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June 2022  
Happy Pride Month! Krasman Centre is proud and committed to providing a safe, inclusive and welcoming space to the 2SLGBTQIA+ community! In honour of Pride month, Krasman Centre will participate in the pride parade hosted by York Pride on Saturday, June 18, 2022, from 3 pm-5 pm.  View upcoming events hosted by York Pride
National Indigenous Peoples Day & National Indigenous History Month
June 21st marks National Indigenous Peoples Day, a day to honour and celebrate the history and cultures of the First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples across Canada. We take this time to recognize and celebrate the resilience of all Indigenous Peoples as well as their vibrant and distinct cultures, and to learn about Indigenous histories, strengths, and significant contributions, not just in June, but beyond. Krasman Centre remains committed to acknowledging and sharing the truth and working towards healing and reconciliation with Indigenous communities. 
The Inaadiziwin Centre provides culturally appropriate peer support-based programs to vulnerable residents of Georgina Island First Nation. The centre employs trained Peer Supporters who are members of the Chippewas of Georgina Island who have direct lived experience and knowledge of the social, economic and health obstacles impacting residents on Georgina Island. Read more about the Inaadiziwin Centre>

The Alliston Drop-in Centre located at 17 Paris St has been closed due to unforeseen circumstances. Starting Tuesday, June 7th the Krasman Centre staff will temporarily operate out of the Alliston Memorial Arena located at 49 Nelson St W in Alliston (west side entrance).

Tuesday 10am-3 pm
Wednesday 12:30pm-3pm
Friday 10am-3pm

For more information, please contact Cathleen Marengeur at (416) 562-8824 or email

The Housing to Health (H2H) program provides housing and peer support services to individuals experiencing challenges with securing and maintaining housing. The program supports individuals experiencing chronic homelessness to find housing and access a range of supports to improve their potential for successful long-term tenancies. For more information, please call (905) 955-6708 or email Andrea Kraus at 

The Housing to Health (H2H) program is a collaborative effort involving Blue Door, Krasman Centre and LOFT Community Services.
Let's Connect~ Virtual Peer Support Groups

For the month of June, we have many exciting virtual groups to offer:
  • Family Support Group: support group for family members/caregivers supporting loved ones with mental health or addictions. 
  • Exploring Emotions & Behaviours: This virtual group will challenge negative emotions and share coping strategies to promote our own personal wellness. 
  • Mindfulness - Learn to find inner peace and moments of calm in your day through breathing exercises and other coping skills. 
  • The Meeting Spot - Daily drop-in group to socialize, meet other peers and share. Attend your first session and receive a $5 gift card. NEW: Every 1 & 3rd Sunday
  • Tough Stuff - An All-Inclusive Addictions Group supporting peers with challenges with substance use, food and behaviours.
  • NEW: Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds -  Learn how to re-define your personal self-care through a focus on healthy eating, sleep hygiene and exercise. Attend all three sessions: June 10th, 17th & 24th  | 10:00 am-11:30 am.
Krasman Centre Staff Enjoy Lakeside view of Inaadiziwin Centre
Executive Director Susan Dobson (L) Operations Manager Julie Shand (R) and Outreach Peer Supporter Leah Atkinson smile for a picture after delivering basic necessities to the Inaadiziwin Centre on Georgina Island.  
Shout out to our team!
Thank you to the Krasman Centre staff for everything that you do to make this world a better place every day! Your compassion, empathy and dedication are greatly appreciated! 
This is a positive space where human rights are respected and where lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, two-spirit and queer people, and their friends and allies, are welcomed and supported. 
Warm Line & Peer Crisis Support Service | 24/7 

Chat Support Services are available from 10 AM to midnight
Chat with us at

Virtual Support Groups 
Monday to Friday 
View our upcoming events calendar at 

Got questions? Send us an email at 

For more information on our programs and services visit If you have found this information useful, please share with a friend to spread the word about Krasman Centre. We love meeting new peers! 
Copyright © 2022 Krasman Centre, All rights reserved.

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10121 Yonge Street
Richmond Hill, ON L4C 1T7
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Krasman Centre · 10121 Yonge Street · Richmond Hill, On L4C 1T7 · Canada