
Hi Kids’ Power Up Kids and Parents,

Just 11 days to go! Wow!

I have to admit that by this time of year, I’m more than ready for KPU to start even if the finishing touches haven’t been done yet. I’ve been working on this on and off for the past few months, waking up at weird hours thinking about it and making list after list of things to do. Thankfully, those lists are getting smaller and great people have once again stepped up to help out.

Speaking of great people, every year I have youth (mostly former KPU kids) and adults give huge hours to this camp. At any given time, there will be around 80 leaders onsite each day. They are all volunteers and when the camp is all said and done, about 4000 hours will be given to make it a great week for the kids. Whenever I get a little tired of trying to put this crazy camp together, I just think of their enthusiasm, passion and generosity. It’s the “secret sauce” that makes KPU a success each year.

Next week I’ll send an email or two with some tips on what to do to help your kids have a great week at KPU (things like sun screen, water bottles, etc.). I know KPU parents are connected and so if you have a friend that doesn’t seem to be getting my emails, please have them check their spam/junk folder. If that still doesn’t work, have them send me an email or they can see all the emails here.

Last, we’ve hit the 125 mark with regards to KPU kids this year. We still have lots of space.

If you know others whose kids could benefit from a fun and active week outdoors, please send them to for more info and if they have any questions, have them send them my way.

Hope you have a great long weekend,

Mark Williams