Great Basin Fire Science Exchange
30 June 2022 | Research and Events II
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June 2022: Research and Events II

Greetings Great Basin Fire Science Exchange Subscribers,
Welcome new subscribers from the Fire and Climate conference and from SRM! You can update your profile or unsubscribe at any time using the links at the bottom of the email. (Photos of two species, lemon scurfpea and silverleaf phacelia, recently added to the online book, Western Forbs: Biology, Ecology, and Use in Restoration)  Have a fun and safe weekend!  -- Génie

Research, News, & Tools

Congressional Budget Office analyzes trends in wildfire activity over the last 30 years

Statistical considerations reveal region-wide benefits of widespread post-fire restoration action

Estimates of exotic annual grasses in the sagebrush biome from 5/ 6, 5/18, 6/3, and 6/17 now available

Post-fire succession of seeding treatments in relation to reference communities in the Great Basin

Reading the Tea Leaves: Rangeland fuel conditions

Nighttime fire activity is on the rise in the US 

Invasive annual grass spatial data compilation and synthesis- Again, but with more features

Off-season cattle grazing and protein feed supplements help reduce cheatgrass biomass and fire risk

Weather forecasts chat episode from Assoc for Fire Ecology

Knowledge co-production: A case study from the Southwest Fire Science Consortium

Conserving America's last grasslands

Need every tool to fight today's fires

Analysis of factors influencing structure loss in 2018 Camp Fire

Communications in fire management: Resources from Fire Adapted Communities (FAC)

Framework for understanding and predicting animal responses to plant invasion
Great Basin bristlecone pine mortality: Causal factors and management implications

Can Rx fire mitigate health harm from smoke?
CA properties at risk of wildfire expected to see 6-fold increase in 30 yrs
Equitable workforce development in fire resilience: Pathways for priority populations 

Resources to help navigate wildfire insurance 
Annual summary of 2021 work by the Fire Science Exchange networks
Action, Implementation, and Mitigation Grants for wildfire adaptation and risk reduction projects
Submit by 7/15

Rangelands Grant Program
Proposals due 7/28

Ecologist, Field Tech, and Seasonal positions with Eastern Nevada Landscape Coalition in Ely and Elko, NV.
Apply ASAP

Many fire-focused jobs posted by Assoc. for Fire Ecology

Webinars & Videos

7/6 FlamMap 6.2: An introduction and overview of new capabilities- Register

7/8 Lightning fire occurrence prediction: Modelling for operational use- Register 

7/13 An Indigenous framework to guide research and restoration in fire-adapted landscapes- Register

7/14 Post-fire restoration virtual symposium 9-3 PDT- Register


Mapping sagebrush species with LANDFIRE

North American Tree-Ring Fire-Scar Network

Grassland and sagebrush conservation

Cheatgrass fuel loadings up to 200% of normal in S3 E3 of Reading the Tea Leaves: (28:53)

Denver water and US Forest Service spent over $60 million to protect Denver's water supply. Did it work?

Structural damage from wildfires in WUI communities

Infrastructure investment and jobs act: Overview for forest collaboratives

Introducing the North American tree-ring fire-scar network

Engaging Indigenous communities in climate resilience research


ANYTIME: IFTDSS for prescribed fire plans- A new Online Course

7/12-13 Nevada SRM Summer Tour- Maggie Creek Ranch, NV

7/16-21 Sixth North American Conservation Biology Congress- Reno, NV

7/26-28 Western Governors' Association Annual Meeting- Coeur d'Alene, ID
*Registration open

8/4-5 Erosion prevention projects Tour - Truckee and Tahoe, CA

8/15-18 Sage and Columbian Sharp-Tailed Grouse Workshop- Logan, UT
*Registration open

8/29-9/1 National Tribal and Indigenous Climate Conference- St. Paul, MN and hybrid

9/6-9 Natural Areas: Navigating complexity and change Conference- Duluth, MN

9/13-16 Lost Rivers Grazing Academy- Salmon, ID

9/14 NW Society for Ecological Restoration Virtual Meeting

9/20-23 National HBCU Conference- Washington, DC

10/4-7 Association for Fire Ecology Conference- Florence, Italy
Call for proposals extended to 6/30

10/10-14 SW Climate Adaptation Science Forum- Albuquerque, NM

10/31-11/4 Wildland Fire Canada Conference- Edmonton, Alberta

11/11-18 17th International Wildland Fire Safety Summit- Coimbra, Portugal

11/14-18 5th Annual Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy Workshop- Asheville, NC 

3/28-30 2023 Wildland Urban Interface Conference - Reno, NV. Call for education program presentations 7/8
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Email for Génie MontBlanc, Coordinator for the Great Basin Fire Science Exchange

CONTACT US -- We welcome your questions, comments, and ideas.

Génie MontBlanc
Phone: 775-784-1107

Great Basin Fire Science Exchange
1664 N. Virginia St. Mail Stop 0314
Reno, NV 89557

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