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Monthly Members' Newsletter
For new friends, welcome! We are an interdisciplinary network of Masters, PhD and Early Career Researchers focused on defence, security and military topics concerning policy, strategy, history, culture and society. We hope you find our network interesting, exciting, informative, and supportive.
For old friends, thanks for your continued involvement. It is always worth remembering that we would be nothing without you! At the end of this June, we are glad to share thoughts and discussions about 'finishing a PhD'. We have some reflections on being out and about at face-to-face conferences, an update about our writing group and seminar series, as well as a bunch of new podcasts to listen to.
Scroll down to get up to date with the news, opinions, events and opportunities from our members...
Welcome to the Defence Research Network Newsletter!
This month we are going to use this editorial, not to trail what is coming up in the newsletter (as we are sure you will figure that out) but to start a conversation about how the DRN is attempting to breakdown barriers. As our network has matured and the PhD students that set it up have increasingly completed their PhDs, we want to hear from you about how you have been affected by these barriers, what you would like to see done to respond to them and how you would prioritise them.
- The Masters student - PhD student Divide. We recognise that this is a big step up and commitment. It can be daunting if you don't have others you can talk to about what this is like. We want to open up the conversation that enables current PhD students to share their experiences with those thinking about taking this step.
- The PhD student - Early Career Researcher Divide. We know that some of us have found that the 'Dr' title can seem to widen this artificial gap, blurring the fact that often the 'Dr' is only a few months further on. ECRs have so much to offer the PhD student having recently bee in their shoes so we want to help facilitate this conversation to demystify writing up, vivas and the early career steps that follow.
- The Policy/Practitioner - Researcher Divide. As a network we recognise we are well placed to bridge a gap between government/MOD/charities and academic research. Many of the spin-off initiatives we have started, for example the Counterinsurgency Forum, do exactly this and to the mutual benefit of those involved. We are really keen to champion this and ask some difficult questions to make sure that research is reaching those writing policy or working in the fields being written about.
We have spent much of the early part of this year working on reaching out to partner organisations to explore collaborations. Building on our discussions we really want to move these conversations forward and would love to hear from you if you have ideas you would like to talk to us about or if we can work with you or your organisation on these themes. Drop us an email ( or connect on twitter!
Thank you all for your ongoing support and do talk to us about anything you need help with.
Hannah West and Jemma Humphries
Co-Chairs of the Defence Research Network
DRN Monthly Writing Group
Edited by Lucy Wray
Stuck with writing? DRN Monthly Writing Group will take place again in August - stay tuned!
We had a few people registered for our last meeting on June 22nd, but the more, the merrier! No need to carry this burden alone. Join us at Google Meet, and let's navigate this task together!
The writing group is based around the principles of Murry and Newton (2009) and will take place online. The purpose is to create a community of writers (Grant, 2006) and a space in which you can focus on your writing.
The format for the group is as follows:
Duration is 2 hours:
1. 15 min welcome and SMART goal setting
2. 90 minutes of focused writing
3. 15 min review of goals i.e. have you achieved your writing goal aim.
You will be invited to turn off all of your distractions during this time, such as email and mobile phones. You will also be asked to turn off your microphone. A member of the DRN will manage the timings of the group and notify you when it is time to finish your writing.
The first writing group will take place on the 03rd of August. This will be an evening writing group from 1900-2100 GMT. If you are unable to make the start of the group, please feel free to join and write your goal in the chat.
If interested in participating, please register via Eventbrite and a link will be emailed out to you closer to the time.
What we've been up to
Edited by Hannah West & Tamiris Santos
June was an exciting month and we are glad to share a bit of what we've done. Check out below!
Lucie Pebay and Tamiris Santos were panel speakers at the King's College School of Security Studies Annual Research Conference, 'Back to the future? Continuity and change in the study of war and conflict' held on 8-9 June. Lucie and Tami participated in the Strategic Studies Panel entitled 'Defence reform and military transformation in a changing world: Cross-regional approaches to military change', held on June 9th. Click on the image below to watch the panel discussion.
