
Release nieuwsbericht / Release newsletter GPI:

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In this edition:
In this newsletter we share experiences from the construction site with working safely and the GPI. We entered into discussions with Strukton Civiel and BAM and challenge you to exchange your vision and experience. You can also read how we are working on the GPI in the run-up to the GPI 5.0 release. Finally, we look back at the Day of Construction, in which the public could take a look behind the construction fences of beautiful construction projects.
Case study GPI: In conversation with Strukton Civiel
At the GPI, we think it is important to exchange experiences about realizing the safest possible working environment and the role of the GPI in this. Keeping in touch with each other and the 'field of work' plays a prominent role in this. Stories from reality make this tangible. That is why we publish a case study a few times a year. This time with a contribution from Strukton.
‘Learn to address each other in unsafe situations’
The GPI is a good first step for speaking the same safety language, says Rob Marijnissen (38). Since 2020 he has been working as a Safety Manager at Strukton Civiel, based in Maarssen. 'We have to invest in that soft side.'

Before joining Strukton, Rob worked for Ballast Nedam for twelve years. There he first became acquainted with the GPI. 'We thought the level of the GPI was still insufficient at the time; we did not immediately see an improvement compared to our own instructions.' In 2020 he made the switch to Strukton. ‘That was the desire to seriously embrace the GPI, so I made a strong case for that. I thought: It's easy to just criticize, I can also contribute to improvement myself.'
Read the whole case study of Strukton Civiel (Dutch version)
Case story: BAM speaking
‘You can't drive a car without a driver's license. And you cannot enter the construction site without a valid GPI certificate.' The first practical story about the GPI could be read in the previous newsletter. In that publication, Fred de Jonge, director of BAM Bouw en Techniek Integrale Projecten, talks about his vision and experiences. Did you miss the publication or do you want to read it again? This can be done via the button below.
Read the whole case study of BAM (Dutch version)
Looking for practical stories: let us know!
How nice is it if we can share experiences from the professional field with each other and learn from them? Being alert every day to a safe working environment and helping to reduce accidents and incidents together. Therefore, share your vision and how you concretely implement it together with your colleagues. Together we stand strong, also for the safest possible workplace!

Are you interested in telling your story? Then sign up via
Number of GPI certificates increases slightly
Up to and including May 2022, 2% more GPI's were followed compared to the same period last year. We also see in reviews that appreciation for the GPI is increasing. Many candidates find the current GPI a significant improvement over previous versions. The compilers of the GPI (the GPI Guarantee Committee) therefore feel supported to further improve the GPI along the way.   
Development GPI 5.0 in full swing
Preparations for the next version of the GPI, which will go live on November 23, 2022, are in full swing. A plus in the run-up to the new release is that branches that are involved with the GPI now also have an active role, participate in concrete discussions and participate in the development and realization of the GPI 5.0. This makes the GPI even more practical and targeted. The compilers also take into account as much feedback they receive from users as possible. We mentioned earlier that the GPI 5.0 will be expanded with the languages ​​Bulgarian and Portuguese.
A look back at Construction Day
On Saturday 18 June, the Day of Construction took place, an initiative of Bouwend Nederland. During this day, the public could see what is happening behind the construction fences of the most beautiful construction and infrastructure projects. Getting to know working in construction: a proud sector, but also a dangerous sector to work in. In addition to working hard on wonderful projects, we also work hard to ensure the safest possible working environment. For example with the Generic Port Instruction. Because by all doing the GPI and talking about safety together, you make safe working a habit and reduce the risk of accidents for yourself and colleagues.
View an impression of the day
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