June 2022
Welcome to the the latest edition of our monthly newsletter.
Whatever our particular views may be on the best form of governance of a nation, none of us could fail to have heard that this year marks 70 years of the reign of Her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth!

The recent death of her lifelong consort, Prince Philip, and her age related evident weakness do not seem to lessen her determination to continue to serve our country as Queen. 

Yet as much as any one of us may admire her, we all know Her Majesty cannot remain alive  forever and indeed may well need to relinquish her crown at some not too distant point in the future. When will that be? Who will succeed her? Will the monarchy survive her stepping down or death? What about Prince William - will he become King? Who knows?

No doubt conversations will continue and speculation mount. It is, however, clear an earthly monarch  will die. Though a long reign in this case, still that reign ends. All rulers only hold sway temporarily, even good ones. The anticipated change may bring an unsettling and the actual changes themselves may be unwelcome.

There is, however, one monarch whose reign will never end. It is a King, The King, The King of Kings. It is Jesus. He is always consistent. He will never weaken. He will never step down. He is always just. Unlike any other, He is perfect in every way. Hear the word of The Lord Isaiah 9 verse 6,7  " For to us a child is born, to us a son is given and the government will be upon his shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Counsellor, The Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government there will be no end." In the last book of The Bible He, Jesus, is called King of kings.

His kingdom is the reign over the lives of people who are real Christians. Those people are subject to Him and worship Him. They believe in Him. They love Him. At great personal cost He conquered the one who held them captive. They were in the kingdom of darkness but now are in the light. Their King never changes. They know they are loved by Him and loved by Him forever.
Will you crown Him King of your life?

Will you give Him the honour He deserves? Will you subject yourself to Him?
If we do not, we will find Him a fearsome judge when death takes us from this world. 
Pastor Bill

"How deep the father's love for us""

Whenever I sing this song, I am reminded of a time in my Church youth group when we were discussing the build up to the crucifixion of Jesus. The crowds, who had so recently welcomed Jesus with shouts of Hosanna and the waving of palm leaves, were now jeering at Jesus, screaming for him to be crucified. If we had been there, what would we have done? Would we have stood by Jesus, or would we be amongst the scoffers? I was challenged by that question then and I am still challenged by it today.
Yet Jesus went to the cross knowingly and willingly. Even as the crowd watched and mocked Him, He paid the price for their sins and for all. It is a gift freely given, completely undeserved and there for anyone who accepts it. John 3:16 is frequently quoted verse as it sums up the gospel message so well – ‘For God so loved that world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life’. As this wonderful song reminds us, how deep indeed is the Father’s love, and how vast beyond all measure.

Laura Rogers
Listen to this hymn by clicking or tapping the image below.
How deep the father's love for us
Stuart Townend

Looking ahead

Sundays June
5th June - Pastor Bill
12th June - Tom Davenport
19th June - Peter Coggins
26th June - Pastor Bill
Prayer meetings Mondays 
6th June
20th June

Please phone for details of venue.
Astwood Bank - Tuesday 7th June 11.00am
Droitwich - Tuesday 7th June 7.30pm - Film 'Undaunted'
Redditch - Thursday 9th June 7.45pm - Film 'Undaunted'
Please phone 0777 946 7079 for details of venue
Ladies Together
Please contact Joy  on 07854 087766 for further details of this month's meeting
"TIme 4 U" 
Thursday  2nd June 11.00am to 2.00pm. Please phone Esther on 07817 191401 for further information and directions to the venue. It will be at Andy and Esther's home "Shepherds retreat" Moors Lane Feckenham B96 6JH

"Good News For Everyone"

Bill and Margaret Saunders share something of their work in the organisation Good News for Everyone (GNfE). On Sunday 22nd May they came to Ridgeway community church Redditch and talked about GNfE (Visit the website GnfE, like the Gideons, majors on using many types of Bibles and other materials to give away in a wide range of contexts, with a prayerful desire that people come to know the good news of Jesus Christ for themselves.  we distribute Bibles in Schools, hospitals, prisons,  in personal witness, to the emergency services, at football and other sporting events etc.  When you share your own experience of that which God does in and through this work, many people are encouraged to become involved themselves in sharing the word of God.  

Recently someone said to us,“Oh, you won’t get much take up in hotels and B&B with all the recent issues of the pandemic! In particular, hotel staff will say they must  first check with the owners before agreeing to take Bibles. Then you will hear nothing!” 

A few weeks ago, however, in preparation for the Commonwealth games, GNfE members came from all over the country to distribute Bibles to as many hotels and B&B's throughout Birmingham and Worcestershire as time would permit. Approximately 2000 full Bibles and thousands of New Testaments were gratefully accepted! We also had some wonderful opportunities to share our faith with people we met, which brought such joy to us.

On one occasion,having been assigned a particular route and types of businesses to visit, we arrived at a large hotel in Malvern, and gave members of staff New Testaments.  We asked if we could refresh their supply of Bibles in the guest rooms. “Oh, we belong to an hotel chain; we will have to check with the management”! Would we hear back? This would have been such an opportunity as the Commonwealth Games and the three counties show would bring many visitors to stay. Imagine our surprise when almost having finished the day's distribution, we did receive a call from the hotel requesting 110 Hotel Bibles! Those we gladly delivered with other items six days later. Praise the Lord who opens the way for His word to go out where and when He wills.

