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Welcome to the Rising Together Newsletter!
Rising Together is an online worship space and an amazing opportunity for community building as we connect with each other virtually across the country. Over time, we seek to build bridges with each other to help understand our present realities and also connect to our past and discover the rich histories of Black, Indigenous, and other People of Colour in Unitarian Universalist history. We aim to create a space of support and solidarity as well as of comfort and reflection through varied worship, themed discussions, and thoughtful interactions. Thank you for being here.
Opening Song

Next Session: June 4th 4-5:30 ET

Hello June! Hello lazy hazy crazy days of summer! June celebrates and commemorates so much I can't believe how much happens in just one month. We have the summer solstice, Juneteenth, Indigenous People's Day, and of course, Pride month! This month for our session we will be sharing a few stories about legendary queer BIPOC people from history and reflecting on the importance and revolutionary aspects of queer theology and how it can help shape our own intentions and interactions with faith. 

May Recap!

Last month we gathered and engaged in one of my favorite activities, the plant ally meditation. We used this time to quiet our souls and listen to our inner guides as we explored the garden of our minds. For more information on last session, check out this post on the @yayasofcanada instagram page!
What Else is Going On?!
It is the end of the church year and also conference season! This means that a lot of things have been postponed for the time being. 

If you're planning on attending GA and want information about where to meet other emerging young adults, please feel free to reach out and I'll help connect you!

In other news, beloved YA leader Kamila Jacob who runs the BIPOC and BUUYA groups in the states has recently suffered a brain aneurysm. Thankfully she is currently in recovery but all programming will be on hold while she regains her strength. A Caring Bridge has been set up for her which you can access here as a way to show your support while she bounces back. Kamila is one of my dearest friends and inspirations and in fact was the first person in the UU world to give me a job! So I truly wouldn't be here without her love, trust, support, and friendship. As UU's we are already a small community, when you factor in being UU's of colour, we get even smaller and every voice makes a massive impact. If you feel the need to reach out for help processing, please do- my inbox is always open.

YARN Worship, June 4th      1pm ET
Join the Unitarian Universalist Young Adult Revival Network for “A Worship for Young Adult Power!” on Saturday, June 5. We had originally planned to host a larger CONference style event, but extenuating circumstances forced us to downsize. That said, we still want to celebrate the past year of work and take time to vision the future of UU young adult ministry. So join us for a worship that morning, with readings, music, and reflections for several UU young adults. Register to attend through this link!
Things to Know About!

Every year for Pride month I am shocked at how few people know the history of Pride and the story of the sacrifices that were made in that initial riot so many years ago.
It is a reminder of how white washed our histories are when the lives of Black and brown people are erased and forgotten from the very narratives they created and that we now celebrate and even profit from. 
The first Pride was a riot. 
In a time and place where being LGBTQ+ was an actively shunned lifestyle and prosecuted crime queer folks were under constant harassment by the police. In New York City it was illegal for bars and restaurants to serve alcohol to queer people until 1966 and establishments were regularly shut down for such actions. In 1966 thanks to the hard work of many queer activists, this ruling was overturned and while being LGBTQ+ was still a crime, gay bars and clubs were becoming more active community spaces. One such space was the Stonewall Inn in Greenwich Village. Even though these spaces were now legal for drinking and gathering, they were still heavily policed and frequently bombarded and shut down by police authorities.
In 1969 three years after these bar spaces were legalized, they were still under heavy scrutiny and regularly raided. On June 28th police authorities raided the Stonewall Inn and thanks to the bravery and resilience of Marsha P. Johnson (a Black trans woman) who threw the first brick and Storme DeLarverie (a Black lesbian) who threw the first punch this police raid turned into a massive 6 day riot to counter police brutality and the systematic oppression faced by LGBTQ+ people in the United States.
Over the years the legacy of that initial riot has turned into a pride celebration celebrated each June in the USA and is now also celebrated throughout the summer months around the world. 
It is with thanks to these Black queer women that we have the luxuries we have today. Though I understand it is sometimes hard to think of ourselves as having any luxuries at all since we are still living under systematic oppression and the crushing weight of the heteronormative cis-patriarchy, trust me when I tell you we have come a long way and it is thanks to the strength, courage, and love of Black women that we are able to celebrate being our queer selves at all. 
This month, I hope you celebrate- I hope you commemorate- I hope you are filled in equal measure with love and rage as you honor the legacy of queer BIPOC people in the work to make a better, more just and equitable world for the future. Hold your loved ones closely and take no shit from oppressive authoritative forces. 
Closing Song
Final Thoughts!

Summer is winding up, plans are being made, schedules are getting filled and the chaos of long warm nights is calling out our names. Remember that joy, play, rest, and self care are also parts of the revolution and go have FUN.

 As usual, if you have any questions- concerns- events- or anything else you'd like us to uplift in this newsletter, please reach out to 
Copyright © *2021* *Rising Together*, All rights reserved.

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