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JUNE 2022

Hello, Extraordinary Professionals!

The current labor market is extremely competitive, putting job seekers in the driver’s seat with opportunities for higher wages and better benefits. Now more than ever is a very opportunistic time to make a career move, but what if you like your current job and aren’t looking for a change? If you would rather stay put because you’re happy where you are, now might be the perfect time to ask for a raise or possibly seek a promotion. Why? Because of the difficulty employers are experiencing with finding new talent to fill open roles, it actually benefits them to retain their existing employees rather than try to recruit and train new hires.


For employers, significant monetary and time investments are required to run job postings, interview candidates, and train new employees. Also, existing employees are pressured to pick up the slack of open roles. According to Forbes, most people gain a 10% - 20% salary increase in their new roles. Another factor to consider is the current rate of inflation (estimated as a 7% increase in just the past year alone.) Employers understand the need to remain competitive or face the consequence of losing more of their workforce, making now the perfect time to remind your boss of the value you bring to the company and how your loyalty justifies a raise, promotion, more time off, additional benefits or whatever would mean the most to you.


So how do you go about asking for a raise or other benefits? 

  • Make an official request in writing and deliver the request in person, if possible.
  • Come armed with an outline of your specific accomplishments and value added to the company over the last 6 months to 1 year. Previous positive performance reviews or praise from peers and managers also help to make your case.
  • Research and prepare to present data showing similar job roles / functions and what the competitive salaries are for those positions.
  • Confidently remind your boss what you contribute in your role and discuss your future goals with the company.
  • If you’re looking for career advancement, make an argument as to why it makes sense to invest in you, someone already proven to fulfill the role they are seeking to fill.

So that you are always in a position to advocate for yourself, make sure you take advantage of my FREE resource -The Ultimate Accomplishments Journal (link below) - and be sure to make entries on a regular basis.


Wishing you continued health and success, and best of luck if you decide to pursue that raise or promotion. If you need help preparing or updating your resume or other career marketing documents, you know where to find me.

Stay well,



An accomplishment log, sometimes referred to as an achievement log, is a record of certain tasks you achieve over a period of time. These tasks may be accomplishments involving either your personal or professional life. You may choose to document any accomplishments you reach or select only the most notable and important ones that have a profound impact on you, your personal life, or your professional life. READ MORE >>>

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