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Cornell Hawks Inch Closer To Fledging

Tap or click to watch L1 venture out onto the fledge ledge.
The Red-tailed Hawks are getting ready to fledge, and the elder chicks could leave the nest within the week! Watch L1 hang out near the nest platform's most popular take-off spot, the "fledge ledge."

Dazzling Display By Lucifer Hummingbird

Tap or click to watch a courtship display by a Lucifer Hummingbird.
In a grand exhibition of courtship, a male Lucifer Hummingbird flies with rhythmic horizontal movements while extending his glimmering gorget towards a female at the West Texas feeder cam.

The Time Is Now For Cahow Fledglings

Tap or click to watch the nest check with Jeremy Madeiros
Atlas, the Bermuda Petrel chick from Cahow Cam 1, fledged on May 26. Now, the chick from Cam 2 is gearing up for its first flight over the Atlantic Ocean. Watch cahow biologist Jeremy Madeiros check on the chick and reveal its name!

Kestrel Chick Says Ready... Aim... Fire...

Tap or click to watch the kestrel chick keep its siblings clean.
An American Kestrel chick offers a lesson in housekeeping when shuffling out from under mom to defecate on the wall of the nest box. In order to keep things sanitary, nestlings generally back away from siblings to relieve themselves.
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