Message from the President
First Impression: Behind the Curtain at LLI
Dear <<First Name>>,
Whether you are “attending” a Zoom class while cozy at home or returning to campus for class after two years, the mechanics involved in the seamless delivery of high-quality classes take place behind the scenes. Long before the semester starts, the details and planning are the focus.
When I joined LLI in 2019, my first impression of the organization inspired me to want to become involved in the operation. I had the good fortune to be invited by Barbara Burns to a Council meeting on campus. Like most folks who are guests at Council meetings, I was thoroughly impressed by the structure of the meeting and the professionalism of the Council members. These people knew what they were talking about, and they cared about what they were doing. The vibes were positive, and I was sold. Three years and many meetings later—all on Zoom, and a half dozen courses presented—my impression has not changed one bit. All the folks involved in LLI make it work. Three people were instrumental in my becoming a presenter, former treasurer, and now, president.
Emily Michael has produced all my courses. Her experience as chair of the philosophy department at Brooklyn College is a great asset to LLI and a strong source for thoughtful advice. Tom Esposito called me two-plus years ago and asked me to become treasurer. I was flattered by the offer from the then-president. Tom attended every Council meeting these last two years, and the experiences he shared with us have provided me with valuable insights into the organization and its development over 20 years.
President Nanci Kryzak deserves much credit for steering LLI through the pandemic and all the uncertainties about the future. Having so many talented people on Council helped as well, but the ultimate responsibility was hers. As a first-year president, in addition to her own very difficult personal situation, Nanci faced the pressure of keeping LLI afloat, identifying and solving serious issues, and being the ultimate cheerleader. I also appreciate the many conversations these past two years. Nanci’s commitment to LLI encouraged me to become the next president.
As we move forward with our new normal, I reflect on where we are as an organization. LLI has grown over the past several years. In addition to more members, we have more courses and easy technology—Zoom—to make it convenient to take classes from home too. I look forward to working with the Council and the membership. We welcome ideas to make the LLI experience a fulfilling one for our members. Let’s keep that positive vibe going.
Robert Beaury
by Susan Phillips
Perhaps you have already met Robert Beaury if you live in Germantown where he served as Town Supervisor, or in the Germantown courtroom where he was elected judge three times and served for nine plus years. Or maybe you have taken one of the several LLI classes (sometimes with provocative course titles) he has offered on various historical themes, or consulted with him in his role as Bard LLI treasurer. A member of Bard LLI since 2019, Robert is now taking on a new role as Bard LLI President. When he says, “I have many hats,” he means it in more than one way. If you have met him, you will understand.
It was Festive! It was Smart! It was Fun!
by Cathy Reinis
SummerFest 2022 brought a delighted bunch of LLIers back to campus. For the first time since 2019, SummerFest also included some nonmembers interested in LLI. The campus was even more gorgeous than we remembered from past springs and we were all delighted to be with each other in our classes. A spirit of joyful camaraderie animated both the classes and the between-class opportunities for socializing.
Bard LLI Celebrates at Montgomery Place
by Susan Phillips
It was a gorgeous day in a perfect venue in a lovely setting. Around 90 Bard Lifelong Learning Institute members gathered on Wednesday, June 15th, at the Montgomery Place Visitor Center Pavilion. We were together to thank the many hardworking volunteers who made the continuation of our LLI program able to operate amid the challenges of years of COVID 19 restrictions, and to encourage new members to find a place among the many LLI volunteer opportunities. Members wore their lanyards showing proof of vaccination as we greeted each other face-to-face, at last, with big smiles.
by Gary Miller
When you finish reading this article, please delete it from your computer. This is a top clearance document, to be read only on a need-to-know basis. The reason? A good many people want to keep it secret. It won’t be easy, since the subject is an idyllic 380-acre collection of walking trails, old-growth trees, breathtaking views of the Hudson River, and an indescribable place to seek refuge and find quietude and peace.
LLI Supports BHSEC Students' Summer Work
by Cathy Reinis
Each year, LLI provides grants to students at Bard High School Early College in Manhattan. The money provides support that allows students to volunteer and to learn in the summer between their junior and senior years.
Again this year, the effects of Covid restrictions make it more difficult for students to find opportunities, and BHSEC divided LLI’s $2,000 grant between two students.
