
Fiona's creations. Each with a deeper spiritual meaning and message.

I just want to thank you for being part of my Portal Community. The Portal celebrated it’s 12th Anniversary on the 6/6 Portal Date this year and I am truly grateful for each beautiful soul who came through my doors and whom I had the privilege to be part of their healing journey. On the day I had a few ladies over and did a guided meditation together, which I loved.

I have been quiet for some time as it has felt like I’ve been through a rebirth after rebirth and went very deep into descension to gain all I needed to learn and understand from these experiences.
I’ve also taken two groups of beautiful souls through a course called the Artist’s Way and have gained so much insight from that 12 week experience with them.
All I needed to do was pic up a paint brush and start painting. I loved my Artist Dates, taking my creative inner child to art class once a week, where I found my joy and healing. It is something that I won't give up. 
As I allowed my creativity I was led even closer to our Great Creator. My connection feels stronger than before. I've been following my bliss and joy and allowed myself to experience it, guilt free. I feel supported in my creative pursuits. I regained new levels of insight and understanding and get a new direction and focus to take the next level of students and seekers through development programs.
As part of my recovery I’ve been Painting. See below some of my work, if you have not seen my WhatsApp statuses or social media posts. 
I'm working on updating my website with the items for sale.
Currently I have a membership offering . On each of the Portal Dates in 2022 I am doing a Guided Mediation for the group to receive the download that is available for that special date. Dates still left are the 7/7., 8/8, 9/9, 10/10, 11/11, 12/12. Those whom subscribe to the annual membership has full access to all the recordings made and can catch up on the special meditations at any stage.
Those whom want to join in on specific ones only, I now have ad-hoc rates available for those.


I offer individual one-on-one healings either in Person in Pinetown, KZN or online via Zoom 


I've been guided by Spirit to offer group healings at reduced rates
on the last Sunday of each month.

First one will be held on Sunday 26th June.

They will be held via Zoom between 7-8pm SAST

Email or WhatsApp me to book your seat or book here:
booking app for last-sunday-group-healing

Spiritual Development Program

I've been guided by Spirit to work out a Spiritual Development Program. If you are interested and want more details, then Email me

Meet the Artist in me


Click to watch a preview of what will be at the exhibition
@fionasportalcommunity Come join us at the Nature Reserve for a picnic and art exhibition.#artexhibiton #nature #wildlife ♬ original sound - fionasportalcommunity
We would love your support. Pack a picnic basket and come join us in this beautiful nature reserve. Google Maps address link D408 Table Mountain Rd, Bishopstowe, Pietermaritzburg, 3252
From Wednesday the 29th of June - 10h July I'll be exhibiting at the La Lucia Mall with the North Coast Artists Group that I belong to. A portion of the proceeds will go to Anti-animal cruelty. Please come support the great cause. For more information, kindly WhatsApp me on +27827881413 Namaste Fiona
Google Maps address link 90 William Campbell Dr, La Lucia, Umhlanga, 4051

Fresh Works of Art

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