Here at The River, we think the news should shed light on how things might get better. Finding the piece of the story that points toward a solution isn’t always easy to do—but it’s worth it.

We don’t cover politics like a horse race, or revel in outrage and conflict for its own sake. We’re not focused on winners and losers. When we write about leaders, we hold them accountable. When we write about policy, we dig into how it affects people’s lives.

Most importantly: When we write about local problems, we also look for local solutions.

As The River’s staff writer, and a member of the small editorial team that helps guide our coverage, it’s my job to make sure our reporting upholds our values. But here’s the tricky part: our reporting costs money. It is all too rare to be able to say you know directly where your dollar goes, but here, you can. Please support The River, for as little as $5/month. Your contribution has a direct impact on how much high-quality local journalism we can publish.

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Thanks for believing in us.

—Lissa Harris
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