First (Scots) Youth Ministry Update!

First (Scots)

Youth Ministry

Youth Summer Schedule

Our Youth Leadership Team has planned an awesome Youth Summer Schedule.  It's packed with opportunities to play, serve, worship, and learn together!  Youth Lunches will be held each Tuesday from June 14-July 26 and on August 9 from 12-1:30pm.  And don't forget to join us on Sunday mornings at 10am in the sanctuary for worship.

Tuesday Youth Lunches

Tuesday lunches are back from June 14-July 26 and on August 9 (12-1:30pm).  This summer each lunch will feature a special guest from the church staff who will join us for the meal, tell us about themselves, share how they support the church’s ministry, and let us know their favorite Bible story or verse. 

Since eating out can get expensive, join us when you can, but don't feel obligated to come every week.  The summer schedule includes the meeting location and an estimated cost for a basic meal with water at each restaurant including tax and tip (if applicable).  And know that you don't have to buy a meal.  We always welcome those that want to hang out and eat a few fries off Ian Giancursio’s plate!

Starbucks Giftcard Giveaway for Youth and Parents

Like to get a treat from Starbucks?  Want to receive text alerts and reminders regarding upcoming youth ministry events?  Do we have a deal for you!  Everyone who has signed up to be in the First (Scots) Youth Ministry Remind Group by June 15 will be entered into a drawing for a $5 Starbucks giftcard.  Three winners will be selected.  Entering to win is easy: text @firstscots to 81010

Vacation Bible School

All middle school and high school youth are encouraged to volunteer at this year's Vacation Bible School from August 1-5 (9am-1pm).  Volunteers can even specify their area of interest such as lunch, music, crafts, science, preschool, or more.  Express your interest in volunteering by contacting the Reverend Tracey Daniel or Martha Ann Siegling.  Want to learn some of this year's music?  Check out the theme song music video.

Sunday Mornings:

Worship at 10am (Sanctuary)


Youth Group:

Summer Youth Group Schedule

Youth Permission and Release Statement 2021-2022


First (Scots) COVID-19 Protocol:

Masks are optional for all children and adults.  If you prefer to wear a mask and/or practice physical distancing, you are encouraged to do so.  This policy applies to all children and adults on Sundays and throughout the week and includes staff and volunteers, including those who work with children and adults.  The one exception is that those who work in the nursery will continue to wear masks during their time of service.

Connect With Us:

Instagram: @FirstScotsYouth

Past Youth Ministry Weekly Email Updates

And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us,
fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. 
-Hebrews 12:1b-2a





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