


Crypto Música TV in Galería Imagine


recently I did a training on analysis and decision making

One of the most valuable lessons I take from the course is to learn in which zone a problem is

there are three zones:

the control zone: here the solution of the problem depends on you. If you know what to do you can solve it.

the zone of influence: you can contribute to solve it or you can carry out actions that facilitate the solution

zone zero: neither control nor influence, in this zone you cannot do anything to solve the problem.

In life, technically, everything is problems
all are challenges and questions to answer
tasks to accomplish
dots to join

look, I'll tell you something

One of the most important skills for a process engineer is prioritization.

we use systems and applications to organize time and the tasks we perform are labeled and rated as Prio 1, 2 or 3.

Every day you perform the Prio 1 tasks, the ones in your zone of control.

When you finish, if you finish, you perform the Prio 2 tasks, the ones that are in your area of ​​influence.

Prio 3 tasks, logically, are not done. Those tasks only have to be recorded.

All tasks are focused on solving problems, prioritizing those that we can control.

There is only one concept that has priority over Prio 1 and that breaks the system prioritizing the task that is most urgent.
It's called "Urgent Priority".
Concept introduced by my current Boss, a process engineering prodigy from whom I have been lucky enough to learn high-level tactics and strategies.

Let's see, why am I telling you this?


everything we are creating in Imagine to Create is being done with the same technical rigor as a project in the elite of the automotive industry

I am talking about projects that span up to 8 years if we count from the concept and design phase to the end of the production maturity process and quality achievement


the second half of this year will be full of events at Galería Imagine

our community opens

it's beginning

come to the metaverse


  • The Genesis phase will stay at 99% until the Revolution Phase starts.
// realmente el 1% restante va costar. Pero es inevitable.
  • Don't forget that if you speak Spanish you should join the newsletter in Spanish. Soon we start, sign up on the web: 
// Apúntate 
// en la web si te interesa el proyecto.
// pronto empieza la revolución
  • Litepaper coming.
// a través de la newsletter podrás saber del litepaper.
// Apúntate y seguro te enteras.

Welcome to the first phase of the project:


The birth of the Imagine Community

Imagine to Create is building the community platform in the Elrond Network


For more info join our Discord server


Copyright © 2022 Imagine to Create, All rights reserved.