pada hari Selasa pagi itu, mewakili sejumlah anggota dari International Women’s Contact, yang berasal dari berbagai negara. Serta pengunjung dalam Zoom dari Belanda, Indonesia serta beberapa negara lain. Hadir pula melalui Zoom saat itu adalah Bapak Kepala Desa Sionomhudon, Sumatra. Beliau secara spontan menyampaikan ingin bantu mempersiapkan lahan tanah untuk ibu Uli, agar impiannya dapat terwujud. Tentu semua yang hadir di Aula dan peserta webinar sangat terharu mendengar tawaran ini.

Acara dilanjutkan dengan peragaan busana Batak yang dilelang ditempat berikut beberapa lembar kain. Para hadirin dan peserta melalui Zoom dapat turut serta pada lelang tersebut. Hasil lelang akan disampaikan kepada ibu Uli Panggabean di Tarutung untuk program impiannya, melestarikan proses ulos secara tradisional agar kwalitas kain tetap terjaga.

Acara juga dimeriahkan oleh tarian Tor Tor, asal Sumatera, oleh 2 penari cantik dari Madaloka Dance Studio, Belanda.

Sebagai penutup ketua IDN-NL, ibu Lany Pradjarahardja menyampaikan rasa bahagia acara ini berhasil membantu seorang pengulos tradisional di Tarutung serta memperkenalkan sejarah dan tradisi ulos Batak.

Acara diakhiri dengan makan siang bersama di Aula KBRI, dimana telah disediakan hidangan dari Sumatera.

Meeting with Taskforces at Indonesian Embassy, The Hague – April 6, 2022

For the first time since the pandemic, on April 6 the board and task forces of Indonesian Diaspora Network The Netherlands had a fruitful physical meeting at the Indonesian Embassy, The Hague. We are honoured and thankful to meet with the new Information and Socio-Cultural Affairs Attaché Ms. Puji Lestari as well as Mr. Atu Indarto and Mr. Christyara Lingga. Each taskforce gave an update of their activities during the meeting. The meeting held at Aula Nusantara was concluded with an Iftar with various Indonesian delicacies.

Health Talent Forum 2022 – Pertemuan Diaspora Kesehatan Indonesia 17 April 2022 – Indonesia Memanggil Anak Bangsa

More information on this event can be read here.

Visit delegation of DPD to The Netherlands – April 20, 2022

Pertemuan dengan DPD di KBRI

Dalam kesempatan kunjungan kerja DPD ke Negeri Belanda, Bapak Dubes Mayerfas mengundang para perwakilan masyarakat di Negeri Belanda untuk ber ramah tamah dan makan bersama di Aula Nusantara di KBRI.
Lany Pradjarahardja mewakili masyarakat IDN-NL.
Selain saling berkenalan dan bersantap bersama, kami juga bertukar pikiran dan mengemukakan keperluan masing2 daerah dan diaspora Indonesia di Belanda untuk mempererat dan mengefisienkan kerjasama.
Kami harap kerjasama ini bisa lebih memajukan Indonesia terutama dalam bidang ekonomie dan budaya.

Ontmoeting met DPD op de Indonesische ambassade

Ter gelegenheid van het werkbezoek van de DPD aan Nederland, heeft ambassadeur Mayerfas vertegenwoordigers van de gemeenschap in Nederland uitgenodigd om gezellig samen te eten en te eten in de Nusantara Hall op de Indonesische ambassade.
Lany Pradjarahardja vertegenwoordigt de IDN-NL gemeenschap.

Naast elkaar leren kennen en samen eten, hebben we ideeën uitgewisseld en de behoefte geuit van elke regio en de Indonesische diaspora in Nederland om de samenwerking te versterken en te stroomlijnen.

We hopen dat deze samenwerking Indonesië verder kan brengen, vooral op economisch en cultureel gebied.

Kartini Day Celebration Perayaan Hari Kartini – 26 April 2022 – Hybrid event

To celebrate Ibu Kartini Day, the Indonesian Diaspora Network The Netherlands (IDN-NL) in collaboration with the Indonesian Embassy held a hybrid event featuring a talkshow with a small group attending the event at Aula Nusantara of the Embassy in The Hague.

In her openings speech the chair of IDN-NL dr. Lany Pradjarahardja highlighted the role of Raden Ajeng Kartini  as a prominent Indonesian activist who advocated for women’s rights and female education. This year it is 143 years ago since she was born (April 22, 1879).

