You are receiving a second notice to renew your Bard LLI membership, as there was an error in the distribution list in the original mailing on June 1st. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Please read the instructions below prior to renewing you membership.  Do NOT CLICK ON THE BLUE "SELECT" BUTTON!

Dear <<First Name>>,

You are invited to renew your membership in Bard LLI for the 2022-2023 program year during the renewal period of June 1 - 21, 2022. The annual membership fee is $175 and can be paid with a MasterCard or Visa credit card.

Renewals and payments will be processed through ProClass. Log in to ProClass using the button below and then click the Membership link on the top left of the page to view the Membership page. The Membership page shows five easy steps to renew your membership. You will receive a receipt for your payment upon renewal.


ProClass Login
 Unsure of the process?  Click on the link below for a detailed explanation.
Link to Renewal Instructions

Limited Scholarships Available

Limited scholarship assistance is available. 

To apply for a scholarship, please contact our LLI president at before paying the annual membership fee. Requests are confidential. Scholarships are granted for one year. You may reapply in subsequent years to have your scholarship renewed if allocated funds remain available.

Applications for New Memberships are Open Until June 21

If you have friends interested in joining Bard LLI, they can also apply for membership from now through June 21 using this link. More information for new members can be found on the LLI website under "Membership" on the top menu and then by reviewing the pages under "Joining LLI."


If you have any questions, please contact our tech help team at
You can check our website at for more information.

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