Latin America and the Caribbean

Caribbean Forum on Maritime Crime video release

UNODC GMCP released a video on the Caribbean Forum on Maritime Crime held in the Dominican Republic in February 2022
In February 2022, eight Caribbean countries and three regional organizations (CARICOM IMPACS, CRFM, RSS) participated in the opening of the Caribbean Forum on Maritime Crime (CFMC) in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. The CFMC is an initiative of the UNODC GMCP and its maritime security partners in the region, seeking to foster operational and tactical level dialogue among regional maritime law enforcers, criminal justice practitioners and other international and regional stakeholders. This week, UNODC GMCP released a video showcasing the highlights of this event. The video also captures the experience and testimonies of law enforcement officers who participated in the programme and emphasises how such trainings further promote cross-agency coordination and regional cooperation in the fight against maritime crime in the Caribbean Basin. This activity was funded by US INL. 

Click here to watch the video. 
Latin America and the Caribbean

Maritime security strategy meeting with Jamaica and Guyana 

UNODC GMCP met with stakeholders from Jamaica and Guyana to discuss a regional maritime security strategy
UNODC GMCP and CARICOM IMPACS, in pursuit of supporting thedevelopment of a Regional Maritime Security Strategy for the Caribbean, are meeting with the country’s stakeholders to create a document that responds to their needs and benefits not only the region as a whole but accurately contains the countries’ visions to secure the maritime space in the Caribbean. On 1 June and 2 June, UNODC GMCP met with Guyana and Jamaica stakeholders respectively.
Latin America and the Caribbean

Apoyando los centros de operaciones marítimas del norte del Caribe 

El GMCP de la ONUDC se reunió con representantes de los Centros de Operación Marítima de los países del norte del Caribe en la República Dominicana 
Del 30 de mayo al 3 de junio, la República Dominicana fungió como sede de la reunión entre los Centros de Operación Marítima de los países del norte del Caribe: Las Bahamas, Jamaica y el país anfitrión, República Dominicana. El GMCP de la ONUDC moderó la reunión dando continuidad a los resultados del foro del Caribe sobre Crimen Marítimo realizado en febrero del año en curso. A raíz de esta reunión, se llevó a cabo una sesión técnica sobre plataformas que contribuyen a un más efectivo control y concientización situacional del dominio marítimo, como Windwards, modulo facilitado por CARICOM IMPACS, Skylight, y otras herramientas de referencia.
Latin America and the Caribbean

Despliegue del curso virtual sobre delincuencia marítima en Panamá

El GMCP de la ONUDC desplegó el curso virtual sobre delincuencia marítima para los profesionales de la justicia penal en Panamá
El GMCP  de la ONUDC en continuidad a su mandato de proveer herramientas de aplicación de la ley marítima y en aras de fortalecer la respuesta jurídica contra la delincuencia marítima realizó el despliegue de la plataforma digital e-learning y el curso sobre 'Delincuencia Marítima para los Profesionales de la Justicia Penal'. El evento contó con la participación del Procurador General, el Secretario General de la Procuraduría y la Directora de la Escuela del Ministerio Público de Panamá, así como miembros de la fiscalía panameña.
Latin America and the Caribbean

Despliegue del curso virtual sobre delincuencia marítima y compendio de casuística en Costa Rica

El GMCP de la ONUDC desplegó el curso virtual sobre delincuencia marítima para los profesionales de la justicia penal y compendio de casuística en Costa Rica
El GMCP de la ONUDC presentó la plataforma digital e-learning y el curso sobre Delincuencia Marítima para los Profesionales de la Justicia Penal el cual brindará conocimientos especializados a miembros de la fiscalía especializada contra el narcotráfico sobre las autoridades y la persecución de los delitos marítimos. Para culminar el GMCP de la ONUDC, lanzó oficialmente su compendio de casuística sobre delitos marítimos que se desarrolló con base en jurisprudencia de las salas de Costa Rica. El mismo contempla las decisiones más relevantes entorno a los delitos marítimos, y el proceso llevado a cabo para la judicialización de estos.
Latin America and the Caribbean

Mesa interinstitucional en Costa Rica

Reunion para el robustecimiento de protocolos para la coordinación interinstitucional contra el narcotráfico que afecta y explota el sector pesquero en Costa Rica
El 9 de Junio, el GMCP de la ONUDC, bajo el liderazgo de la fiscalía especializada contra el narcotráfico de Costa Rica, participó en una reunión para el robustecimiento de protocolos para la coordinación interinstitucional contra el narcotráfico que afecta y explota el sector pesquero. En la reunión participaron representantes de la OIJ, PCD, INCOPESCA y MOPT.