As a representative of the young generation  Sofia Wahab, a student of the Sekolah Indonesia Den Haag read fragments of RA Kartini’s letters.

Moderated by Cindy Angelique presentations were given by four  incredible female Indonesian Diaspora in The Netherlands. They were:
- Christine Verhaagen of Stichting Mijn Roots. Stichting Mijn Roots was started to inform adopted person in their search for their biological family in Indonesia. More information on the foundation can be found on:
- Yasmine Soraya Fernandez, coordinator Indonesian Team Fairwork. Yasmine works on migrant issues in the Netherlands/Europe since 2010. She established a union for Indonesian migrant workers (IMWU NL), takes a lead in task force of migrant workers Indonesian Diaspora Network The Netherlands, involved in Indonesian women’s issues, support organizations for refugees & migrant workers in Amsterdam, she has worked voluntarily for various foundations to assist undocumented migrants and refugees in the Netherlands.
- Sinta Wullur – Composer and Gamelan Specialist. An important theme in her work is the bridging of cultures. She draws from a musical reservoir whose source is active self participation. Besides classical piano she has also mastered gamelan and indian music. At her initiative, she designed the chromatic gamelan. More information on Sinta’s work:
- Lioe-Fee de Geus-Oei  is a Professor in Radiology with an emphasis on Nuclear Medicine at Leiden University Medical Center as well as a Professor in Molecular Imaging, Innovation and Translation at University of Twente.
Dancers of Madaloka Dance Studio (Nova Burdo-Marseline and Rahmida Dewi Patmawati) enlivened the event with the colourful  Tari Betawi. Nova and Rahmida also instructed the male participants for the dance competition to end the successful evening.

Indo2nesia Revisited - Indische Salon – Indisch Herinneringscentrum/Museum Sophiahof – April 24, 2022

The theme of Indo2nesia Revisited is the intergenerational connection between the Netherlands and Indonesia, through cities, colonial buildings and architectural projects.
The event is initiated by architect Theo Stücken (Solo, 1936) and Ingrid Sitorus, both alumni of TU Delft. 
Colonial architecture and building is a theme that is very current and relevant among heritage professionals and students in Indonesia. It concerns a shared heritage, a shared history. The aim of this programme is to bring different groups, such as the Indo-Europeans, Moluccans, Peranakan Chinese and Indonesians in the Netherlands to connect with each other and to talk about their shared history. It is the starting point from which a shared future can be build.
Moderated by historian Lara Nuberg, the central questions of the afternoon were:
Can we use architecture to make a connection with the past? Can the young generation find in this subject the connection between the past and the future of the Netherlands and Indonesia? How can we use this topic to look to the future together?
An opening speech was given by the Ambassador of Indonesia H.E. Mayerfas. On behalf the Indonesian Embassy, Mr. Atu Yudhistira Indarto of the Information, Socio-cultural Department also attended the event.
On behalf of IDN Liveable Cities a presentation was given by Wiwi Tjiook, highlighting various projects and activities of the taskforce among others in Semarang (Water as Leverage), West-Bangka (Historic Urban Landscape training), Healthy Rivers Challenge, Welang River Basin (East Java) as well as the various webinars held in past 2 years.
Other speakers were:

  • Linawati Sidarto was born and raised in Jakarta, and studied in the US. She has worked as a journalist in Indonesia and in the Netherlands. In the past decade, she has contributed articles from the Netherlands for Indonesian publications such as Tempo and the Jakarta Post. She is a volunteer at the Chinese Indonesian Heritage Center (CIHC) More information:
  • Armando Ello is a photographer, his parents are from Indonesia and the former Dutch-East Indies. He is the initiator of the online magazine Hoezo Indo? and created the book Twijfelindo. He sees it as his mission to make the young generation of Indo-Europeans aware of their history, which forms the foundation of our national history.
  • Mo Smit is an architect and works as a graduation tutor, coordinator and researcher within the Chair of Architectural Engineering at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of TU Delft. In her function as project architect for the Central Government Real Estate Agency, Hootsmans Architectuurbureau and the Architekten Cie, she has broad experience in sustainable architecture projects that are designed from the outset in cross-functional teams.
  • Remco Vermeulen - a specialist in Urban Heritage Strategies at the Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies of Erasmus University Rotterdam. He also works as an advisor for cultural cooperation with Indonesia for Amsterdam-based organization DutchCulture. Remco is an external PhD candidate at the Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences and his research focuses on colonial heritage engagement in postcolonial Indonesian cities
  • Ingrid Sitorus has an MSc degree in Transport, Infrastructure and Logistics at TU Delft. Currently working as data analyst and is an active member of Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia (PPI) Delft. She has organized various activities in the past years, among others InDelftnesia, an annual Indonesian art and culture event, taking place in Delft.

