Summer is here
Annual General Meeting - 6th July
Members and volunteers are warmly invited to Plymouth Tree Partnership’s AGM in the Hoe Bowling Pavilion at 7.00pm on Wednesday, 6th July. Come early to meet others and refreshments will be available from 6.30pm.
The papers for the AGM are here:
Please notify any apologies for absence or nominations for election as a trustee to the secretary
After the meeting, there will be a guided walk around the Hoe’s collection of trees – those which have stood for many years and others quite recently planted.
All Ways Apples Festival
An All Ways Apples Festival just like the ones before Covid with the main event in Devonport Guildhall during autumn half-term is in prospect! It’s always a great opportunity to talk to people about trees and answer their questions, and children love planting apple pips with a bit of help from us. Is this something you would like to do? The first planning meeting for this year’s event is on Tuesday 5th July at 2pm until 3.30. Please let know if interested and he will forward the Zoom link.
Last year’s report of All Ways Apples on tour makes inspiring reading.
Tree Council news
Are you receiving your copy of 'Branching Out', the newsletter for Tree Wardens? It always makes a good read and you can subscribe here:
June's edition has an update about the Life On The Hedge Podcast series where episode downloads are continuing to increase and its popularity shows no sign of abating.

An Introductory Guide to Young Tree Establishment
The Arb Association has produced a free download with advice and ideas for a non-professional audience. It is not a comprehensive guide but provides a good reference when helping people learn more about tree planting and aftercare.
The guide covers key areas, including ‘Why plant a tree?’, ‘Where to plant a tree?’, ‘What tree to plant?’, ‘How to plant a tree’, ‘Young tree aftercare’ and ‘Tree watering’.
England’s Green Belts – a point of view
Julia Thrift is member of the TCPA and an authority on planning matters. She has written a personal point of view about the way England green belts should develop and it is easy to see several parallels with the new Plymouth and South Devon Community Forest.
Please forward items for inclusion in July’s newsletter before 11th July.