Please take a moment to read through this Information on Masonic Etiquette.
Masonic Etiquette, for the most part, is merely good manners and respect for your lodge, its members, its Worshipful Master, and the convention of Freemasonry, in general.
Unfortunately, Masonic etiquette, or Blue Lodge Etiquette as it is called in the United States. is largely unpublished as well as unspoken, therefore, up until now, it has been more difficult to learn its rules and nuances.
You may study ritual work, degree work, floor work and know all Masonry’s glorious history, Masonic symbols, jewels, etc. but there is very little written about how to comport yourself so you do not look foolish or appear disrespectful. Some are simple, and some are not, but your lodge conduct is continually on display.
Few Masonic mentors include a list of proper lodge behavior as they have learned it, incident-by-incident, and usually after they have made an error and are kindly informed by another member as to the correct Masonic etiquette of the situation.
Over time, and by watching others, members conform themselves to exhibit proper Masonic etiquette behavior in order to learn lodge customs. As a newly Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft or Master Mason, it is expected that you will exhibit the proper decorum and propriety in observance of the formal requirements which govern behavior in polite societies... BEFORE someone takes you aside to explain your errors...or you wouldn’t be reading this.
During his term in office, the Brother who has been elected as Master is the most powerful member of the lodge. He also shoulders all its many responsibilities.
The Worshipful Master has the authority to:
1. Rule any Brother out of order on any subject at any time.
2. Decide what can and cannot be discussed.
Courteous Brethren accept the requests made by the Master to serve on various committees, such as the examination committee and the investigation committee, as well as other duties as determined by the lodge’s needs.
The following items are not Masonic offenses, they are simply a lack of Masonic etiquette, in other words, considered to be “bad form” or bad manners.
Brethren do not pass between the Altar and the East when the lodge is open.
Why? As a courtesy to the Master, it is necessary that the three Great Lights which shine their eternal light and wisdom upon the Master to help him govern the lodge should never be in shadow, not even for a millisecond, during the processes of an initiation or degree work.
Brethren do not take a seat in the East without an invitation... even if all other seats are full.
Why? While all Brethren within a tiled room are equal to one another, and the officers are servants of the Brethren, all lodge officers have worked and studied long and hard for their lodge. It is, therefore, the Master’s prerogative to recognize this devotion and their loyalty by inviting distinguished visitors or a special member whom the Master wishes to honor to sit with him in the East.
In other words, if you were in church, synagogue, or mosque and the pews were full, would you go up and sit beside the Pastor, Rabbi, or Imam (Muslim Priest)?
Brethren do not enter the lodge room either without their apron nor while putting on that apron – not even the tying of its strings.
Why? With respect to the formalities of their Lodge, officers expect that the Brethren will have the courtesy to enter it fully dressed and ready for the labor.
They should not have to wait for a member to be fully "dressed," even just tying or adjusting his apron, to salute that member. It is expected that you will be properly and entirely dressed when you pass by the Tyler and enter your lodge room.
Masonic etiquette is simply the rules of good manners which make lodge meetings pleasant for everyone. The position of Worshipful Master in the East occupies the most exalted position within the lodge. A lodge that does not honor its Master no matter how they personally feel about the man himself lacks Masonic courtesy.
The honor conveyed by the Brethren in electing him, in other words, the historical traditions and the men who have gone before you, must be given the utmost respect if the traditions of the Fraternity are to be observed and proper Masonic etiquette is to be maintained.
Masonic etiquette comprises lodge courtesies and proprieties.
Good manners imply observance of the formal requirements governing man's behavior in polite society and a sense of what is appropriate for a person of good breeding with high morals and good taste. The spirit of brotherly love and affection, by which we are bound together, will be exemplified in our conduct, our carriage, and our behavior at all times. It is my hope that you will use your trowel to cement the stones of brotherly love for the “More Noble and Glorious Purpose” of exhibiting these rules of Masonic etiquette toward one and all within the brethren.
If this topic is of interest, you may find "The Art of Manliness" website to be interesting although not of a Masonic nature.