

June 2022

The war in Ukraine is exposing vulnerabilities in global food systems. It is also underscoring the importance of building further resilience into global supply chains to better withstand shocks and stresses like these. 

Resilience is more important than ever, as is the dynamic relationship between agriculture and the broader environment within which it operates. On the back of World Environment Day and Stockholm+50, the upcoming World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought is an opportunity to reinforce this message. Agriculture is a powerful solution to tackling many of the most important global challenges we face, for example by addressing the growing food crisis, improving nutrition, sequestering carbon, restoring land, and more.



How Nutrition-Smart Agriculture Can Help Build Resilience
Since the start of the war in Ukraine, a growing chorus from experts is warning about its dire consequences on global rates of hunger and malnutrition. In this blog post, Arun Baral, CEO of HarvestPlus, discusses how biofortification can help bolster food systems resilience in the face of global crises.
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Shocks like the lingering coronavirus pandemic, the war in Ukraine, and the threat of extreme weather driven by climate change have underlined the need for stronger food systems. In light of this, Natasha Santos of Bayer Crop Science discusses the need to boost resilience by investing in partnerships and innovations that work for farmers and the planet.

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Moving Small-scale Farmers Up the Ladder of Possibility
Farmers can be hesitant to invest further in their farms in case the extra cost does not materialise into improved incomes. In practice, this often means avoiding investments in key inputs like improved seeds. But what if there is another way? On the Farming First blog, Professor Michael R. Carter, founding director of the Resilience+ Innovation Facility, outlines how the Resilience+ framework can help smallholder farmers flourish through better risk management.
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The World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought
Did you know that every year, the world loses 12 million hectares of productive land? Farmers and the agricultural sector play an important role in tackling land degradation all over the world. With the World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought coming up on 17 June, revisit Gustavo Teixeira of CGIAR Excellence in Breeding’s blog post on how breeding success is inextricably linked to addressing soil degradation.
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img Farming First TV
Check out these videos from Farming First TV on how farmers can strengthen their resilience and why agriculture is crucial to deliver progress on the SDGs.
What farmers need to strengthen resilience
with Frank Sperling, IIASA
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Why is agriculture so important for the SDGs?
with Stephanie Mercier, policy consultant
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How are farmers helping drive the SDGs?
with Pam Johnson, farmer
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Photo credits: HarvestPlus, Alamy / Christopher Scott, Pablo Delvaux / MRR Innovation Lab, CIAT


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