Wonderful Bali Indonesië in Museum Veldzicht, Noordwijk – 24 April 2022

A cultural festival focusing on Bali organized by Edi de Danser. Guest of honour at the successful event was Noordwijk’s alderman Roberto ter Hark who opened the festival.

More information on the event through the following links: Blik op Noordwijk and YouTube.

Visit to REVOLUSI! exhibition at Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam – King’s Day April 27, 2022

Guided by Harm Stevens, one of the curators of REVOLUSI! - the Indonesian Diaspora Network The Netherlands visited the exhibition at Rijksmuseum. During the almost 3 hours fascinating tour, mr. Stevens gave us an insider’s view on the preparation of this impressive exhibition. The more than 200 objects on display are witnesses to Indonesia’s turbulent struggle for independence (1945-1949). REVOLUSI! represents different views of people (and their descendants) who experienced this turbulent period.

The important role of artists in the revolution is evident shown by many paintings, posters and pamphlets throughout the exhibition. Works (some from Indonesian museums) are on display by Trubus Soedarsono, S. Sudjojono, Otto Djaya, Basuki Abdullah, Hendra Gunawan, Kusuma Affandi en Henk Ngantung. A lively discussion occured throughout the tour as we all have a personal story connected to this period. This visit on King’s day was also an opportunity for making new friendships and networking. We were honored to have amidst us Dr. Oei Hong Djien, well-known art collector and founder of OHD Museum in Magelang.

Heritage Webinar #6: A New Life for the White House of Weltevreden – March 23, 2022

Nadia Purwestri & Arya Abieta IAI
Pusat Dokumentasi Arsitektur-PDA (Center for Architecture Documentation)
Contact: Hasti Tarekat (
The headquarters of the Indonesian Ministry of Finance, A.A. Maramis Building in Jakarta used to be called the White House of Weltevreden. Weltevreden was a southern suburb of old Batavia. The construction was started in 1809 with the intention to build a private residence of Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies Company (VOC) Herman Willem Daendels (1808-1811). The construction stopped for a while in 1811 and continued in 1826 by Governor General du Bus de Ghisignies for about two years until it was ready for use. The building hosts offices from the beginning and has never been use as a private residence. Now, at the north entrance of the main building, you can still see a plaque that reads MDCCIX – Condidit Dendels – MDCCXXVIII – Erexit Du Bus.

The Indonesian Ministry of Finance has been initiating the renovation since 2000 and finally could start the renovation in 2019. It is planned to be fully renovated in summer 2022. This is another example of initiatives to renovate historical buildings fully initiated and funded by the Indonesian government.
PDA involves in the renovation process from the beginning as historical researchers and documentation experts. The speakers will share stories about dynamics of the renovation process, including challenges and efforts dealing with new development.
The webinar recording can be seen on YouTube.

Het hoofdkantoor van het Indonesische Ministerie van Financiën, A.A. Maramis Building in Jakarta, werd vroeger het Witte Huis van Weltevreden genoemd. Weltevreden was een zuidelijke buitenwijk van het oude Batavia. Met de bouw van het Witte Huis werd in 1809 begonnen. Het was de bedoeling een privé-woning te bouwen voor de gouverneur-generaal van de Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie (VOC) Herman Willem Daendels (1808-1811). De bouw werd in 1811 enige tijd stilgelegd en in 1826 door gouverneur-generaal du Bus de Ghisignies gedurende ongeveer twee jaar voortgezet totdat het klaar was voor gebruik. Het gebouw herbergt vanaf het begin kantoren en is nooit als privé-woning in gebruik geweest. Bij de noordelijke ingang van het hoofdgebouw is nu nog een gedenkplaat te zien met de tekst MDCCCIX - Condidit Daendels - MDCCCXXVIII - Erexit Du Bus.

Het Indonesische ministerie van Financiën is al sinds 2000 bezig met de voorbereiding van de renovatie. In 2019 kon uiteindelijk met de renovatie begonnen worden. Het is de bedoeling dat het gebouw in de zomer van 2022 volledig gerenoveerd is. Dit is één van de initiatieven om historische gebouwen te renoveren die volledig door de Indonesische regering wordt geïnitieerd en gefinancierd. 

