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Hello readers! In this Newsletter I’d like to share a bit about my new course, which we will be launching by August 1. Some of you know I offer three courses at this time – two on canine nutrition, and one on herbalism – the latter was intended as a simple Introductory course, to address the needs of those who don’t necessarily wish to become herbalists, but want to know more about using herbs in their daily life – how to choose, store, prepare and dose everyday herbs for their dogs. That was my intention starting out, but I do like to be thorough, and wound up writing a course geared more to the aspiring practitioner – a course I’m very proud of- but is, to be sure, not for the everyday herbalist or for total beginners.

Since launching the Practical Herbalism course (which will be renamed on our new site) I’ve had numerous inquiries from blog followers, members of the Facebook group and others just googling things like “herbs for dogs”. Asking if I have a TRULY Introductory program, and until now, I have not.

Introduction to Canine Herbalism

I have come to appreciate the need for this, and so, decided to write a thorough but easygoing starter course.  Here is what we will feature.
  • Ten Full Lessons, on topics from how to start your home apothecary, to natural skin treatments, preventive tonics for multiple conditions, how to choose herbs based on your own dog’s unique history and tendencies, and a full unit on making your own herbal medicines from easy to obtain medicinal herbs
  • 70 recipes, many you can use for yourself as well as your dog
  • A Facebook “classroom” to discuss the Lessons, share tips and ask questions
  • A Certificate of Completion if you choose to do the work (you an also take te course just for interest and not do the assignments
  • Automatically marked quizzes with the opportunity to “do over” if you don’t get the mark you want right away
  • Multiple suggestions for working on your own – tips for getting started with a new herb, deepening your knowledge of a familiar one, and exercises to help you grow as a home herbalist
  •  A carefully selected Resources section, covering all aspects of herbalism from Botany and Wildcrafting to  Medicine Making and herbal safety – designed to be the best resources we have but not overwhelming
  • 10% off an Herbal Consultation with me at any time in future, for you or your dog
  • 15% off the Full practitioner’s course, or either of the Nutrition Courses, if you decide to pursue more studies

    I am loving the creative process, making herbal medicine more accessible for you but helping newcomers dive a little deeper than the popular sites often driven by marketing interests – will teach you. For example, a few Did You Knows we will talk about in the course:
  • Did You Know fresh garlic should be chopped and allowed to rest for fifteen minutes before feeding, for full medicinal value?
  • Did You Know slippery elm is an at risk species, and also may NOT be the best choice for your dog with mild/chronic digestive issues?
  • Did You Know turmeric may not be the best choice for a dog with bladder stones – but may be a great choice for topical preparations?
  • Did you Know that plantain, burdock and ox-eye daisy – yep, those annoying garden “weeds” all have potent medicinal actions and should be a part of your own Materia Medica?
Did You Know that thyme, regular garden thyme, is a potent anti microbial, and often one of the first herbs I reach for with chronic respiratory infection?

I am really excited to bring you this  new course, and there will be an Earlybird deal as always. Regular price of this new offering? 125$ (Canadian). Once the Earlybird is set you, save 50$ and access all the materials for just 75$.
Happy June,  Happy Summer!
Don’t forget to drop by my Facebook group, for focused weekly discussions, a free Getting Started with Home Made Diet series, your  diet and herbal questions answered, and more.
Consultations, Personalized Diet Plans, Therapeutic Recipes, Herbal Support for your Dog, Writings at
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