British International Studies Association Conference (BISA) 2022 Conference, held in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, on 15-17 June. #DRNontour

Reflecting on our DRN presence at BISA this year, we want to share some what it is that makes this conference a really good one to attend and participate in as an early career researcher. For those unfamiliar with the conference it has a broad scope with panels from 'Diasporas around the world' to 'Environmental Activism and Youth Engagement: Imagining a Sustainable Future in Algeria and its Neighbourhood', and from 'Pacifism, Nonviolence, Security, and Rebellion' to 'Surviving the Human Epoch: Popular Culture and the (Geo)Politics of the Anthropocene'.
It has two sister conferences organised by the European International Studies Association and the International Studies Association, held in Europe and globally each year. This year was the first in-person BISA conference for two years and we enjoyed making the most of what you miss at online versions - the ability to carry on the conversation after a panel and to meet new people over a coffee. We are really grateful to the BISA conference Team for making us feel so welcome and for putting on such a super programme in a great setting.
Here are some reflections from the DRN team on BISA 2022:
- 'BISA 2022 was a great conference reminding us of the importance of in-person events. As it was my second in-person conference since I started my PhD and my first one post-pandemic, I felt a little apprehensive of presenting my papers and chairing panels, but the friendly and supportive atmosphere makes you soon forget your imposter’s syndrome. Crucial for networking, it was a very positive experience that made me feel more connected to the research community and I have left Newcastle with useful feedback, inspiring ideas and new contacts'. (Lucie Pebay, DRN Secretary)
- 'After a couple of years pause from face to face conferences, it's been great hearing about other people's research, and getting feedback from others outside of immediate subject & department contacts. I felt slightly nervous putting my core PhD argument "out there" but delegates attending my panel have been great in either appreciating the theme researched or making useful suggestions. I found that as an ECR, these events provide an opportunity not only to discuss research-related matters, but also explore career-related questions and make use of most-valued networking time'. (Sorina Toltica, former DRN Committee member)
- 'I find it is the intangible and unexpected connections you make at conferences that spark new thoughts or possible collaborations. I heard a couple of papers that unexpectedly had connections with my work and so briefly introduced myself and came away with a list of a few people who I will be getting in touch with in the next few weeks for a follow up chat. I also really enjoyed getting to chat to people who I have only met virtually and just get to know them a bit more. I am increasingly finding the roundtable format a really accessible one if you would like to explore a question or theme without being ready with a paper and enjoyed taking part in one about the use of creative methods and the arts in research.' (Hannah West, DRN Co-Chair)
It was wonderful to re-connect with so many current and former DRN committee members and we had a great time catching up over dinner:
From the left to the right: Hannah West, Lucie Pebay, Sorina Toltica, Alex Waterman and Allyson Edwards
Finishing a PhD
Edited by Tamiris Santos
Finishing a PhD is quite an accomplishment. However, as some of us know, this journey takes more than some years of commitment, as the rest of the world will not stop meanwhile we complete this stage of academic studies. A whole universe of circumstances can transform this experience on different levels, so, more than finishing the PhD, finishing it safe and sound cannot be undervalued. Bearing this challenging balance in mind, we brought you some bits of our experience, articles, recommendations and, of course, the discussion at our Twitter hour. Here's a round-up...
Some tips & thoughts on how to finish your PhD

Don't panic. Everything is going to be okay. Stick to the whole picture. You are not alone.
