
MHACC 美國華裔精神健康聯盟 07/04/2022 第214期通知


🗽 歡慶獨立日 . 從每個山腰 . 讓自由振鈴 🦅

🍻 親愛的大家,收件快樂!


當熱鬧的派對散去,當煙花盛放的時候🎆。也許你會坐在夜空下,冥想一下,這個日子對於你的意義? 你渴望的幸福是什麼?自由,對於我們每個人有多重要。 


從每個山腰 ⛰️ 讓自由振鈴 🔔



美國華裔精神健康聯盟 執行長

Elaine Peng 彭一玲 敬上


🍻 Dear All~Happy 4th of July! 

Independence Day is a day when we celebrate Life, Liberty, and the right to pursue Happiness. 

As the party settles and the fireworks bloom, perhaps you will find yourself under the flashing sky thinking, "what does this day mean to me?" What is happiness to you?How important is independence to you, and to each of us? 

As Dr. King famously declared:

“From every mountainside, let freedom ring”


Elaine Peng, Executive Director & Founder

Mental Health Association for Chinese Communities (MHACC)



🍻 7月是全國少數族裔心理健康意識月。


多年來,MHACC 一直和 NAMI 一起,通過各種努力,試圖改變這種狀況。應對精神疾病的病恥感,改善患友的健康狀況,需要我們所有人的努力 💪🧑‍🤝‍🧑


🍻July is considered the Bebe Moore Campbell National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month.  We know mental illness does not discriminate based on race, complexion, gender, or identity, but the challenges to treat and cope with the illnesses are exacerbated in many minority communities due to cultural stigma, lack of resources, and lack of access to proper health care.  Over the past few years, MHACC has been working with NAMI to overcome these obstacles, but it would require our united efforts to tackle the challenges of living with mental health conditions, navigating the coverage of health insurance, and destigmatizing mental illness within our community.



🍻 炎炎夏日, 知名紀錄片導演常昌富教授工作組一行, 從東部來灣區繼續進行電影Silent War的拍攝工作 🎬

On a hot summer day, a team of well-known documentary directors led by Professor Chang Changfu arrived at the Bay Area from the East coast to continue the filming of the movie “Silent War”.

🍻 常教授還抽空和美國華人聯合會(UCA)理事-NCCU大學護理系講師Lily Chen, Cathy開心健身公益平台(CFF), 和美國華裔精神健康聯盟負責人彭一玲一起開會探討"挽救生命的故事” 講座. 6月30日的會議反應熱烈, 強烈引起与會者的共鳴. 

Professor Chang also took time to discuss the "Life-Saving Stories" lecture with 

Lily Chen, who is the director of the United Chinese Association (UCA) and a lecturer of the Department of Nursing of NCCU University. He also communicated with the Cathy Happy Fitness Platform (CFF) and Peng Yiling, director of the MHACC. The meeting on June 30th resonated with its attendees and received an overwhelmingly positive response.

🍻由於疫情打擊下, Silent War影片製作單位資金嚴重緊張, 工作人手和設備缺乏, 懇請大家伸出援手, 支持美國首部以華裔多個家庭為背景的精神健康記錄片成功製作! 非常感謝!🙏

Due to the impact of the pandemic, the Silent War film production team is considerably lacking funds, staff, and equipment. 

Please support the successful production of the first mental health documentary in the U.S. which delivers the stories of Chinese-American families. Thank you very much!

💰募捐鏈接 fundraiser link:



🍻 好消息!  7月30日 精神健康聯盟MHACC贊助的屋崙華埠首次七夕街會來了!

Oakland Chinatown Improvement Council (OCIC) 屋崙華埠社區促進會要給古色古香的Oakland Chinatown帶來一個全新的七夕夏日街會。燒烤🍖,冰飲🍺,泡芙,台灣正宗雞蛋糕,冰淇淋。把清爽的夏天🌞帶進屋崙唐人街!除了好吃的,還有精彩的舞台表演,其中舞龍舞獅🐲不容錯過!歡迎大家穿上民族服裝, 來我們许愿樹, 另設有中國手工藝區,剪紙手工🧶等民俗藝術喔! ! !

