
Grief, Action, Hope 🌺

June: two earth defenders killed while working to amplify indigenous voices. The grief shows how action is needed for a future full of hope!
In this edition we will also talk about documenting experiences (done by Meli, communities and research institutes), amplify Amazonian voices internationally and how our work is resonating: new projects and awards.

In this Newsletter we will talk about:

◼️ [Grief]: In memory of Bruno Pereira and Dom Philips
🐝 [Reporting]: Reporting of Activities: Bees and Culture
🔎 [Activities]: Communities Produce Science!
📃 [Science]: Paper on Use of Wood by Indigenous Peoples (Eastern Amazon)
🗺️ [Journey]: Internacional Decolonial Journey: Join us in Ochsenhausen!
💻 [Project]: Wikimedia Accelerator UNLOCK
🏆 [Contest]: Meli wins DEEP Demo Day People's Choice Award


◼️ In Memory of Bruno
Pereira and Dom Philips

June 5th 2022. Bruno Pereira, experienced indigenist, and Dom Philips, British journalist, were reported missing close to the Javari Valley, home to the greatest concentration of uncontacted peoples on Earth. The region is being endangered by illegal mining, illegal fishing and drug trafficking.

Pereira and Phillips’ murders were a political crime. They were both human rights defenders and died doing work to protect Indigenous People in the Vale do Javari.” - UNIVAJA (local indigenous association) statement.

Now UNIJAVA asks "What will happened when the military forces and the press leave Atalaia do Norte? Will we continue living under threat?"

Read the full statement from UNIJAVA.

Reporting of Activities:
Bees and Culture 

The project Native Beekeeping and Cultural Support for the Printi-Pàr Indigenous Village support native beekeeping to offer a productive and environmentally sustainable alternative for the local community, who face social, environmental and cultural challenges at the centre of the Arc of Deforestation.
Get informed about our activities and read our first report about this project, a partnership between ACT-Brasil, Meli Network and Associação Indígena Mpaja Mar Kaxuwari Parkatejê.
Read more

Communities Produce Science! 🔎

Marcelo Braga, our Forestry Engineer, supports communities to make science!
The Amazon is the most biodiverse place in the world (!!!) and there's much about this biodiversity that we still need to learn.

The Amazonian Communities already have the most knowledge about this area. With fruitful decolonial partnerships that recognise their knowledge, much can be achieved!

That's why Marcelo supports the communities, themselves, to sample, document and further understand the biodiversity surrounding them - and the richness of the forest!

Use of wood by indigenous peoples of the Eastern Amazon, Brazil 📃

More news from Marcelo!

Together with researchers from UEPA, Casa da Cultura, Serviço Florestal Brasileiro and Universidade da Região de Joinvile, he published a paper on the use of wood by indigenous people in the Eastern Amazon at IAWA Journal.

Read the article

Jornada Internacional Decolonial: Join us in Ochsenhausen! 🗺️

So much is happening in our Journey!
It already happened in Curionópolis, Uppsala, São Luís and Amsterdam - now it is taking place in Ochsenhausen, Meli's "home" in Germany!

We're excited to invite you to Ochsenhausen for an online and offline event about our focus region: The Arc of Regeneration!
We will bring the local voices and invite you to join conversations about the context, challenges and opportunities in the region.

The first meeting is already next Saturday, July 2, when we will also celebrate the 10th anniversary of ChangemakerXchange (CXC)!
Register to participate

💻 UNLOCK Accelerator

Some of Meli members were selected to participate in the Wikimedia Accelerator UNLOCK program, by Wikimedia Germany!
Our aim is to create a P2P Wiki for Indigenous Communities. This is not necessarily a Meli Project, though we plan on working with the communities present in our network - and even further our reach to other regions.

We support communities to own their data and share what they want to!


Meli wins DEEP

Demo Day 🏆

Meli won the People's Choice Award at DEEP Ecosystem's Demo Day, in Ludwigsburg!
Meli was one of the 6 ecosystem initiatives supported by DEEP. They help us building strong concepts, partnership plans and a fundraising strategy.
Meli develops activities for land and people to flourish

We strengthen environmentally and economically sustainable practices based on meliponiculture, regenerative agriculture and community engagement to inspire and to build capabilities needed for local environment and community to thrive.

Get involved and support us!

Be sure your donation goes to the *Human*, *Biodiverse* and *Inspiring* Amazon and follow the positive impact you generate!

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