'There's lots I could say about how to approach the 'writing up' but for me there was one thing I could find little advice on in a world where social media can make it feel like everyone is just sailing through their vivas. If you find yourself, as I did, hearing the words 'major corrections', do not despair. You are not the only one and you certainly won't be the last. Remember too that there is a lot of variation in what the definition of major corrections is and you might find that this decision in one institution might well have been classified as minor corrections elsewhere. It might make you feel deflated, like the end was in sight and the goalposts have suddenly moved (I was pretty upset for the next couple of days) and questioning where you are going to find the energy from to do more. But when you have had a bit of space you will find that you can probably start to understand what the examiners feel was missing and, if you are lucky, you will learn a lot as you make your corrections, filling in gaps you hadn't realised were there. I was worried I wouldn't feel proud of my thesis as a result of major corrections but in fact I feel prouder for having overcome this final barrier. And that is why I want to share it with our DRN community because if you find yourself in this position I want you to know it is going to be okay.' (Dr Hannah West)
'I guess that the most important to keep in mind during this period, when we are running out of steam and under lots of pressure and expectations, is: 'you are enough, you've done enough', and no one will be more aware of your research and your whole trajectory than you (and luckily, your supervisor). Impostor syndrome is a battle that comes and goes in waves, crushing a great part of ourselves and stealing our sense of accomplishment. That happened to me during my PhD and for a long time after completing it in 2017. The difficulties of going straight to an academic career after the PhD, personal issues and several closed doors caused an increased sensation of doubt and failure. I just could recover my senses, trust and look at myself and my research from a more indulgent and self-compassioned perspective during my postdoc in 2020. This is the kind of self-punishment that no one deserves. In this sense, look at the time, effort, and energy you’ve put into everything and allow yourself to appreciate that. If you ever feel you are not enough, don’t belong where you are or anything like that... Take a deep breath! Remember every piece of effort you’ve been doing so far. More than proud of an academic title and position, you deserve to feel happy and proud of your accomplishments and the amazing person you’ve become after and due to this experience. Stick to the whole picture. You are not alone'. (Dr Tami Santos)
Tips for the viva and more
'My tips for the viva would be: Choose your examiners very carefully. If it's an online viva that they are supplied with a paper copy. Know your thesis really well so you can turn to the appropriate pages quickly. Take your time over answering. Think of it as a privilege - they want to read your work and not many other people will'. (Dr Claire Lee)
'When asked about my PhD I always get the same two questions. First, the exciting one: ’What are you working on?’. Second, the anxiety trigger: ’So, when do you finish?’. Although the first has become much clearer over time, two and half years in, I still struggle to answer the second one.Like almost every researcher, my work has been delayed by COVID, but I now have gathered all my data, have a clear outline and I have started writing up chapters. The journey still seems long, and the last months have clearly showed me that every step – (even without a global pandemic!) – takes longer than I think. You always end up making changes, dropping something you’ve worked on for weeks because it’s no longer relevant, waiting on emails etc. You also have other commitments, requirements and deadlines interfering with your progress. On top of that add the pressure of time, money and life beyond the PhD (i.e. end of funding, competitive job market, difficulties to publish etc.) When you think about all these different aspects it quickly becomes overwhelming. To cope and write up more efficiently here’s a few tips that work for me:
- Set goals the day before and don’t beat yourself up if you can’t achieve them. It remains a good way to structure your day and progress. That works for your project as a whole: to avoid feeling overwhelmed break things down and focus on one task at a time. Don’t think further ahead than you need to. Although it is good and necessary to keep an eye on the future, if you think of it too much it can easily become an extra source of stress. A medium-term rough plan of work, tasks, and objectives helps me be more organised and productive.
- Don’t compare yourself to others, everyone has a different topic, works differently, and tackles their project differently. Comparing yourself does not make sense and will only pressure you more.
- Productivity does not equate to time spent staring at your screen. I find this especially true when it comes to writing as it requires a lot of focus and attention. I am more productive when I take multiple breaks. If I struggle to write, I also find it useful to work on something different for a couple of days before going back to it.
- Try to let go of perfectionism! That’s a hard one for most researchers including myself but there’s so much to do, if you want everything to be perfect you will simply never finish.