Supporting CYCLOPS training center –  video released

In partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cyprus, UNODC GMCP conducts capacity building activities in maritime law enforcement at the Cyprus Center for Land, Open-Seas and Port Security (CYCLOPS). 
Watch this new video to learn more on the work being done in Cyprus in tackling maritime crime in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea! 
Indian Ocean West

Simulated trial in Mauritius

UNODC GMCP organised a simulated trial at the Supreme Court of Mauritius in Port Louis
With the support of US INL, UNODC GMCP organised a Simulated Trial at the Supreme Court of Mauritius in Port Louis from 30 May to 2 June, in collaboration with INTERPOL. The objective of this activity was to train the prosecutors on a case pertaining to drug trafficking at sea. Law enforcement representatives also participated as witnesses and were able to appreciate the importance of good documentation when apprehending suspects at sea and understand the impact of correct evidence collection.
Indian Ocean West

Prosecutor exchange between Mauritius and Tanzania

UNODC GMCP facilitated the exchange of prosecutors between Mauritius and Tanzania 
UNODC GMCP facilitated a prosecutor exchange between Mauritius and Tanzania. One prosecutor from the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP) of the Republic of Mauritius was embedded to the Office of Public Prosecutions of Tanzania in Dar es Salaam from 6 to 17 June 2022. During this mentorship programme, prosecutors from both countries were able to share information and exchange expertise on the prosecution of maritime crime cases. This activity is funded by US INL.
Indian Ocean West

Atelier inter-agences sur la sécurité portuaire à Mutsamudu, Comores

Atelier a Mutsamudu, Comores dans le cadre du programme de l'UE sur la sécurité portuaire et la sécurité de la navigation 
Avec la participation du coordinateur résident des Nations Unies et du représentant de l'UE, le PMCM de l'ONUDC a dispensé avec succès un bloc de formation de quatre semaines sur la sécurité portuaire axé sur la manière de traiter les crimes au port, y compris un atelier inter-agences à Moroni pour les parties prenantes principales le 8 juin 2022. Cela fait partie du programme de l'UE sur la sécurité portuaire et la sécurité de la navigation financé par l'UE et coordonné par la Commission de l'océan Indien.
Indian Ocean East

Small boat coxswain course ongoing in Maldives

UNODC GMCP supports the Maldives Coast Guard through the delivery of Small Boat Coxswain courses 
The second week of Small Boat Coxswain Course 2 for Maldives Coast Guard has concluded. This course is conducted at the Marine Base of the Maldives National Defense Force (MNDF). This week, practical exercises were conducted in the coastal region near Greater Male area. Four Coast Guard officers are enrolled in this training course. This subjects delivered are boat handling, emergency procedures, and training related to navigation. This activity is funded by the Government of Japan.
Indian Ocean East

Interagency session on ensuring legal finish in Maldives

Funded by US INL, UNODC GMCP facilitated an interagency discussion session on ensuring legal finish of maritime crimes in Maldives
An interagency discussion on ensuring legal finish of maritime crimes concluded on 6 June 2022. This session was conducted at Prosecutor General’s Office in Male. Thematic areas related to comprehensive approaches to maritime security, overview of priority maritime threats in Maldives and understanding maritime law enforcement challenges, specifically drug trafficking, illegal finish and environmental protection were delivered and discussed. Four officers from Marine Police, four officers from Coast Guard and three public prosecutors participated in this discussion. This activity is funded by US INL.
Indian Ocean East

MDA assessment meeting with Marine Police in Maldives

UNODC GMCP MDA expert met with officers of the Maldives Marine Police 
UNODC GMCP Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA) expert met with the Maldives Marine Police at the Marine Police Base on 8 June 2022. The purpose of the meeting was to prepare the officers with the objectives of the Second MDA Interagency Workshop to be held on 20 June 2022. The main areas discussed included capacity and division of roles of agencies of Maldives to counter various types of crimes committed in Maldivian waters. The Head of Marine Police and other senior officers participated in the meeting. This activity is funded by US INL.
Indian Ocean East

