
Information Pack 5
Masonic Relief

Scottish Rite Grand Almoner's Fund Splash Video 
It is the duty of a lodge to help its destitute widows and orphans wherever they may reside, but a lodge is not required to pay a debt of any character which it has not authorized. Whenever a Brother, widow or orphan is found to be in needy circumstances, the lodge should immediately afford them temporary relief and then notify the lodge to which they belong.

The Master shall appoint a Committee of the Family whose duty shall be to maintain a file on each member's widow and orphans, maintain contact with the widows and orphans of every deceased Brother, and inform the lodge as to their well-being at least once each year, as well as encourage their inclusion in lodge social activities.

Each lodge shall maintain within its General Fund or in a separate account an amount equal to or greater than $1.00 per member to be identified as the Lodge Relief Fund. This fund is dedicated to Masonic relief and no other expenditure is lawful from this account. No lodge is entitled to donate a portion of its relief fund to a charitable organization, no matter how worthy. The Master may withdraw an amount equal to that specified in the Lodge bylaws for good and sufficient reason for a Brother, widow or orphan without a vote of the lodge.

We have all committed to assisting our Brothers. It may be that you want to take up a collection at every meeting to add to your relief fund. This will help provide you with the funds to meet this obligation.

In a situation where the need is substantial, the Indiana Grand Lodge, through the support of the membership, manages the Brotherly Relief Fund. If you ever find yourself in Lodge and feel that support above and beyond what your lodge can muster - please contact the Grand Secretary's Office for additional information.

The Scottish Rite NMJ also features a relief fund called The Scottish Rite Grand Almoner's Fund:
More Information on the Scottish Rite Grand Almoner's Fund
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