"The way you build a resilient organization is by learning from failure." — Sheryl Sandberg

To lead an organization that’s changing and growing fast, you have to be as skilled at breaking plans as you are at making them.

Every day, there are new competitors, new threats, new opportunities — and no simple, straightforward set of marching orders. It’s more like a dogfight, and you and your team will be flying upside down and at an angle sometimes. 

Sheryl Sandberg has been in the pilot seat for two massive growth operations – Google AdWords, in the early 2000s, and then the scale-up of Facebook. As Reid puts it in this Masters of Scale episode, Sheryl is one of those gifted leaders who’s made daring decisions at every level of scale. We're re-running the episode today to share these lessons of Sheryl's undeniable expertise in scaling organizations.

Bob Safian notes in his introduction to this classic episode that, at time of this recording, many of Facebook's toughest challenges were still on the horizon. But the stories and choices that Sheryl and Reid talk about here are as relevant as ever. Listen with open ears and a critical eye; we hope you come away feeling wiser.

This week's featured episode:

Lead, lead again, w/Meta’s Sheryl Sandberg

In just 6 years, Facebook grew to 2 billion users and 14,000 employees. How? Well, first, they hired COO Sheryl Sandberg. And she knew that to lead a fast-changing organization, you have to be as skilled at breaking plans as you are at making them. Sandberg shares the practical, tactical on-the-ground leadership lessons she learned while scaling at Google and Facebook/Meta.

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Building on this, two guests share the importance of making quick decisions — and the significance of quickly turning to a new direction when the previous decision no longer serves your organization.

Eric Schmidt, former CEO & Chairman of Google

"The most important thing to do is to have quick decisions — and you’ll make some mistakes, but you need decision-making. Even if it’s the wrong decision, a quick decision is better in almost every case."

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Mark Pincus, founder & Chairman of Zynga

"I’ll try anything, and I’ll kill anything, and I’ll kill it quickly. And I’m not going to let killing an idea kill a winning instinct. And so that was a really core idea that I’m still thinking about and learning as an entrepreneur."

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Action Item: Make a smarter calendar 

Today’s Action Item is called “Make a smarter calendar.” Here’s how it works:

Open each calendar invite for today (or the next few), and ask yourself: What decision do we need to make in this meeting? And (this is important) write it down. 

Force yourself to end each meeting with a decision. If you find yourself saying “I need to think about it,” then decide on a specific step that can be taken to move your thinking along. What facts do you need? Whose opinion must you know? Empower your team to take that step and then come back to you, so you can decide, decide, decide.

What did you learn from this exercise? Let us know on LinkedIn. Tag us @MastersofScale so we see you!

This exercise appears in Day 5 of The Mindset of Scale course. You can find it in the Masters of Scale Courses app, available for iOS & for Android.

This week on Rapid Response:

Why business must be a force for good, w/former American Express CEO Ken Chenault

Ken Chenault, chair of investment firm General Catalyst and former longtime CEO of American Express, has been an outspoken advocate for business leaders to actively engage in societal matters. After George Floyd’s death, he and Merck CEO Ken Frazier launched OneTen, a coalition to create 1 million jobs for Black Americans that now includes major brands from IBM to Nike to Walmart. Chenault has pushed corporate chiefs to use their leverage to protect voting rights, and he's come out with a platform for Responsible Innovation that puts what he calls “social due diligence” alongside financial due diligence. Standing up for what's right, Ken says, fuels long-term success: "The most important thing is the quest for truth, character, and values."

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