So, when will I finish? I don’t know! And I guess that’s ok'. (Lucie Pebay, PhD candidate)
Expectations for this brand new phase
'I remember being afraid and insecure during the largest part of my application process. As a person coming from a peripheral region and a small university, I always doubted I could be admitted into one of the best universities in the world (and the best regarding defence and joint PME). Imposter syndrome was really a thorn on my side, as it is with most academics, especially when you keep hearing you “should be realistic” regarding your academic goals. However, I was privileged to have the support of some amazing people, especially Dr Zeno Leoni, who will be my primary supervisor during the PhD Journey starting in October (but whom I already consider as such). And look at me now, the first civilian from Brazil to be admitted into a PhD at the Defence Studies Department at KCL!!! In this sense, my first advice is to not give up on yourself, even when the circumstances tell you the contrary or when the process gets hard. Applying for a PhD can be really hard, especially when you are an international student who needs to go through all kinds of bureaucracy. However, remember that you are an amazing person, capable of achieving great things. Do not be shy or afraid to seek help, but always be aware of wolves in lambskin. Second is to look for the right supervisor, since he/she will be key during this process. So establishing a good relation right from the beginning can make your experience during the PhD journey much pleasant. For now, my expectations are the highest! The opportunity to be at the centre of the defence studies, close to world leading experts is inexplicable. In the same way, I believe the daily coexistence with other PhD students will be a very rewarding opportunity, especially because I am eager to learn a lot with everyone. I am looking forward to a period of much learning, intellectual enrichment, much hard work and high-level contributions to the advancement of our field of study'. (André Carvalho, prospective PhD student)
June Twitter Hour: Finishing a PhD
Edited by Lucy Robinson
This month’s #TwitterHour happened on Wednesday 8th June on the theme of the ‘finishing a PhD’. Below, we share the highlights. Let us know if you have resources, articles, events, books to recommend or share around this theme. #DefResChat
Q1: Do you have any tips for managing multiple deadlines?
• I have to pop it in my diary …. If it’s there I then feel obligated to complete the task but I usually spilt tasks into small specific items #defreschat #defence #research #phd #academic
• I found it handy to have a one page plan which I kept up most of way through. Towards the end it became more of a chapter list, although felt like spinning plates to keep each update in one chapter reflected elsewhere.
• @ithinkwell ran a course @UniofBath and have some free templates:
• I find it helpful to have a checklists to break down all of the deadlines into achievable goals.
• I always list my deadlines/outputs in priority order, then work the first until its done, then the second etc. I found that working on multiple outputs at once generated lower quality work vs putting all my effort into one problem at a time.
Q2: How did you manage to get over the final hurdle(s) of your PhD?
• The honest answer or the diplomatic answer? In all honesty, it was stressful. I do not recommend doing what I did, which was working at 3/4/5am in bed. I did manage to offset some stress though with good food & film/ quiz nights etc. (I finished during the pandemic)
• Best advice was to make a list of everything you needed to do eg a reference needed, a para needing work, that final attempt to improve lit review. You end up with a massive list (80 ish in my case). Then the advice is cross them off and when they’re done you’re done. Brilliant!
• Also my supervisor was adamant I took two weeks (at least) holiday before final draft. He said I’d be better for it and I was!
• I have set lots of small goals to make the end more manageable.
• Lots of coffee to be awake, Wine for inspiration & Painkillers to cope with pain. But in the end, when you have the right support and enough resolve, everything turns out all right. Friends, family and supervision support are fundamental to build it.
• Write the bits you’re interested in, keep moving and achieve small goals. The bits you’re scared of will be percolating in the background, becoming less fearsome all on their own. You’ll get there!
Q3: If you experienced imposter syndrome during your studies, how did you manage it?
• Usually I get imposter syndrome when meeting those in the field I have read everything they have ever written. I need to remember they are just people and they were where you are once.
• So true. There feels like there is an invisible barrier between PhD students and early career researchers sometimes where the 'Dr' title feels like a divide. But sometimes only a few months separates us and I have always been welcomed by ECRs when I have reached out.
• Also important to know @hannah_r_west and I met in our first year of PhD. We had no idea what was ahead or that we’d end up publishing together. You are powerful as academics from your first year. We know that!!
• Indeed and that would be another top tip actually. We all know PhD writing can be an isolating time but co-authoring along the way has been such a great experience, it's super having someone to work with and a really nice change. Thanks @DrSophyAntrobus!
• This won’t work for everyone but just say yes. Take the opportunities and go for it.
• Engage early and often! It's hard at the start but it helps you build your confidence.
• I found presenting early in the PhD was good advice - it helped me to move my writing along because each presentation became the draft for a chapter. Starting with PGR conferences and then building up to bigger international conferences meant it became a norm to be presenting.
• These are such good ideas. I'm not sure how to manage it but know being around supportive people and supporting others is helpful.
Q4: How did you decide on what to do once you'd completed your PhD?