Prison rehabilitation module validation workshop in Maldives

UNODC GMCP supports the Maldives Correctional Service through capacity building initiatives on reintegration and rehabilitation 
The development of a training manual with a module related to rehabilitation and reintegration has been in progress since early May 2022. The module will allow for imparting knowledge, skills, and attitudes to rehabilitation officers including on transformative prison environments and professionalism. The workshop had participation from the staff of the rehabilitation and reintegration command of Maldives Correctional Service. This activity is funded by US INL.
Indian Ocean East

Ongoing small boat coxswain course in Bangladesh

UNODC GMCP is delivering a Small Boat Coxswain Course in Chattogram, Bangladesh
A Small Boat Coxswain Course is being delivered at the Bangladesh Coast Guard East Zone in Chattogram. Eight members of the Bangladesh Coast Guard are being trained on maritime navigation, safe boat handling and rules of the road. Practical exercises have included riverine manoeuvring on highly trafficked areas and oil spill drills. This activity is funded by US INL.
Atlantic Ocean

Support to the establishment of a VBSS centre of excellence in Ghana

UNODC GMCP is conducting a series of VBSS trainings to build capacity within MLE agencies in Ghana and Zone F states to effectively conduct vessel interdictions at sea 
With the support of the Government of Denmark UNODC GMCP is holding a series of VBSS trainings with the overall objective to develop the maritime interdiction and arrest capabilities of Maritime Law Enforcement (MLE) agencies, to strengthen their individual and collective responses to maritime crimes at sea. These sessions are working with MLE agencies in Ghana and Zone F states to build well-trained VBSS teams who will be able to effectively conduct interdiction operations at sea and inland waters. This project is part of a broader approach institutionalise a VBSS Centre with a bilingual approach targeting maritime law enforcement personnel of both Anglophone and Francophone countries within ECOWAS Zone F, including enhancement of their cooperation with law enforcement actors. 
Atlantic Ocean

Strengthening coordination of MLE training in West and Central Africa

UNODC GMCP organised a regional workshop and strategic dialogue for strengthening collaborative frameworks for coordination of MLE training in West and Central Africa
The Interregional Coordination Centre (ICC), in partnership with UNODC GMCP, is holding a regional workshop and strategic dialogue on ‘Strengthening Collaborative Frameworks for Coordination of Maritime Law Enforcement Training in West and Central Africa’ with the support of the Government of Norway. The workshop is providing an avenue for deliberations towards improving the synchronisation of approaches to Maritime Law Enforcement (MLE) training in West and Central Africa in continuation of the operationalisation of the Yaoundé Architecture. It is further collating contextual perspectives to enhance formalisation of the matrix, harmonisation of training, education and exercise activities; as well as the creation of an alumni database that will be managed by the ICC training and practice division.
Atlantic Ocean

Establishment of a joint crime prevention and security committee in Nigeria

UNODC GMCP is supporting the establishment of a joint crime prevention and security committee in Nigeria
Under a project funded by the Government of Germany, UNODC GMCP is holding a meeting with the aim of supporting Nigerian community leaders and local security and law enforcement agencies to establish a joint crime prevention and security committee. The committee will be tasked with guiding and monitoring the implementation of the crime prevention strategy and action plans through the application of an effective early warning and early response processes. The overall aim is to enhance communities' and state actors’ ability to prevent crime. 
Atlantic Ocean

Atelier pour la réforme juridique contre la criminalité maritime en Côte d'Ivoire

Atelier finalisation de l’avant-projet de loi relative à la répression des infractions commises en mer et aux modalités d’exercice des pouvoirs de police en mer
Le PMCM de l'ONUDC tient actuellement un atelier pour matérialiser la volonté de la Côte d’Ivoire de se faire accompagner par l’ONUDC dans son projet de réforme juridique afin de parfaire son cadre de lutte contre la criminalité maritime, avec le soutien du Bureau International chargé de la lutte contre les stupéfiants et de l’application des lois(INL, Département d’État américain). Cet atelier permettra d’avoir un regard approfondi sur le code maritime; de finaliser le projet de loi sur la criminalité maritime; et de recueillir des suggestions et propositions substantielles des acteurs présents pour une réforme inclusive. 
Atlantic Ocean

