

A Big Thank You

What a wonderful turnout for the working party on Saturday, good see so many new members helping the established crew. Some of the work due to neglect during the lockdown was backbreaking but was carried out by both the men and the ladies with gusto and good humour.

A special thanks to John Hallows for bringing and operating the super power washer, Dave Andrews for the scaffolding and use of the trailer, without this kit we would not have achieved so much. Thank you to the ladies who did the catering, great sandwiches, always an important part of any working party. Although we certainly broke its back there is still more to do but these will be less onerous tasks and in some cases more specialised which can be done by smaller working parties, I will be calling on some of you again to help.

Could I also ask that those boat owners including dinghy members who have not strimmed and cleaned up around their boats please do so as soon as possible as this is now letting the rest of the site down.

So thanks again to all the volunteers.

Commodore GSC

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