
 “Don’t agonize, organize”

-Civil rights activist Florence Rae Kennedy 

Welcome to the Summer of Action! Inspired by the enthusiasm of last week’s Evening of Action, we are converting our monthly meetings into Evenings of Action, and adding more actions to help protect democracy every week this summer. THIS IS THE TIME TO DO THE WORK to make a real difference in the midterm elections. Let’s go!

Evenings of Action

Next Event: Tuesday, July 19
(details to follow)

Last week’s Evening of Action was a big success, attended by 150 new and veteran activists all energized to make a difference. Click here to read the follow up email we sent to all participants, including links to resources listing ways to keep taking actions to protect democracy, get out the vote, support women’s reproductive rights and promote common sense gun controls.

We aim to keep the momentum going by co-hosting additional events throughout the summer, along with other like-minded organizations focused on the upcoming midterms elections, both generally and as relates to high profile issues like reducing gun violence and protecting women’s reproductive rights. Reserve the evening of July 19 as the next Evening of Action in partnership with the Newburyport Democratic City Committee. Details and more dates to follow! 

These evenings of action will take place instead of our regular monthly meetings. Time is limited and we want to devote all of our energy and focus on taking actions to make a difference in the midterms. We hope you will join us for these events.

 Write Postcards

Fridays 4-5 pm 

Join us for in-person Action Hour each Friday 4-5pm at NU Kitchen at 19-23 Pleasant Street. We write postcards to voters in the sunny, comfortable cafe, with access to a variety of  coffees, teas, baked goods and more. Most recently, we wrote to WI voters to remind them to register and then to encourage them to vote for pro choice candidates. We plan to continue to write to encourage pro choice voters to cast their ballots! This Friday, July 8th, join us for Persistence Happy Hour right after Action Hour next door at Loretta.

If you’d prefer to write more postcards on your own, please join our Postcards-to-Go writing team. You pick up a packet of 50 postcards, we’ll email addresses and scripts as you need them, and you provide postage. For more information about this option for writing postcards. please email us at or come to Action Hour where we’ll have packets of 50 cards and will explain the details.


 Knock on Doors in NH

Some Saturdays and Sundays, including July 9
10 am - 1 pm

We all know that we have to keep our Democratic Senators and Congresspeople in office. Win Blue New Hampshire offers the opportunity to help reelect Senator Maggie Hassan and Representative Chris Pappas. 

Join us for canvassing in Portsmouth, NH on Sat, July 9 from 10-1. We can carpool and canvas in teams. Never canvassed before? We’ll team you with a door knocking expert. This is a real way to make a difference in two crucial elections.

Email if you’re interested in participating. 


Text Voters

Thursdays 3:00-4:00 pm. Register 

With the list of travesties in this country seeming to grow almost daily, the number and variety of texting campaigns also is growing. A lot of the current texting has been to encourage people to support a local pro choice organization, as well as our usual reaching out to people to encourage voter registration and voting in upcoming primaries. 

Register here to join us on Zoom any Thursday at 3:00-4:00. If that time is not good for you, we are happy to meet with you one-on-one at a convenient time. Email with your availability and we'll find a time that works to train you individually. We’re also planning to add a second weekly texting hour, so please watch for notices about that schedule.



Call Voters

Mondays and Tuesdays, 4-6 pm

We have changed our calling campaigns and schedules to best meet current needs and accommodate more callers. Our current phone banks are:

Calling Wisconsin Democrats on Mondays 4-6 pm to recruit them to volunteer. This phone bank is a manual dial process to a friendly audience. It is a great way to become comfortable with phone banking if you have been reluctant to try it.

Calling registered Democrats in AZ on Tuesdays 4-6 pm to encourage them to vote in that state’s August 2 primary. Getting Dems out to vote in the primary will help ensure that they vote in November, which is critical for this battleground state. This phone bank uses a convenient and easy auto-dialer for increased efficiency. 

We will publicize registration links for these new phone banks as soon as they are available. In the meantime, please email us at if you are interested in joining one or both of these weekly phone banks. Also email us if you have questions, would like to train individually, or want to learn about additional phone banking options. 


 Not Sure What You Want to Do?

If you are not sure which of these actions interests you the most, please 1) try everything at least once; 2) email and we’ll contact you to find a time to talk about each type of action and work with you to figure out what best suits you, or 3) review our Get Involved 2022 document for more information.



Socializing is Important, Too!

There is so much work to be done, but it is still important for all of us to get together with like-minded activists to take a break, laugh, commiserate, and talk about fun topics as well as politics. 

Please join us the second Friday of every month at Loretta on Pleasant Street in Newburyport at 5:30-6:30. I-RISE provides delicious appetizers, and we each buy our own drinks.

We hope to see you this Friday, July 8th. Come after Action Hour, or just come to Happy Hour if you are not joining us to write postcards this week.   



Please sign up here to volunteer with I-RISE. Choose among numerous options and devote as much or as little time as you prefer! Every bit makes a difference! 

Contact Us

Indivisible-RISE Newburyport is a group of concerned citizens dedicated to electing progressive candidates at the federal, state and local levels, and to working for justice and democracy.

With almost 900 members, Indivisible-RISE Newburyport is the local chapter of Indivisible, the leading national organization for cultivating a grassroots movement to support progressive policies and influence legislative change.
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