Studio news and upcoming events

Living with chronic pain is frustrating and exhausting. Once-enjoyable experiences become shadowed with discomfort or impossible. The stress and anxiety of dealing with chronic pain often makes it worse, in a vicious cycle.

Doctors can do little besides offer medication and surgery, which may not work or cause new problems. The world of alternative medicine is vast and confusing, often involving expensive supplements or therapies of unknown effectiveness.

Many have found yoga and mindfulness practices to be powerful tools for reducing or resolving chronic pain, stress and anxiety. Not only are they affordable and accessible, they affirm our capacity to heal ourselves.

In this 4-week workshop, Rhoda Miriam will share a set of practices she has found helpful for working with her own chronic pain.  They are also helpful for anyone (everyone?) coping with stress and anxiety in these chaotic times.

  • Rebalancing muscle tension through gentle, sustained yoga poses;
  • Deep nervous system relaxation through breathing techniques and guided relaxation (yoga nidra);
  • Pain Reprocessing Therapy, a method for reprogramming the brain’s neural pathways through mindful attention, thereby shifting the experience of painful symptoms.

All sessions take place on Zoom and will be recorded for those who cannot attend live.

Participants may wish to schedule a one-on-one yoga therapy session with Rhoda where she can customize the practices for individual circumstances. She will offer a discounted rate for up to 30 days after the series concludes.

Cost: $95 / members save 15% / sliding scale gladly offered

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Experience the method for yourself in 6 minutes

 Student Story

My name is Betty Douglas. I’m a retired Clinical Social Worker with a specialty in geriatrics, having practiced for 30 years in a health care setting. I have participated in several of Rhoda Miriam’s 4-week series on Yoga for Managing Chronic Pain. I was initially attracted to these series for relief from pain but as I have continued with each series, I find that I’m also learning tips and techniques for managing stress and anxiety as well. As we age, chronic pain can sometimes occur and stress seems to be an unavoidable part of life. Although we cannot always control pain or stress in our lives, we can develop insight into how these impact us personally and how we respond to them. The insights and practices provided in these series have helped me to develop skills to better manage my pain, stress and anxiety, to feel more comfortable and to function more easily in my daily life.

Rhoda has extensive training, knowledge and expertise that she easily shares in her lectures, yoga practice and especially during discussion sections. I have found that, as I take each series, there is some helpful review of previous material but always something new is introduced. Rhoda shares techniques that can easily be incorporated into everyday life and utilized throughout the day. I have developed insights into my own response to pain and stress and I have learned simple, helpful relaxation and breathing techniques, movements and postures that help me to better manage my response and find relief. For this I am very grateful!

Betty Douglas, Chicago

Also in July

Rose Campbell is teaching 2 outdoor yoga classes in Fountain Square as part of the Get Fit Friday promotion. 
  • July 1, 8-9am
  • July 15, 8-9am
Each class is just $5; register here.
New evening in-studio option!

Mac-talla is a dynamic movement practice. Drawing from eclectic somatic traditions, each session incorporates mindfulness, visualization, and rigorous physical exercise. Mac-talla invites us into resonance across material, energetic, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies. Aerobics meets ritual. Open to all levels of fitness and imagination. Expect to sweat.

Cost: $30, members save 15%, sliding scale gladly offered

Grateful Yoga is exciting to introduce this innovative method to the community, offering a blend of cardiovascular vigor and imaginative inquiry. If there is interest, it may become a regular class in the fall.

More about Mac-talla

Mac-talla is a Scottish Gaelic word for echo, or reflected sound that returns to its first observer. The idea is that we are always in a resonant space, but that sometimes we experience fracture. This fracturing is a painful and unsustainable mode of being. Through breath, focus, and movement, Mac-talla invites us into awareness and integration. We reclaim the resonant, dynamic space that holds both actor and witness, vessel and spirit, intent and flower, givenness and transformation.

Your teacher

Sarah Tolan-Mee is a somatic practitioner and creator of Mac-talla. She guides creative artists, entrepreneurs, techies, humanists, Pulitzer Prize winners, and MacArthur geniuses in various awareness and movement modalities. She has conducted workshops locally and internationally for arts institutions, theaters, colleges, non-profits, teenagers in detention, and refugees seeking asylum. Her training includes Alexander Technique, Somatic Experiencing, Release Technique, Laban, Malian dance, Michael Chekhov Technique, and physical theater. She has a BA from Brown University and an MFA from The Juilliard School, where she worked extensively with Moni Yakim.

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Weekly Class Schedule

We are planning to keep adding to our in-studio schedule as interest builds. Please let us know what you are looking for!


10-11:15a Hatha Yoga & Meditation with Nick (Studio / Zoom 1)
12-1p Yoga for Lifelong Strength with Becky
(Zoom 2 or Becky's private studio, 6 week series)


9:30-10:45 Yoga Reboot with Sarah (Studio/Zoom 2)
10-11a Gentle Yoga with Chair with Rhoda (Zoom 1)


9:30-10:45a Hatha Yoga and Meditation with Lela (Studio / Zoom 1)
7-8p Prenatal Yoga with Rose (Studio / Zoom 2)


8:30-9:45a Mindful Outdoor Experience with Nick
(local parklands, see schedule for details)
10-11a Gentle Yoga with Rhoda (Zoom 1)
7-8p Evening Meditation & Movement (Zoom 1)


9:30-10:45a Yoga with Sarah Westbrook (Studio / Zoom 1)
12-1p All-Levels Noon Yoga with Abby Factor (Zoom 1)


8:30-9:30a Prenatal with Lela (Studio / Zoom 2)
10-11:15a Yoga and Meditation with Lela (Studio / Zoom 1)
12:15-1:30p Hatha Basics with Nick (Studio / Zoom 1)


8:30-10a Hatha Basics with Stacia (Zoom 1)
NEW 9-10a Mindful Vinyasa with Eliza (Studio only)
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If you know anyone who might be interested in/desperately need our classes, we'd be grateful for a referral.  Perhaps you can send them this newsletter?  We also appreciate you liking and sharing our Facebook posts, or leaving reviews on Facebook and Yelp.
Since 2005, Grateful Yoga has been supported by students who value a mindful practice in a peaceful, welcoming environment.  We educate our students with insights from the ancient practices of Hatha yoga, as well as the modern insights of growth psychology, yoga therapy, kinesiology and neuroscience.

Our highly-qualified teachers offer weekly group classes, specialized educational series, mentorship and training for new teachers and health professionals, private instruction, yoga nidra, and perinatal yoga.
We aim to become an inclusive center for deep yogic study and self-transformation. Students of all ages, religious beliefs and experience levels are welcome in our community.

We hope to be a lasting part of your journey toward health and joy.

Learn more, see our full schedule of weekly classes at

You can register for class in advance, or just show up!

1108 Davis St, Evanston, IL 60201
Copyright © 2022 Grateful Yoga, All rights reserved.

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