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Western Indian Ocean (WIO) Marine and Coastal News Round-up
13 June 2022

Welcome, Nairobi Convention Member States, partners, and friends, to this issue of the Weekly News Round-up!

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Saving our oceans with Africa’s Great Blue Wall
The GBW is an African initiative for adapting to and mitigating the effects of climate change. If successfully implemented, it should open up and sustain millions of job opportunities for Africa’s growing youth population. The International Union for Conservation of Nature anticipates that the GBW could benefit over 70 million people in the Western Indian Ocean region, and potentially more if additional countries join.

Artisanal fisheries are the lifeblood of coastal African communities, but they have largely been neglected. Small changes can make sure they don’t disappear. Feeding more than 200 million people across the continent, small-scale fisheries are intrinsic to African traditions, identity and economies. But they are under immense threat. Compared to the industrial fishing sector, the small-scale industry is marginalized, poorly planned and underfunded.
For 20 years, Comoros had only 1 national park. It’s now creating 5 more
Comoros, an archipelagic nation in the western Indian Ocean, is expanding its network of protected areas (PAs) from one to six, including three new marine protected areas (MPAs). The idea is to replicate the co-management approach at Mohéli National Park, the country’s first and currently only national park, created in 2001 as an MPA.

IUCN and Huawei call for greater technology adoption to protect nature
The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Huawei, and conservation project partners called for an increased global drive to develop and deploy new technologies to better protect the Earth. They hosted the "Tech for a Better Planet" online summit to demonstrate how technology can vastly improve nature conservation outcomes, unveiling new digital technologies that are set to become crucial enablers of environmental protection. The process of responding to environmental threats has increased awareness that technology can make a pivotal difference in nature conservation.

Comoros and Sweden - collaborative work regarding marine management
How can ecosystem-based marine spatial planning be developed in the Western Indian Ocean? In this Sea and Society Talk Ylva Jondelius and Mårten Erlandsson share their insights from a field trip to the Comoros in May 2022 where they provided hands-on training on marine spatial planning tools. They will share their experience on how to address global questions in an international setting within such developing infrastrucuture, as well as discuss the future prospects and potential that exist for this unique island nation.

Sustainable Blue Economy Investment Forum, Cascais, Portugal (28 June)
This forum is an opportunity to establish a common language for a sustainable ocean economy and to explore how to build synergies between integrated Ocean Management Plans, trade finance, marketing and distribution value chains and the private sector. This special event at the 2nd United Nations Ocean Conference that will take place at Estoril Congress Centre in Cascais on June 28, 2022, 3.00pm.

Event >>
Call for Proposal – Storytelling in Science
The Blue Economy Research Institute (BERI), University of Seychelles, the Western Indian Ocean Early Career Scientist Network (WIO ECSN) andthe Ocean Knowledge Action Network IPO are hosting a special session at the WIOMSA Symposium 2022, tohighlight the role ofknowledge sharing to facilitate the co-design of ocean science for sustainable development in the WIO, with a focus on working with early-career ocean scientists and professionals (ECS) to help them participate in co-design. This is a call for ECS who are willing to share their conservation story, to provide ideas, inputs and lessons learned in the cultural and scientific context of the WIO.

Blue Entrepreneurship Scoping Study for Kenya

This report is the first step in identifying and targeting priority interventions and solutions that can support local marine-based communities. The study highlights seaweed farming, sea cucumber farming, and fin fish farming as key opportunities. There is an overview of strengths and weaknesses of each value chain along with recommendations to drive sector transformation and reach optimal impact. Alongside the strategic levers for each value chain are opportunities for the sector.

Dependence on seagrass fisheries governed by household income and adaptive capacity
Seagrass meadows, like other tropical coastal ecosystems, are highly productive and sustain millions of people worldwide. However, the factors that govern the use of seagrass as a fishing habitat over other habitats are largely unknown, especially at the household scale. This research found that lower income households were less likely to own motorboats and dependent on seagrass as they were unable to fish elsewhere, whereas higher income households were more likely to invest in fishing gear that incentivised them to use seagrass habitats due to high rewards and low effort requirements.



Status of the World’s Coral Reefs
Coral reefs occupy less than 1 per cent of the ocean floor yet they are home to more than 25 per cent of marine life. Human activity and a warming planet are rapidly degrading these precious and fragile ecosystems. Coral reefs' extreme susceptibility to warming seas makes them one of the most vulnerable ecosystems to climate change.

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Credit: Cinzia Osele Bismarck / Ocean Image Bank
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