On another occasion we visited a pub/hotel which we discovered had never had Bibles placed in the rooms. Engaging the landlady in conversation I learned that her father and grandfather were in the Army, as was I, and like myself retired to live in Malvern. We had an animated chat about living in army quarters in the same area. We shared memories of army life as she showed me some of the family’s military gifts and paraphernalia. At the end of our chat, I offered her Bibles for the hotel which she gladly received. She also was pleased to learn of our New Testaments emblazened with regiment badges which would possibly be welcomed by those attending the annual army reunion her family attends.

One day I was steaming up a hill in Malvern to go to the last hotel on our route. I noted that further back a chap was earnestly trying to keep up with me, so I stopped and waited for Him, and engaged him in conversation. It transpired that he lived in the nearby village of Cradley in Chapel Street. He also knew some of the folks who regularly attend the Chapel including the present Pastor. I explained that I had recently preached there, and continued the conversation sharing about my faith in Christ, how I became a Christian and why I had now come to Malvern. He warmed to my theme! When we reached the hotel, he gladly took a New Testament and thanked me for talking with him. What a lovely providential encounter! What a blessing! 

Members of GNfe pray and prepare each day taking with them Bibles and Christian literature including Hope Magazine. I do not have space in this article to relate even more of the many encounters and opportunities we are privileged to have. God is pleased to honour our desire to make Him known. Just as Jesus said, “Lift me up before people, and I will draw all men to myself”.

Another favourite quote of ours is by that famous God blessed Victorian preacher CH Spurgeon, “Suppose a number of persons were to take it into their heads that they had to defend a lion, full-grown king of beasts! There he is in the cage, and here come all the soldiers of the army to fight for him. Well, I should suggest to them, if they would not object, and feel that it was humbling to them, that they should kindly stand back, and open the door, and let the lion out! I believe that would be the best way of defending him, for he would take care of himself; and the best 'apology' for the gospel is to let the gospel out.”  

If you are interested in finding out more about the work of GNfE please visit our website

 ( or contact me and Margaret  by telephone on 01905 454496 or email -

Perhaps some of you would consider becoming Friends or members of the work with us, and share the abiding JOY of making the Lord Jesus Christ known to many?


Quote of the Month

From Brian Cox at a recent house group.

"Soul winning words will flow from a heart in tune with the Lord and a heart full of the Lord."


Ukraine - Untiring Devotion

An example from Ukraine of untiring devotion - pray for Sasha and many others like him.

Sasha is a church deacon in the 'Heart of Jesus' church in the city of Chernivsti, western Ukraine. His work in the church's refugee centre and with evacuees from war zones who are now in his home town is legendary. The team there are delivering food packages to refugees from all over Ukraine who have flooded this city in recent weeks after fleeing from unspeakable suffering and destruction. Sasha and his helpers weep with those who weep as they go from place to place, and have countless opportunities to speak about the true Gospel to those they visit. 'Every story is heartbreaking', Sasha says.
We asked him if there was any chance of his being able to take a break, to get away for a day or two with his equally hardworking wife Lesya. To get some rest, a little respite from making up packages, visiting, listening, worrying about where fuel will come from ....‍
To our enquiry regarding a rest, Sasha replied:
Listen to this lovely Hymn by clicking or tapping the image below.
Here I am Lord
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Catch up with services from last month

or just watch again.

Complete services with hymn videos can be viewed by
clicking the videos below. 
Our preacher this Sunday is Brian Cox. Throughout the ages men have asked: “What is God like?” and have come up with many different, often self-contradictory answers. Job asked: “Can man by searching find out God?” The question was rhetorical, Job knew the answer is No! The apostle Philip asked Jesus a similar question, Jesus gave Him an answer but not one Philip expected. We will be looking at the answer Jesus has to this age-old question Sunday morning, you are welcome to join us to hear this answer for yourself.
One day Jesus walked into the life of Peter and everything changed for him. His day went from having caught nothing to catching fish like he has never seen before to being told that he was going to fish men instead! What happens when Jesus walks into our life’s? What will the result be? Are some of the questions that we will unpack starting from the passage in Luke 5:1-11.
“Forgiven” is the title of our Pastor’s sermon this Sunday. When we understand properly that we have turned our back on God we realise our only hope is that God might forgive us. Can we be forgiven? What does it mean for us if we are forgiven by God? Is God really a forgiving God? Does God forgive everyone regardless of anything else?
This Sunday Bill Saunders from Worcester is preaching on ” Forgiven and favoured forever in Christ Jesus”. Christian believers can know a real sense of peace and security, they are eternally safe and secure – come what may. God has freely forgiven them, and FAVOURS them in the worth alone of the Lord Jesus Christ-He makes all the difference. The world is set to move towards increasing turbulence and chaos, but Jesus is the way in and through all of this. Being the truth, He gives His followers Eternal life, as well as abundant life in the here and now. Come and share with us the truth that makes a person free, free to live life to the full, in love, joy and peace – whatever!
This Sunday our Pastor will be preaching on ” Forgiving others”. What does it mean to forgive someone who has harmed us or those close to us in some way and sometimes dreadfully? Why should we forgive? Can we forgive yet not be reconciled to the person or persons who caused the harm? Is it right not to forgive? If we should be forgiving how can we find the strength to be so? What happens when we forgive from our heart?
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