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✧ push picks #011 ✧

It is with heartfelt pleasure that I get to introduce push picks #011: Kate Fittinghoff. I met Kate when they were living in Berlin and we did a zoom interview for an internship at Elsewhere for my art program Landscape. Let me be clear, I was the only one in my department so an internship was extremely hands on. Their creativity, problem solving and general positivity lead me to hire them the second I could and since have brought Kate along the push journey. If you've enjoyed the newsletter it was probably lovingly prepared by Kate as are many other push projects. Kate is truly a gift of a human with deep curiosity and a love for knowledge, exploration, discovery and friendship. Welcome to their picks...

kate's current project

honestly, after a really challenging winter, i've been spending most of my time focusing inwardly and seeking out things that make me happy--so i'd say my current project is a lot of spiritual grounding and self improvement! one recent accomplishment i'd love to plug, though, is my masters dissertation, which i completed last september. i wrote it on the producer and DJ sophie, and her relationship between the immaterial medium of electronic music and the immaterial expression of her transgender identity. if it interests you at all, i'd love for you to read it, and please let me know what you think!
kate's social impact
in the spirit of pride month, my social impact choice is nyc dyke march. it was originally founded as a protest alternative to nyc pride, centering lesbians and other wlw aligned people. it's honestly my favorite day of the year and the highlight of my pride weekend -- and donations to them go to things like direct aid for dykes, wheelchair rentals to make the march accessible, and donations to LGBTQ+ causes. the protest is open to anyone who identifies as a dyke, regardless of gender expression or identity, sex assigned at birth, sexual orientation, race, age, political affiliation, religious identity, ability, class, or immigration status.   

kate's film of the week

keeping up with my unintentional pride theme, i'm recommending camp classic but i'm a cheerleader starring a young natasha lyonne and clea duvall. i don't want to give the entire plot away, but it involves rupaul running a gay conversion camp--need i say more? it's free to stream on youtube!
another pick i have to plug is shakedown, which is leilah weinraub's documentary on the last black lesbian strip club in los angeles. this one is available on the criteron collection and vimeo!
kate's song of the week
plugging the entirety of the bestie despina's latest album. we met while both working at elsewhere and it's been amazing to see them grow as an artist! top pick: packing (phallus).
kate's flower pick
when i thought about flowers with symbolism, i couldn't help but think about pansies, which have historically been tied to the lgbtq+ community. their significance and associations have changed across time and space, but one of my favorite ways they've been utilized is with pansy patrol, an art collective that lofts huge cutout pansies in the air to block out anti-lgbtq+ protestors.
kate's bread pick
my absolute favorite bread recipe is sarah jampel's no knead focaccia. this bread is my go-to housewarming present and pick me up meal. my most recent iteration had lavender, honey, and rosemary on top. 

and a few picks from push...

as if i couldn't love faye orlove more!
fruit sticker artistry
atlas obscura takes us on a journey through the wondrous and surprising world of fruit stickers.
life after prison
facing life follows eight people experiencing "life after life" in california's prison system.

say what?

mic investigates an enzyme which may be our key to solving our world's growing plastic problem.
that's it for this week!
we hope you are soaking up the sun and that you enjoyed another installment of push picks. as always, if you like what you read, forward it to someone or encourage them to sign up. it would mean the world to us 🌎
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