Last week Mary and I were away in Austria running our annual Activity Holiday, something that I started back in 1983 and have run almost every year since. For over 20 years Mary has joined me in leading this very special week and in all that time there have only been four years missed, two of which were due to lockdown.
Many of our guests have been returning year after year as they have loved everything about the holiday – the spectacular scenery, the clean fresh air, the healthy food, learning how to be healthier, the luxurious hotel and a week when they have walked their socks off and laughed lots. However, this year I decided it would be our grand finale. Nothing lasts forever and despite a genuine feeling of sadness, I knew it was right to bring it to an end.
My unwelcome, uninvited guest, Mr Arthritis, makes it difficult for me to do all the walks and it takes a certain amount of energy to make sure 24 guests are made to feel special throughout the week despite being helped by my PA Peter, my daughter Dawn and of course Mary.
At the beginning of the holiday, Mary asked all our guests to test their fitness using exactly the same Fitness Test that we have on our website. They ‘buddied up’ and measured each other’s fitness ‘challenges’ on Day 1 and then again on Day 6. Mary calculated the ‘norms’ to see whether they were above or below average for their age. For some the results were remarkable. One guest’s flexibility increased by 5” during the week whilst another’s leg strength (doing the sit to stand test) had increased by 50%! This goes to prove that if we are consistently active, we can progress our fitness fast.
One of the highlights of the holiday is the evening spent watching live Tyrolean music and dancing. Super-fit lederhosen-clad, thigh-slapping guys performing unimaginably energetic dance routines, (even one on stilts), takes your breath away. Then to watch the pretty girls in their traditional Austrian dirndls dancing alongside in perfect unison, completes the wonderful entertainment that couldn’t help but put a smile on your face.
As I have said before, a motivational guru I respected greatly, the late Richard Denny, described true success as: 1) having something to aim for, 2) having someone to share it with and 3) that what you do makes a difference. In our own way, this annual trip achieved those goals. Over the years of running these holidays we have always had a full programme, and the remarkable ability for strangers from all walks of life to get along together has always been heart-warming. Sharing the experience of going for a walk up a mountain, going fishing for trout, exercising together in a class or volunteering to be part of the talent show concert that Mary produced every year - which was always a highlight - meant that we all connected.
And what made such a massive difference to everyone was the obvious increase in their fitness within just six days and for some, a few lbs gone too. Perhaps more importantly, there was the opportunity to forge genuine friendships that will probably last a lifetime.
On the last evening of each holiday, I always presented everyone with a Certificate of Merit in recognition of their achievements throughout the week. But there were some surprises this year as it was our very last one. The Director of the Tourist Office presented me with a beautiful book and made a touching speech, explaining that no other group had shown such loyalty by visiting the same hotel for over 37 years. The Burger family, who have run the hotel for the last three generations, also made beautiful speeches and presented me with more gifts. It was so touching and very emotional. I actually felt I should thank them as, after all, this happy band of get-fitters had caused mayhem throughout the hotel by thoroughly enjoying themselves over all these years!
Serves 1
(For two or more portions, duplicate main ingredients)
Per serving: 200 calories, 2g fat
Prep time 3 mins
(Prepare the night before to allow the oats and fruit to swell overnight.)
Cook Time: None
20g (half a blue Portion Pot®) Luxury Muesli
100g Live Plain Yogurt
1 teaspoon runny honey
- Mix the muesli with the yogurt and the honey in a small cereal dish.
- Cover with clingfilm and place in the fridge overnight.
- Serve chilled for a nutritious breakfast.
Fun, Facts & Fitness from Mary Morris MSc.

Rosemary and I have just returned from a memorable trip to the Austrian Alps, which has to be one of the most breathtaking parts of the world. It has the capacity to feed the soul!
Our visit had particular poignancy this year as it was the last one to take place after nearly 40 years. I have been part of it for 24 years and in that time have seen the same people return year on year, as it has proved to be a magnet for those who love to spend an entire week focussing on their health and fitness in an awe-inspiring environment, and with like-minded others. That combination is perfect for our overall health and well-being.
That leads me to encourage you to pursue the idea of going on an activity holiday yourself at some time in the future. You will probably come back slimmer and fitter and will have formed new friendships that last long after the holiday has ended. The opportunities are endless both here and abroad and almost certainly you would be able to find something that suits your interests. Organised walking holidays are a good example because all the planning is done for you and you can just relax and enjoy them. If you are single, they are particularly ideal, as you immediately become part of a group who all enjoy a similar activity.
Our trip to the Alps had extra fitness benefits for us due to the high altitude. The higher the terrain in which we are walking the less the percentage of oxygen available to our lungs, making breathing much harder. When we took our first walks early in the week, we could tell the air was thinner, particularly when walking uphill! But as the week progressed, we began to realise we were able to cope better.
How does this happen? Because walking at altitude increases the production of red blood cells that are instrumental in carrying oxygen to all parts of the body, the extra pressure on our lungs increases the strength of the respiratory system, making breathing easier. This is why so many athletes train at high altitudes in order to reach peak fitness. But even we non-athletes can realise great improvements in our fitness.
On our regular early morning walk we had a steep climb up to a particular cow shed and most of us had to stop halfway to catch our breath at the start of the week. By the end of week there was no need. Our ability to work harder for longer showed just how much fitter we had become in just a few days.
Hippocrates, the Greek physician traditionally referred to as the "Father of Medicine," said that our health was not just based on our physical well-being but also our social and mental health. I believe that is exactly what a well-chosen Activity Holiday will achieve!
This Week's Fitness Challenge
- Download the free NHS App 'Active 10' onto your phone. You set it up for how many blocks of 10 minutes brisk walking you want to do every day. You then get a Gold Cup for every 10 minutes achieved. It will only record 'brisk' walking!
- Decide if you are going to do strength work this week with either a Resistance Toning Band or Hand Weights. Do whichever you prefer 3 times this week.
- If you need to increase your social well-being look for a local group activity that you want to try. It could lead to new friendships and happy times!
- Use a Stretch or Pilates programme for a calmer element to your fitness training but which still gives you great results.
- Why not re-test yourself with the Fitness Test or do it for the first time?
Did you know...
Tyrol is the western Austrian state in the Alps that’s known for its ski resorts, historic sites and folk traditions. The capital city, Innsbruck, is surrounded by mountains and is home to many landmarks of the Habsburg Empire. The picturesque wooden chalets laden by snow in the winter, transform into a feast of colour during the summer.
Almost every balcony is taken over by geraniums. Window boxes filled to bursting adorn every café, hotel or restaurant, while wildflowers cover the hillside meadows. The scenery is filled with streams, gushing waterfalls, glacial lakes and gentle cows wearing tuneful bells, set against the backdrop of the soaring Austrian Alps.
Just think The Sound of Music and picture yourself running up the side of a mountain, flinging your arms wide and singing...... The hills truly are alive!
Rosemary's group stayed at Hotel Der Berghof in the beautiful village of Lech am Arlberg just west of the Tyrol region. For further information visit
And finally...
I think we all have ‘chapters’ in our lives and it is very satisfying when we reach the end of one chapter and turn the page to see what lies ahead. My Austrian Activity holiday has been a truly wonderful chapter for me, and hopefully for many others. I believe our lives have been enriched by the beauty of such a magnificent country. Happy memories indeed!
With love and best wishes,

Rosemary Conley CBE DL