June 17th, 2022
Weekly CSA Pick-up:
Fridays 3:30-6:30pm
Hope's Edge Farm, 73 Morse Road, Hope, ME

Weekly Farm Stand Hours:
Mondays 1-6pm
Sweet Tree Arts lawn, 4 Church Street, Hope, ME

Please bring your own bags!
Here is your weekly glimpse of this week's harvest:

This week's CSA shares will include:
Lettuce, chard, kale, spinach, rhubarb, scallions, and chives. Pastured eggs and local Heiwa tofu will be available for purchase at CSA pick-up.

We will be having a start-of-the-season "Meet and Greet" so that we can meet you all face-to-face at long last!

Check out this week's blog post here:
This Week's Harvest

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Hope's Edge Farm · 73 Morse Rd · Hope, ME 04847-3019 · USA

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