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Dear <<First Name>>,

As we roll through June, many of us will be feeling lighter due to the summer season settling in.  Longer summer days give us more hours to soak up the sunlight, which gives us all a natural lift – so make the most of them.  Make time to go for a walk, sit on a bench on the seafront, or do a bit of gardening in your backyard.  Any outdoors time will be sure to boost your mood, even if just for a moment.  Take those moments and soak them in.

Finding Your Confidence...

Confidence is not a talent.  It’s not something you’re either gifted with or not. It’s something you practise, and over time it becomes a little easier.

If you’re looking for help to build your confidence, here are a few tips to keep in mind...
🔸 Make it a habit.  Do something everyday, even if it feels small, to affirm to yourself that you are valid.  Write a note to yourself and stick it on the wall; speak affirmations out loud, even if you feel silly; do something you love or are good at, and pat yourself on the back.  Regular actions all build up and make us stronger.

🔸 Recognise your achievements.  Look back at the footprints you’ve made and allow yourself to truly see how far you’ve come.  You've done far more than you thought - try not to de-value your own journey or compare it to others.

🔸 Allow yourself to say "no".  When confidence is low, it's easy to get pulled along by others, which can lessen our sense of self even more.  Listen to yourself - your opinion counts.
Everyday, take a moment to credit yourself – you are learning, growing, experiencing, and every moment you know more than you did before.

If you need further guidance, advice or support, feel free to contact me below.
Contact Me
Clouds roll in often but no matter how crowded it might get overhead, if we were to peek above all the grey we’d always see sunshine. If the weight of anxious thought is starting to cluster above you, try to remember that there is a world beyond what you are feeling, and that you will not always be feeling this way
Feeling tired, even though you’ve just had a holiday?  Exhaustion can seep in, even when it feels like we’re resting.  Regaining energy and positivity can feel like a challenge – but having help to do so makes it feel far more attainable.  There is help there for you, and you can get your vitality back. Find more information about living life with vitality here.
It’s not just flowers that lean in towards the sunshine in order to stand taller. People do too. Sunlight has proven benefits upon our mental health and wellbeing, triggering the release of serotonin in our brains - the boosting of which is linked to higher mood levels. The sun is also a provider of Vitamin D – which, when we lack it, can cause us to feel low and anxious.
Wishing you a wonderful summer, to warm your soul and lift your heart.

Warm regards,

Get in touch to begin your journey towards wellbeing.
Call me on 07949785334 or email me at

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