• Does anyone get to decide? I mean this in a hugely positive way but we look for a job. Preferably relevant. Then if we’re lucky enough to get something related to our studies we move on and up if we can. Maybe that’s just me!!
• Obviously networking is important. We’ll be recruiting a new Research Associate this month so there’s one potential opportunity. Keep in touch with networks and colleagues.
Thank you to everyone who took part!

What we're reading
Edited by Veronika Poniscjakova
Understanding Land Warfare
Christopher Tuck
This book is a great introduction to the study of modern land warfare and will be enjoyed by both those new to the topic as well as those who already have some understanding of military history or strategic studies.
The book is split into three sections. The first one focuses on the development of land warfare, including its theory, history, and wider context. The second part tackles the idea of victory, looking at counterinsurgency, peace and stability operations as well as hybrid warfare. The final section looks into the future, and also touches upon Russia and China.
You can buy a copy here.
Making British Defence Policy: Continuity and Change
Robert Self
This new book focuses on institutions and actors by whom the British defence policy is made, and the complex issues they are facing. This includes all the key policy actors, such as the Prime Minister, Cabinet, and the Ministry of Defence. However, the book also notes the increasing influence of external policy actors and forces, such as Parliament, the courts, political parties, pressure groups, and public opinion.
The book also addresses the UK’s “special relationship” with the United States, in terms of defence and intelligence matters.
You can get a copy here.
What we've been listening to
Edited by Tamiris Santos
The War & Diplomacy Podcast Series
The Centre for War and Diplomacy (CWD) of the Lancaster University provides the historical context and strategic analysis to inform understanding of today's geopolitical challenges through discussions with leading experts and researchers. Navigate through history digging further into several themes listening to it at this link.
Air Power and International Security Podcast
The Portsmouth Military Education Team, based at the Portsmouth University, is composed of a group of scholars working at RAF Cranwell and RAF Halton dedicated to the study of air and space power. The podcast explores various issues relating to the theory and practice of military power across all domains, international security, current affairs, and the history of military aviation and space power. Help yourself with great pieces of information and analysis at this link.
Edited by André Carvalho
Defence and Security Doctoral Symposium
Date: 09-10 November 2022
Hosted by Cranfield University, the Defence and Security Doctoral Symposium provides research students and early career researchers in defence and security with an opportunity to present their work to a sector-wide audience. It covers both technological and social science research. The event also includes an exhibition space for industry and other employers of defence and security researchers. This event is designed specifically for researchers with an interest in defence and security research outcomes, including PhD and other research students and their supervisors, early career researchers, representatives from industry, government and other defence and security-relevant NGOs. If interested, you can find more in depth details here.
If you would like to advertise any upcoming opportunities, please let us know via email.
Edited by André Carvalho
Job Opportunity - Research Associate at the Freeman Air & Space Institute
King's College London
Deadline: June 30th, Thursday
FASI is looking for a research associate to conduct original research and analysis of current and emerging air and space issues, and work with the Director, Executive Director, and other staff to support FASI’s growing portfolio of activities. The post holder must have a PhD ideally in a topic relevant to air and space power, although strong applications from candidates with PhDs on contemporary non-air/space topics within the broader field of strategic studies will also be considered. Apply for the job here.

Call for Papers – Inter-University Seminar on Armed Forces and Society
IUS Canada 2022
Deadline: June 30th, Thursday
The 2022 IUS Canada Conference welcomes papers or organized panels that address the key themes of interest to the IUS Fellows in support of emerging scholarly research dealing with the military establishment and civil-military relations. Papers in all areas touching on defence and security in national and international contexts are eagerly solicited. To advance Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in scholarly and military professional discourse, IUS particularly encourages submissions that bring new academic, cultural or regional perspectives to broaden analytic frameworks and professional perspectives on defence and security. Panel submissions (3-4 papers) are very welcome, and every effort will be made to group individually submitted papers into relevant panels. Submissions from graduate students who wish to be considered for the Franklin Pinch Award for best Graduate Student Paper should be clearly identified as such. You can proceed with your submission and find more information here. |

Call for Participants
Defence, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy in the UK
(Interviews for a research at the University of Bath)
Léonie Briendo is currently doing an MA in Gender and Politics at the University of Bath. Her dissertation is on the Defence, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy put in place in the UK in 2018. She aims to understand how women experienced the changes and the creation of this strategy. To do so, she would like to interview women who were active during that period and left the forces between 2019 and 2022. Only people above 18 years old will be able to participate, and a consent form will be available before any conversation. All information collected will be anonymous, and no private or secure information is needed.
