
Thursday Update from OSLC

Announcements and updates about the life and ministry of OSLC

  • The June Newsletter was emailed and printed. It can be found on our website or by clicking this link: 2022 June Newsletter. Items for the July Newsletter are due June 15.

  • Wednesday Prayer Services - Hymns of the Faith - This summer, our Wednesday Prayer Services will focus around hymns and the scriptures our hymns come from. Hymns, afterall, are prayers set to music. We often sing them without thinking much about them; this will give us an opportunity to connect with our hymns more deeply. If you have a favorite hymn that you’d like us to explore in our prayer services, please send them to me! If they are in the current red hymnal (the ELW) or the old green hymnal (the LBW), they are usually pretty easy for me to find and find info about. If they are in neither of those, I will do my very best to find them to include them in the series. The services will continue at 7pm both online and in-person.

  • Adult Forum resumes this Sunday at 9am. We will be continuing in the book, Fire by Night. We will be talking about Chapter 6: God of Darkness. The Scripture reading the author focuses most on is Job 38. Some questions to guide reading:

    • What are your associations with the word/ experience of darkness?

    • What do you like about dark? What don’t you like about dark?

    • How does the Bible talk about darkeness?

    • What does it mean to have a God that works in the darkness?

    • How do God and Job see darkness differently?

    • How do we/ can we make room for the dark? In our lives? In worship?

  • Due to lack of interest, Text Study will take a break for the summer months. We’ll find a plan for additional faith formation opportunities in the Fall. Thank you for your understanding!

  • Lydia Circle (WELCA) meets on Tuesday June 14 at 7pm in the conference room.

  • Coffee Hour/ Fellowship - We’re looking for folks who are willing and able to host our Coffee Hour/ Fellowship time after worship. We’re more than happy to teach hosts how to use our coffee maker - it is super easy! Hosts may choose what foods to bring - often folks will bring cheese and crackers, fruit, something sweet like cookies, or other finger foods, and juice for kids and non-coffee/tea drinkers. There is a sign-up sheet in the hallway leading into the big stage room in the hall. If you aren’t able to host but would like to contribute, we are setting up a fund to help support the coffee hour/ fellowship time. Please contact Janette Kline with any questions.

  • Vacation Bible School - We have not had a VBS since I started here. I’m so excited for us to try it. We are using a VBS program from ELCA World Hunger, called “Tree of Healing.” We’ll talk about faith and health and creation. All sorts of good things. We’ll be trying it in a once-per-month format following worship. We’ll begin with lunch and move into the lesson, games, crafts, etc. I will be putting together a list of needed volunteers and resources to help out with it. We need your help to make this a success! Volunteer. Invite friends/ family. Our first gathering will be THIS SUNDAY June 12 (full schedule is below).

    Volunteer positions:

    We need folks to help with lunch. This is a shorter commitment. I’m thinking simple lunches - like sandwiches or something along those lines. If you’d like to donate items or funds to purchase lunch items, please let me know! Social Ministry will be hosting our June lunch; Worship and Music will host our July Lunch; Council will host our September Lunch. We still need folks to host in August!

    We will need small group leaders. I have no idea how many kids to expect; we will limit registration to 30 kids for the time being. I’m guessing we’ll need at least 3 and up to 5 small group leaders. More specifics will come as we get sign-ups. Small group leaders ideally should commit to all four sessions. If that doesn’t work out, we’ll adjust.

    We will need folks to run the rotations (games, crafts, and simulation station). At least one person for each. You’ll be supported by the small group leaders with the kids. These do not need to be the same person each time.

    To sign up as a volunteer, follow this link:
    or sign up on the sheet on the bulletin board in the fellowship hall.

    Supply Needs (for July 10) - Will be in next week’s update

This Sunday at OSLC

Worship Adjustments by CDC Level

Facility Usage Policy Adjustments by CDC Level

Upcoming Events

Sign Ups are Now Open

To sign-up to participate in VBS, fill out the form, available on our website: Paper copies are also available.

Next Week at a Glance