Cérémonie de remise officielle d’équipements informatiques en Côte d'Ivoire

Cérémonie de remise officielle d’équipements informatiques entre l’Office des Nations Unies contre la Drogue et le Crime (ONUDC) et la CEDEAO à Abidjan

Le PMCM de l’ONUDC a tenu le 13 juin une cérémonie de remise officielle d’équipements informatiques au bureau dédié du Centre régional de sécurité maritime de l’architecture de l’Afrique de l’Ouest, avec le soutien de la Norvège via le projet de renforcement des capacités des acteurs de l’Etat en mer dans le Golfe de Guinée. Cette remise de matériel a pour objectif d’appuyer les centres maritimes de coordination du Golfe de Guinée dans leur action contre l’insécurité maritime.

Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea

Aden Ship dry-dock repair progress

UNODC GMCP has deployed a mentor to Aden to support the repair and maintenance of the YCG's patrol boats

UNODC GMCP is conducting dry dock repair for the Yemen Coast Guard’s (YCG) largest patrol vessel, a Marine Protector-class patrol Ship, ADEN -2602. The comprehensive repair and maintenance at Djibouti dry dock is considered the first to the vessel after its delivery in 2011, which is in in line with the implementation plan for the YCG Regeneration Strategy. This milestone became a reality thanks to the contribution of both the US Department of State EXBS Program and the UK FCDO. All marine engines and the propulsion system will undergo the repair and maintenance required to ensure the proper operation of the vessel to conduct the YCG patrols in Yemeni territorial waters.

Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea

Progress of construction works at YCG’s operations room and training centre

UNODC GMCP continues to support the upgrades of the YCG operations room and training centre

As part of the implementation plan for the Yemen Coast Guard's (YCG) Regeneration Strategy, UNODC GMCP continues the construction project for establishing a training centre at the YCG Headquarters. The training centre will become the main facility for UNODC GMCP to deliver training courses for the YCG. Similarly, the upgrade and rehabilitation project for the Operations Room in the YCG HQ is ongoing.

Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea

Delivery of maintenance materials and PPE for the YCG

UNODC GMCP delivered maintenance materials and PPE for the YCG in the Gulf of Aden District

UNODC GMCP continues to support the Yemen Coast Guard (YCG) in the implementation of the Regeneration Strategy with the delivery of essential equipment, tools, and maintenance materials that enable the unit to conduct their operations adequately and to salvage damaged boats to join the YCG fleet. This time, UNODC GMCP delivered equipment to the Gulf of Aden District, including two boat stands, tires for boat trailers, boat windows, PPE equipment and boat hull repair equipment. As a result, the workshop team is performing the necessary maintenance for the boats to keep them ready for any call of duty.

Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea

Mentoring continues at the YCG central workshop in Aden

UNODC GMCP marine engineer expert provides daily mentoring for technicians of the YCG Central Workshop 

Since the beginning of June, UNODC GMCP has continued its daily mentoring programme for 14 technicians of the Yemen Coast Guard (YCG) Central Workshop. The goal during this period was to support the uptake of proper and long-life maintenance methods, in addition to alerting sailors to incorrect practices when using the boats' engines. The YCG maintenance teams continue to carry out routine maintenance activities including the removal of marine growth, cleaning and inspection of the hull and engines. In addition, the UNODC GMCP expert mentored YCG technicians on the proper usage of the Yamaha diagnostic device delivered by UNODC GMCP, which is an imperative tool to trouble shoot the issues with outboard engines and repair them effectively. Maintaining the operational condition of the patrol boats is a key part of UNODC GMCP's plan to consolidate and further enhance the YCG's capability in conducting patrol operations. In addition, the repair and equipping of two additional YCG patrol boats is ongoing.

Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea

MLE mentorship programme for YCG in Aden and Mokha

UNODC GMCP continues its mentorship programme for the Yemen Coast Guard in Aden and Mokha 

Funded by the UK FCDO and the EU, UNODC GMCP continued its delivery of daily mentoring in both Gulf of Aden and Red Sea districts to ensure the proper practices are followed in their daily activities. 30 YCG officers and NCOs from the Floating Units in Aden and in Mocha were mentored. UNODC MLE experts joined the patrol boat teams in their daily patrols and delivered training on seamanship, coxswain, search and rescue and on conducting maritime security patrols. Participants demonstrated high capabilities and good execution of their tasks. Additionally, their confidence in conducting the sea patrols in their operating area is improving. The practical sessions at sea were carried out using the boats that were salvaged by UNODC GMCP.

Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea

Marine communication support to YCG

UNODC GMCP supports the YCG through the delivery of marine communications training 

UNODC GMCP continued to provide support to YCG in the area of marine communications by delivering mentoring for the operations room staff, patrol boats crews as well as providing technical support for the installation of radio devices where needed.
Last week, with UNODC GMCP support, the operations room was temporarily moved from the second floor to the first floor of YCG HQ building, allowing construction work in the operations room to be concluded, including the installation of one VHF marine base station.
In addition, UNODC GMCP marine communication expert visited YCG Red Sea District to agree on a plan to increase communication reception coverage of the existing VHF network at Mocha. During the site visit, the expert also conducted maintenance to the VHF marine devices onboard two patrol boats stationed in Mocha.

Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea

Diving mentoring at YCG Red Sea District

UNODC GMCP supports the divers unit of the YCG through daily mentoring and equipment delivery 

UNODC GMCP deployed MLE mentors to oversee the daily activities at Mocha including diving practice. The mentors conducted several practical exercises for the divers who had received diving training funded by UKFCDO last March in Aqaba, Jordan. The practical exercises focused on conducting periodic maintenance for the diving gear and equipment. The divers also conducted search and rescue exercises and navigation under water. UNODC GMCP has ordered new diving gear and equipment for three diving teams in Mocha which is expected to be delivered in August. The equipment will increase the capacity and safety of the YCG divers operations.

Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea

Engineering mentorship in Bebera

UNODC GMCP supports the Somaliland Coast Guard through mentoring on maintenance and breakdown repairs of maritime electrical equipment 

In Berbera, the UNODC GMCP engineering mentor, assisted by a local engineer, is mentoring nine officers on fixing malfunctioning electrical equipment on patrol boats, enhancing the officers' ability to conduct preventative maintenance and breakdown repairs on maritime electrical equipment through hands-on activities. The objective is to teach the officers how to understand safety procedures when working with electrical items. The mentor instructed SLCG officers on how to replace broken fuel tanks, maintain outboard engines, correctly paint and preserve non-skid painting throughout the boat, and, most significantly, maintain spark plugs required to start the engines.

Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea

VBSS training in Seychelles for Somali MLE officers

UNODC GMCP supports Maritime Law Enforcement (MLE) agencies in Somalia through the delivery of VBSS training at the GMCP maritime training centre in Seychelles 

During this reporting period in Seychelles, 15 officers from SPF-DCG, SLCG, and BPMPU participated in a Visit, Board, Search, and Seizure (VBSS) specialized training led by the UNODC GMCP mentor. The training for the boarding officers combined theoretical and practical exercises in boarding preparatory procedures, different types of ship documentation needed, at sea space accountability, and UNCLOS and Human Rights at Sea presentation pertinent to maritime governance, safety and security.

Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea

In-country fisheries planning and coordination training/meetings

Funded by Denmark, UNODC GMCP conducted several planning and coordination training/meetings with the Mogadishu Coast Guard

The UNODC GMCP MLE mentor  in Somalia is working with sixteen Mogadishu Coast Guard officers on planning, preparing, and implementing the upcoming fisheries training to improve Somalia's capability to combat crimes in the fisheries sector. This week's emphasis was on preparing for the next joint training in June 2022 in Seychelles with the mentor tailoring lessons on swimming and man-overboard drills.

Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea

Donor visit to Berbera Prison

UNODC GMCP prison team and a representative from the Swedish Embassy visited Berbera Prison at the end of May 2022

On 28 May 2022, a donor representative from the Swedish Embassy and the UNODC GMCP prison team jointly visited Berbera Prison. The visit's main objective was for the donor to assess the needs and progress of the Berbera Prison renovation project currently being undertaken by UNODC GMCP under the Joint Rule of Law Programme (JRoLP). To uphold basic human rights standards, UNODC is leading the renovation of the facilities and drainage system, with support from the prison mentors on the ground and a national engineer. v

Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea

Meeting with international partners

UNODC GMCP and the Royal Danish Embassy in Kenya convened a meeting with international partners to discuss methods to disrupt terrorist revenue flows and taxtortion schemes

On 8 June, UNODC GMCP and the Royal Danish Embassy in Kenya convened a meeting with international partners to discuss methods to disrupt terrorist revenue flows and taxtortion schemes. During the meeting, UNODC's Consultant presented a new Danish-funded report entitled, "More Powerful by the Day: Terror Financing and Disruption Efforts in Somalia". In concluding the meeting, delegates discussed the need to enhance coordination among partners towards further disrupting terror financing.

Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea

Communications mentorship in Berbera

UNODC GMCP is building the capacity of Somaliland Coast Guard officers through the delivery of mentorship on communication techniques and understanding

UNODC GMCP communications expert delivered training to six male Somaliland Coast Guard officers on radio communication techniques and understanding of operating and maintaining communication systems. The mentor instructed SLCG officers on how to use electronic multi-meters and different comms equipment to enhance the operational capabilities of the officers.

Pacific Ocean

TTX to deescalate tense situations at sea in Malaysia, Vietnam and Thailand

UNODC GMCP organised roundtable discussions and a TTX in Malaysia, Vietnam and Thailand, with a focus on deescalating tense situations at sea

Under the Maritime Law Enforcement Dialogue (MLED), UNODC GMCP conducted independent country-level activities in Malaysia, Vietnam and Thailand on 2, 9, and 13 June 2021 respectively. These activities included the Roundtable to Build a Common Understanding of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and Tabletop Exercises (TTX) to Deescalate Tense Situations at Sea. These events were complementary and sought to strengthen capacity and enhance knowledge building in the application value of UNCLOS while enhancing coordination required in deescalating tense situations at sea. The Roundtable focused on the concept of due regard, followed by a review of appropriate interaction and activities surrounding artificial islands. Moderated discussions were then held on the relevance of these concepts in their respective national contexts. The Roundtable formed the critical foundation for the Tabletop Exercise where participants were then presented with a three-tired simulated scenario with reference to these concepts. The outcomes from this activity will be summarised and presented in the upcoming MLED 12 Regional Plenary at the end of June 2022.

Pacific Ocean

Drug maritime exchanges in Malaysia, Vietnam and Thailand

UNODC GMCP facilitated the Drug Maritime Exchanges in Malaysia, Vietnam and Thailand with relevant maritime law enforcement agencies 

In June 2022, UNODC GMCP conducted the Drug Maritime Exchanges in Malaysia, Vietnam and Thailand to enhance national-level coordination between drug and maritime law enforcement agencies under the Forum on Maritime Trafficking Routes - Southeast Asia (MTR-SEA). Dialogues were held to share agency perspectives of emerging developments and review modalities that have been proposed to enhance inter-agency coordination on information sharing and joint operational activity.
During the fourth iteration of the Exchange in Malaysia and in addition to the discussions, the Malaysia Maritime Enforcement Agency, Royal Malaysian Customs Department and Royal Malaysian Navy gave presentations on their respective agency’s priority areas of concern in tackling the exploitation of maritime routes for narcotics trafficking in 2022.
For Vietnam, UNODC GMCP convened the first Drug Maritime Exchange with the participation from the Ministry of Public Security, Vietnam Coast Guard & Border Guard, and Vietnam Customs. The responsible agencies provided updates on the situation and cases of drug trafficking at sea, as well as the current coordination mechanism among agencies in the country, emphasising on the importance of exchange of information.
As for Thailand, on 14 June, through the activity of DMX, UNODC GMCP facilitated closer relationships between coast guard forces and drug enforcement agencies, to build a shared awareness of the perpetrators, modus operandi, and patterns of drug trafficking in the maritime environment.

Pacific Ocean

Ceremony for course on investigation of maritime crime in Tonga

UNODC convened a certificate giving ceremony for a course on investigation of maritime crime in Tonga

UNODC GMCP delivered training and conducted the certificate award ceremony for the Tonga Police on 2 June 2022. The training touched on topics such as the introductory phase to criminal investigation, relevant international maritime law, powers and obligations in different maritime zones, maritime investigation response, operational responses to an incident, on-scene investigation and electronic evidence. The award ceremony was conducted virtually for the Tonga Police. It is anticipated that this training will be expanded to eight Pacific Island States beginning September 2022.

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