Reach out to Léonie at her e-mail:
Call for Participants
The Veterans and Families Institute
The Veterans and Families Institute are currently undertaking a study exploring how RAF families communicate during periods of separation, in light of the rise of social media and online communication in the last decade. We are looking to speak to RAF children and young people 11-21 via online focus groups, and partners of currently serving RAF personnel with children aged under 18 via online individual interviews. Our aim is to better understand the positives and challenges of families’ communication today, and coproduce recommendations on how organisations can best support families’ virtual relationships. All participants will have the chance to win an Amazon voucher as thank you for their time. To find out more about taking part, please email
Research Fellowship in Emerging Technologies and International Security
Bridging the Gap
Dealine: August 15th, Monday
Bridging the Gap (BTG) is accepting applications for their New Voices Research Fellowship, funded by The Raymond Frankel Foundation and in partnership with New America. They are seeking a thoughtful, motivated PhD student or someone who has completed their doctoral degree in the last 12 months to make significant contributions to the planning and content of an upcoming workshop in the New Voices series. The PhD fellow will assist with workshop preparations, serve as a rapporteur at this workshop, prepare relevant materials, and organize post-workshop summaries and publications. Apply for the position here.

Call for Submissions – Journal for War and Culture Studies
Deadline: September 1st, Thursday
The Journal for War and Culture Studies has been at the forefront of the cultural turn in war studies from its first issue in 2008. Since then it has expanded beyond its original base in Modern Languages and twentieth-century European Studies to become truly global and to encompass research from the late eighteenth century to the present day from both the Arts and Humanities and the Social Sciences. Throughout this time, it has taken great pride in being a forum in which both established and new voices are heard.
In June 2021, early career researchers from around the world presented a series of short papers exploring future directions in the field. Now, postgraduate researchers and early career scholars are invited to send their reflections on the topic “War and Culture Studies - What Next?” for a special to be published in 2023. There are no prescribed themes for this special issue, but authors can to demonstrate how their own research specialism is establishing new ways of working in, and of understanding, the field. Authors should therefore reflect on the wider ramifications of their research, as well as its specificity, and highlight its broader relevance for scholars of War and Culture Studies. Further guidelines can be found here.
As always, keep an eye on our Twitter for new events and opportunities posted/retweeted every day!
Planning a future event?
If you are planning a defence-related event and you would like to reach an audience of like-minded researchers, we'd love to come along! Drop us an email and we can include it in our next newsletter.
If you are interested in any of our events but don't want to go alone, or simply want to expand your network, please reach out on Twitter or drop us an email and we can connect you with fellow DRN members who may be planning to attend.
July's theme: Military Transformation
We are glad to share that our theme for July will be 'Military Transformation' so feel free to share your views, contacts and events about this hot topic.
As usual, we will be looking to showcase some early career researchers in research spotlights in the newsletter so don't be shy! And we welcome any suggestions for 'in conversation with' pieces with more established academics working in this area. And let us know about any relevant events from book launches to webinars.
We will be holding a Twitter hour on this theme, so keep an eye on @DefenceResNet for more information and check out the website for a preview of the questions for the next #DefResChat. You can also find all our previous #DefResChats on the Archive section of our website. Make sure to tag @DefenceResNet and hashtag #DefResChat to join the conversation.
Despite being affectionate by defence and research, July's theme will be our last before our summer holidays. Promise made that we'll be back in September!
Do you have a blog or publication you would like to promote? Don't hesitate to share it with us via email and we can add it to our newlsetter.
Thank you so much for joining our network.
Have you recently won an award, had your paper published, launched a book or are you organising an event? We want to hear from you! We are always looking for new content for our newsletter and would love to showcase the great work of our members.
For queries, more information, or just to tell us about yourself, don't hesitate to contact us on Twitter @DefenceResNet or at
The DRN team