PDA is vanaf het begin bij het renovatieproces betrokken als historische onderzoekers en documentatiedeskundigen. De sprekers zullen vertellen over de dynamiek van het renovatieproces, inclusief uitdagingen en inspanningen om met nieuwe ontwikkelingen om te gaan.

De webinar is terug te zien op YouTube.

Heritage Webinar #7: Reflections from Archiving Colonial Archives: Past, Present and Future – April 20, 2022

Speakers: Risma Manurung and Jajang Nurjaman, Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia
Organized by: Heritage hands-on, Indonesian Diaspora Network the Netherlands (IDN-NL), and IDN Liveable Cities (IDN-LC).
Contact: Hasti Tarekat (

Nasional Arsip Republik Indonesia, ANRI, in Jakarta has inherited archives from the Dutch-Indies period. They become source of information to understand the past, to see the link with the present, and to vision the future. How does ANRI manage the archives? What do they do to take a part in raising awareness about history? What are the challenges in archives management in the 21st century?

The two speakers from ANRI Jakarta will share with us their ups and downs and update about shared archives of Indonesia and the Netherlands.
The webinar recording can be seen on YouTube.

Het Nasional Arsip Republik Indonesia, ANRI, in Jakarta heeft archieven uit de Nederlands-Indische periode verkregen.

Deze archieven geven niet alleen inzicht in de geschiedenis, maar ook een mogelijkheid tot het duiden van huidige gebeurtenissen en ontwikkelingen, en om een visie op de toekomst te formuleren.

Hoe beheert ANRI de archieven?
Wat doet de ANRI om een betekenisvolle rol te spelen bij het vergroten van een bewustzijn over deze periode?
Wat zijn de uitdagingen in archiefbeheer in de 21e eeuw?

De twee sprekers van ANRI Jakarta zullen hun ups en downs met ons delen en bijpraten over gedeelde archieven van Indonesië en Nederland.
De webinar is terug te zien op YouTube.

Heritage Webinar #8: From Waterlooplein to Lapangan Banteng – Public Space Transformation in Jakarta – May 18, 2022

Hendrianto – DKI Jakarta Provincial Government
Ryan Ridge Rahardja -– Han Awal & Partners Architects
Organized by: Heritage hands-on, Indonesian Diaspora Network the Netherlands (IDN-NL), and IDN Liveable Cities (IDN-LC).
Contact: Wiwi Tjiook (
Lapangan Banteng undoubtedly is one of the most well known historical green open space in Jakarta. Until 1945 the park was known as Waterlooplein, located in Weltevreden, an extension of Batavia. Waterlooplein was used as paradeground.

After Indonesia’s independence the park has undergone several transformations. The most recent large scale revitalization was done in the run-up of the 2018 Asian Games which took place in Jakarta. The two speakers each represent the client namely the Jakarta government’s Parks and Forestry Department and the architect/design consultant Han Awal & Partners Architects.

Both played a crucial role in this major transformation. In their presentations, they will highlight the process as well as objectives of the transformation of the historical park, to bring back the much needed multi-purpose green open space in current densely populated Jakarta.

The webinar recording can be seen on YouTube.

Lapangan Banteng is ongetwijfeld één van de meest bekende historische groene open ruimten in Jakarta. Tot 1945 stond het park bekend als Waterlooplein, gelegen in Weltevreden, een uitbreiding van Batavia. Het Waterlooplein werd gebruikt als paradeterrein.

Na de onafhankelijkheid van Indonesië heeft het park verschillende transformaties ondergaan. De meest recente grootschalige revitalisering vond plaats in de aanloop van de Asian Games in 2018, die in Jakarta plaatsvond. De twee sprekers zijn respectievelijk vertegenwoordigers van de opdrachtgever namelijk de afdeling Parken en Bosbouw behorend bij de overheid van Jakarta en de architect/ ontwerpadviseur Han Awal & Partners Architects. Beiden speelden een cruciale rol tijdens deze grote complexe transformatie.

Beiden zullen in hun presentaties zowel proces als doelstellingen van de transformatie van het historische park belichten, waarmee het huidige dichtbevolkte Jakarta een multifunctionele groene open ruimte terugkreeg.
De opname van de webinar is terug te zien op YouTube.

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