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It's that time of year again—the Latino Awards will be here soon!

Centro's biggest fundraiser of the year, the Latino Awards is our opportunity to give out three awards representing Centro Hispano’s values of Comunidad, Corazón, and Latinidad.

Join us in person to celebrate the Latino community of East Tennessee with traditional Latin American food and music, dancing, and great company.

¡Nos vemos allí!

Buy tickets here and vote for your favorite nominees here.
Polls close July 15th!

For more information, contact or visit

All proceeds go toward Centro Hispano's vision:

Event sponsorships and ads are available!
Special thanks to our media sponsor:

Families Succeeding and Children Flourishing

Summertime may be slow for some, but not for our Youth & Family Engagement Department! Afterschool enrichment programs led straight to summer camp, which included time in nature, STEM learning, and art workshops. Friendships were forged, new skills were learned, and we all got just a little more connected!
Also, a shoutout to our Pre-K literacy graduates is in order. We're so proud of all your hard work!
In the coming months, we're looking forward to our Shoes for Schools event benefitting 87 area children, the soft open of our Día de los Muertos exhibit at the McClung Natural History Museum, and family field trips to the Tennessee Theatre and Flour Power Kids Cooking Studios! Our awesome afterschool, Pre-K, and parent education workshops will start up again in September. 

Each year, this departments serves hundreds of families with resource supports and thousands of instructional hours. Stronger communities are achieved one success at a time!

Promoting Education, Access, and Equity

Speaking of healthy communities, our Community Resources department has partnered with a broad coalition of area organizations across Greater Knoxville to foster:
In August, we will join forces with UT Medical for free prostate exams, and partner with Cherokee Health on a new mobile clinic for adults needing primary care services. Centro will also host its first health fair on August 5th!
Centro hosts the crew of the All of Us bus
In other news, our wildly popular live Cafecitos with Centro's Promotora de Salud will continue, as will our Compañeras group and our robust vaccination outreach efforts. It takes a village to cultivate thriving communities! 

Offering the Tools to Succeed

Our Workforce Development's immensely successful Grandes Sueños en Pequeñas Empresas (Big Dreams in Small Businesses) program will kick off its second cohort in August, and we've got Master Classes going in the meantime to help aspiring entrepreneurs prep for the course.

For those needing to develop their English or get their GED equivalency, our ESL classes continue and our fall HiSET program will kick off on August 6th!
Our inaugural GSPE class hard at work!
We are also bursting with pride about our newest endeavor, a project that will require the insight and elbow grease of all three of our departments: a pipeline of trained medical interpreters to serve East Tennessee.
Centro Hispano's very first cohort of medical interpreters in training
Equitable access is foundational to healthy communities, so we're mobilizing our community's linguistic diversity to make it happen!
Diversity is a cornerstone of our work here at Centro Hispano, so it's perhaps appropriate that our garden is overflowing with it!

We are encircled by peppermint, lavender, oregano, fennel, red and yellow canna lilies, day lilies, coneflowers, yellow yarrow, sunflowers, coreopsis, purple Hyacinth beans, rose of Sharon, and banana plants that could reach up to 17 ft.

Many thanks to Bob Grimac for his careful stewardship of these spaces, and for giving Tennessee's tireless pollinators such a marvelous place to live and work!
We love the work we do, and we appreciate your support!
Thank you again for all you do in support of strong, vibrant communities in East Tennessee. It takes all of us to do this kind of capacity building, and we could not do it without you! 
Claudia Caballero
President & CEO | Centro Hispano
For more information on any of our programs, contact or follow us on social media!
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