
Happy 26th National Indigenous People's Day!

Tkaronto Music Festival flyer 2022On June 21st, Canada celebrates National Indigenous People's Day! This year signifies 25 years of national recognition of the diverse and unique heritage, culture and gifts of the First Nations, Inuit and Métis people.

Ontario Presents is a proud supporter of the Indigenous community and so, we thought you could use a reminder and some resources to help you celebrate! Check out our Indigenous Artist Spotlight to find amazing artists or see the list of events happening TODAY and this week.

Below are a couple of Indigenous organizations that you should be hearing from. Be sure to subscribe to their newsletters for continuous updates from the Indigenous community!
Learn More about National Indigenous People's Day
Ontario Presents honours past, present and future Indigenous Peoples as the original  stewards and caretakers of the lands we present, showcase, and engage upon. Recognizing embedded colonial structures in the performing arts sector, including ways of thinking and knowing, inspires our ongoing responsibility to decolonize our work practices, to remain committed to Indigenous resurgence and reclamation, as well as platform the stories of Black, People of Colour, Deaf/Disabled and LGBT2Q+ voices across the province.

Thank you for being part of Ontario's live performing arts sector!
We appreciate you and we are here for you!

Happy National Indigenous People's Day!

Ontario Presents gratefully acknowledges the following public funders:


Ontario Presents     305-192 Spadina Ave, Toronto, ON, M5T 2C7     416 703 6709

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Ontario Presents · 305-192 Spadina Avenue · Toronto, Ontario M5T 2C2 · Canada

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