National Volunteer Week 19-25 June 2022 - This year’s theme is ‘Time to Shine / He wā pīataata.’ It’s a time to recognise and celebrate volunteers, a time to shine / pīataata. It’s Matariki, a new year and a fresh start; a time to dream / moemoeā and make plans for the future.
Celebrating South Alive’s 10th birthday, this is such a relevant theme for us, as we reflect on what has been achieved by all our volunteers over that time. We want to celebrate and shine a light on all of our volunteers and the impact you have all made.
Each year our volunteers contribute thousands of hours to making South Invercargill a place we are proud of.
To all of our volunteers we say a massive THANK YOU!
Whether you have contributed for a short or a long time, helped regularly or just once, every single contribution has made a difference and South Alive just wouldn’t exist without all of you.
“No act of kindness, no matter how small is ever wasted.” Aesop
We are planning a big 10th birthday celebration for our volunteers in August so if you are on our volunteer list you will be hearing from us with more details soon!
We would like to say a huge thank-you to all the voters who got us over the line to win this years More FM TOP SHOP – The team were blown away by all the nice comments and gifts of congratulations and are really pumped to keep living up to our new title of TOP SHOP Southland.
We could only be the TOP SHOP with the help and dedication of our incredible team of volunteers and as this week is National Volunteer Week, we would like to give them a big shout out for the incredibly selfless work they do for us and our community.
This year’s national volunteer week’s theme is ‘Time to Shine’ and we certainly think our volunteers are super stars!
June has been a busy month for us so far – we hosted our annual fundraising dinner with our mid-winter Xmas theme which was a great success and was made all the better for our great auction items and all the items donated for raffles.
We want to give a huge Shout Out to all the businesses and individuals that donated prizes or auction items for our fundraising dinner last weekend. We totally recommend you support these businesses where you can ![]() | |
Malloch McClean, Distinction Luxmore Hotel, Glow Worms Te Anau, Crombie and Price , XH Roxburgh Honey, K9 Cribs, Invercargill, VetSouth, Southern Gutters, The Factory Invercargill, Windsor Health, Complete Wellness, Chantal Organics, Wensley Cycles
Baillie and Lewis Pharmacy, Miss Vintage Lighting, Suite Southern Upholstery & Auto Trim Ltd, Guthrie Bowron, Alliance Group New Zealand, Splash Palace, Safety1st NZ
As we move into next month, we are making plans for our Plastic Free July campaign. We will be spotlighting some great plastic free alternative products, providing handy hints and tips to reduce your plastic use and throughout the month we will be issuing you some plastic free challenges with some excellent prizes up for grabs so keep an eye out on our social pages and in-store.
There’s always a smile and a chat to be had down at The Pantry – see you soon.
We celebrated Matariki with a star making day here at South Alive on 19 June 2022. Our tamariki got to come and have loads of fun making stars to hang on display here at South Alive or take home, along with free sausages and some great music from Kanakana.
Big thanks to all those that came along and to all our volunteers for your help on the day.
We are on the lookout for a Rangatahi Projects Co-ordinator to join our team!
This role will involve creating opportunities with rangatahi/youth in South Invercargill around transport, technology, employment opportunities, and events.
This is a part-time (5-10 hrs), fixed-term role through to May 2023 and would suit someone with good first hand knowledge of South Invercargill.
South Alive representatives attended the Invercargill City Council 2 ½ day Hui on Strong Communities Murihiku, part of the Southland Just Transition Work Plan. Over the 2 ½ days all aspects of Southland communities were discussed; the challenges, needs and hopes for the future.
While the working party now need to get to work, the 50 attendees intend to stay in touch and meet again in August to develop further what can be done to achieve the vision & values we share.
Many of the themes align with South Alive values and goals, and if this work stream achieves any of its ambitions this could be good for our community, and tie in with our own work. Better transport options would support our community, as would removing barriers for connection (including digital), a sense of identity and belonging, the ability to develop skills and to be self-sufficient. How this will look and work is yet to be determined, but it is good to see that community resilience is at the heart of the just transitions project. We have much to share with other communities on how South Alive has worked with and engaged its own community, and the connections made with attendees will be very useful going forward.
Community Air Watch – Invercargill
During Winter 2021 a Community Air Watch project was undertaken canvassing the air quality in 38 homes across Invercargill. Partnering with NIWA, South Alive connected with interested householders and installed the air quality monitors in and outside their homes.
Environment Southland also provided a grid of outdoor air quality monitors across the city, finding high levels of smoke in the air towards the south and west. The householders received measurement data on air quality in their homes.
The community look forward to further feedback on the learnings from NIWA and a future project to get some practical intervention into homes to help householders improve air quality in and around their homes in 2023.
Here are a couple of tips from Environment Southland to improve your household air quality from Environment Southland as we head into Winter 2022:
- Firstly, burn dry wood. Dry wood isn’t just more environmentally friendly but it burns at a higher temperature on those cold winter nights. Environment Southland operates a ‘Good Wood’ scheme where you can find approved suppliers of dry wood. Details of this can be found at www.BreatheEasySouthland.co.nz.
- Secondly, burn your fire hot and bright. A smoldering fire creates more smoke and less heat. If the glass on the front of your burner is coated with soot, it means your fire isn’t hot enough.
- Thirdly, check the age of your burner. If it was installed before January 2001, then it’s time to swap out for a new compliant burner that is more efficient and produces less emissions. Keep up to date with all things air quality, including further hints and tips, at www.BreatheEasySouthland.co.nz
The following link will take you to the tips from the NZ Home Heating Association - https://www.nzhha.co.nz/how-to-use-your-wood-burner/
Morgan’s beer kits…. Whatever your tastes…be it bitter, lager, draught, pilsener or old, morgan’s have the brewing kit for you. Experience the feeling of satisfaction that only brewing with Morgan’s can give you.
Vinegar - Cooking
- POACHING EGGS - Add a teaspoon of white or cider vinegar to the water when poaching eggs. This helps egg whites stay better formed.
- BOILING EGGS - Add 2 tablespoons of vinegar to the water before boiling to help prevent eggs from cracking.
- MERINGUES - Add quarter of a teaspoon of white vinegar to 3 egg whites for fluffy meringues.
- TENDER BEEF - When boiling beef, add a tablespoon of wine, white or cider vinegar to the water to help soften fibres and make it tender.
- RICE - Add a teaspoon of vinegar to water when it boils for fluffy rice.
- TENDERISING MARINADES- The acid in vinegar helps tenderise meat. Use quarter a cup of vinegar for a 2-3 pound roast, marinate overnight, then cook without draining or rinsing the meat.
- CUT VEGETABLES- To stop cut vegetables from browning before cooking, soak them in a half water and half
- vinegar solution straight after cutting.
- FRESHEN VEGETABLES - To help freshen up wilted vegetables, soak in 2 cups of water and a tablespoon of vinegar.
- COOKING ODOURS - Simmer water and vinegar in a pot to clear strong smells
- Prepare the soil by adding plenty of compost and manure, no lime, in an area that gets plenty of sun.Don't keep them in the dark as they will sprout too much which might reduce their vitality. Get your potatoes ready for planting in August, put them in an egg carton or tray.
- If you haven't got your garlic planted, do it now.
- June is a good time to divide rhubarb up, making sure where they are to be planted is dug over and we'll fed with compost and manure.
From The South Alive Fruit & Nut Team
“Children don’t say I had a hard day, can I talk. They say will you play with me”.
Visual Link: 5 fun games you can play at home with your family.