Class Managers and Mentors Needed
by Carmela Gersbeck
Have you ever considered becoming a class manager? It’s a great way to get to know your other Bard LLIers. If you manage a class with limited enrollment, you are guaranteed a spot in it! You will get to know the presenter and producer as you prepare for the class, as well as others who are taking it. You will be trained on any skills needed—and it’s a fun team! If you are interested in being a class manager for the fall semester, please email
We will welcome a large class of new members this fall. Personal outreach is important to help them feel welcome immediately and to answer any of their questions. Please consider being a mentor to one, two, or three new members. Many new members do not need assistance, but some do and will feel comfortable talking to someone. The time involved consists of sending an email or two in early August and responding to any questions. Once classes begin, there may be other questions and there may be some additional emails that you may be asked to send. You will be guided through these contact points by the Mentor Team. This involves just a few hours of effort. Contact Robert at if you are willing to help.
by Dona McLaughlin
Marching down the middle of the field next to the Hessel Museum is an art installation that was given to Bard College by the artist Martin Creed in 2007. The four trees and one former shrub in this composition are each grounded in a big circle of dark brown mulch. From left to right there are a Columnar English Oak, a Columnar European Horn-beam, a Persian Ironwood, an Adirondack Flowering Crab Apple, and the wee stump of a Summer Wine Nine-bark.
Each tree presents a different bark in both texture and color: smooth to rough to peely, and colors ranging from gray to brown to patchy coral-pink. Two are covered with green lichen in splotches or polka dots leaves in a different shape, and each tree rises to a different height in this stair-step parade.
Martin Creed is a British minimalist and conceptual artist. He was the 2001 winner of the prestigious Turner Prize, an annual art award in the United Kingdom.
by Deborah Lanser
Council discussed changing our admittance policy to give priority to presenters who teach only one session of a class. Presenters who teach a full six- or seven-week class already have priority.
Robert Inglish, Membership Development Chair, asked for more members to volunteer to become mentors. If you are interested, he can be reached at
The fall semester will include Zoom, in-person, and possibly hybrid courses.
Highlights of the Bard Calendar
by Felice Gelman
A hot, humid July day is the perfect time to visit the Bard Hessel Museum’s new exhibits.
Bringing together the work of 28 artists of African descent, Black Melancholia expands and complicates the notion of melancholy in Western art history and cultures. Including new commissions as well as painting, sculpture, film, photography, works on paper, and sound, from the late 19th century to the present day, the exhibition opens a dialogue with traditional art historical discourses around the representation of melancholia. Black Melancholia runs through October 16.
Grio College, an exhibit of Bard graduate Martine Syms’ work over the last five years, will run through November 27. The exhibit includes newly commissioned sculptures, installations, and videos and also draws from her recent work. And a second exhibition, Reaction, also running through November 27, is a retrospective of Dara Birnbaum’s groundbreaking video art. Remember, to visit the Hessel Museum, you must reserve a timed admission here. The Hessel Museum is open for visits daily, except Tuesdays between 12:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.
SummerScape and the Bard Music Festival, exploring the life and work of Sergei Rachmaninoff, have a rich array of events with a variety of ticket prices. LLI members who call the box office to reserve are eligible for a 20% discount on tickets.
Bard College Farm’s weekly farm stand is located in front of Gilson Place and Kappa House on Library Road. Pick up student-grown herbs, veggies in front of Gilson Place on Library Road, every Thursday, 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Important Dates for LLI Members
July 1: New Council starts.
July 1: New applicants are notified of admittance.
July 1 - July 10: New member payments are due.
July 12: Curriculum Committee meeting at 10:00 a.m. on Zoom. Any member interested in observing a Curriculum meeting should email Anne Brueckner at
July 18: Council Meeting at 9:30 a.m. on Zoom. Any member interested in observing a Council meeting should email Mary McClellan at
July 30: New member welcome letter sent,
August 9: Curriculum Committee meeting at 10:00 a.m. on Zoom. Any member interested in observing a Curriculum meeting should email Anne Brueckner at
August 10: Membership Development meeting at 10:00 a.m. on Zoom. Any member interested in observing a Membership Development meeting should email Kim Sears at
August 15: Council Meeting at 9:30 a.m. on Zoom. Any member interested in observing a Council meeting should email Mary McClellan at
August 25: Fall semester catalog is available on the website and in ProClass.
This newsletter is a publication of Bard LLI Council. Communications Team Chair: Cathy Reinis. Writers and editors: Susan Christoffersen, Felice Gelman, Carmela Gersbeck, Deborah Lanser, Jill Lundquist, Dona McLaughlin, Chuck Mishaan, Kathy OConnor, Susan Phillips, Linda Scherr, Deborah Schwartz, Margaret Shuhala. Photographers: Gary Miller, Chair, Carmela Gersbeck, Kathy OConnor
The opinions and views expressed in the LLI Newsletter are those of the author(s). They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of LLI or its members. In addition, any link to a website or content belonging to or originating from third parties are not investigated, monitored or checked for accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability or completeness by LLI, nor does LLI accept any responsibility for such content.