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Happy Thursday!

I hope all is well. Can you believe that half of the year is almost gone! It is the perfect time to reflect on our accomplishments, to identify where we need to recalibrate to ensure that 2022 will be a stellar year with minimum regrets!

After interviewing 21 self-made billionaires for his book, the Billion Dollar Secret, Rafael Badziagh discovered the top regrets they had on their way to making a fortune. Too much waiting around for the right moment, could be the regret that could hold you back the most, no matter your goals (becoming a billionaire or not).

Since this newsletter is focused on mindset, strategies, and tools to create a better future, this month, we are exploring the topic of regret. Regrets could either get you stuck in the past or propel you to the future. Choose wisely! Enjoy 😊
Daniel Pink on How Regret Can Help You Find Your Purpose

“The only people without regrets are people who have brain damage, people who are sociopaths, and people who have neurodegenerative diseases,” declares best-selling author Daniel Pink. “The rest of us have regrets. And when we reckon with them properly, they can point the way forward.”
How To Avoid The 'Great Regret' When Switching Jobs

The media amplifies the Great Resignation on a daily basis. The commonly held narrative is that people are leaving their jobs en masse to pursue their passions and fulfill their desire for an opportunity that offers meaning and purpose. This is true, but it's not the full story...
Self-Coaching Oasis: What Is Your Biggest Regret?
Enjoy this video of 70 People Ages 5-75 Answer: What's Your Biggest Regret?
Watch: What's your biggest regret?
Answer: What is your biggest regret?
Self-Coaching Oasis: H1-2022 Review and H2-2022 Planning For a Stellar 2022 with minimum regrets!
Where are you when it comes to your personal and professional goals? Did you achieve your H1-2022 goals?

Where are you headed in H2-2022?

Download our Quick Smart Compass™. In just 3 pages you will answer those 2 critical questions to finish 2022 strong!
PODCAST Glass Breakers Café with Cindy Montgenie
Glass Breakers Café is a space where impactful leaders share their insights into the future, inclusive leadership, and career development to inspire you and empower you to go after your unlimited and smart future by breaking free from firefighting, limiting beliefs, and society’s invisible walls
Smart Fact of The Day
YouTube Reaches 1.5 Billion Users of Shorts, It's TikTok's Rival.
Thanks for spending your coffee break with me  😊

Feel free to share with me your thoughts, concerns, and questions about the future of work, your leadership journey, and your career acceleration.
You will get a real reply (I am not a bot!).

‘See you soon, till then – remember to shape your future today!.
Keep winning & Stay connected!


P.S. By the way... 

1. Remember that whenever you are ready, I can help you:

a. Rock your next women, leadership, or business conference with one of my inspirational and actionable keynotes

b. Bring a practical, cutting edge, and customized leadership training program to supercharge your leaders so they feel energized and empowered to thrive and stay ahead of their game

c. Fast-track your success by designing an effective executive or business coaching solution for you or your team.

2. Share more bite-size insights with others!

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