💁‍♀️💁是中華所有傳統節日中最浪漫的節日。在這個特殊的日子裡,人們將心願寫在紙板上,掛在樹上,祈求愛情。美麗的象徵意義不僅是愛情,而且是一群人之間的紐帶和凝聚力。 MHACC是本次活動的主要贊助商和支持者!現在開始招商啦。如果您也想在我們熱熱鬧鬧的夏日街會出一份力,不管是成為一個攤位主還是成為贊助商,歡迎一起來參加灣區盛大的華人節日街會,讓你的品牌被更多人看到! 👏👏位置有限,先報名搶好位置!快點擊以下鏈接報名👇




🪧點擊广告视频 Click to watch Event Video:

Oakland Chinatown has always proudly led the way in cultural festivities and events. The small town provides a safe space for API to gather and to freely express themselves without worries of physical harm or criticism. 

The covid pandemic has caused chaos nationwide, but the Asian community has especially felt the consequences. The covid virus not only attacked individuals, but also harmed our businesses and livelihood. The Oakland Chinatown Improvement Council (OCIC) has made it our goal to collaborate with members of the community to ensure that Chinatown maintains strong cultural and economic cohesion in these challenging times.

In our first efforts to promote the wellbeing of Chinatown, the OCIC would like to announce the Summer/Qixi Festival on 9th street in Oakland. The Qixi Festival, also known as Chinese Valentine's day, is the most romantic of all traditional Chinese holidays. On this unique day, people write their wishes on a paperboard and hang them on a tree to pray for love. The beautiful symbolism is not only a facilitator for love, but also bonds and shows cohesiveness within a group of people. MHACC is the main sponsor and supporter of the event!

We look forward to you joining us!

⏰Time: 10:00AM-5:00PM July 30th, 2022

🏠Location: Oakland Chinatown,Ninth street (From Franklin Street to Alice Street), Oakland, CA 94607 ,Behind The Media, The Real Oakland Chinatown!)


Vendors Wanted (Before 7/8) :



🍻 6月20日,美國華裔精神健康聯盟主席彭一玲在加州州長主持的會議上發言,支持讓有心理健康問題的無家可歸者接受精神心理治療的 “CARE Court”



為了緩解這個問題,州長已經在預算案中提議斥資20億元建造更多治療床位,並提議在每個縣設立專門的「心理健康法庭」(CARE Court)

“CARE Court” 能把無家可歸的精神疾患與其配套的治療服務連結起來,允許家人、緊急調度員和其他人轉介病患尋求協助,並且最好是在病患可能犯罪前就採取行動。



🍻 On June 20, Elaine Peng,Executive Director of MHACC, spoke at a meeting held by Governor Newsom in support of the "CARE Court", which allows the homeless to receive psychiatric treatment. ( court/)

She said: “The living environment of people with mental illness is very difficult, and some of which are heartbreaking. I hope society can become more tolerant and understanding of these vulnerable groups. Homelessness is a big problem in society. Hopefully this effort will address the many severely mentally ill individuals living on the streets and save lives that shouldn't have been lost!”

Nearly a quarter of the approximately 161,000 homeless people in California in 2020 suffer from a serious mental illness, and Elaine Peng believes that this number is actually underestimated. Mental health problems appear to be correlated with homelessness. 

To alleviate this problem, the governor has proposed to spend $2 billion to provide more treatment beds and the creation of a dedicated "Mental Health Court", or “CARE Court”, in each county.  

"CARE Court" connects homeless individuals suffering from mental illness with specialized treatment services. This allows families, emergency dispatchers, and others to refer these patients for assistance before the patient may possibly commit crimes.

The governor stated that it was inhumane to allow suffering people to die on the streets! He also believes that the bonds between family members are very valuable and will do his best to get this bill passed.

📰星島日報的專題報導,點擊下圖👇Click for detail



🍻 6月28日,彭一玲攜華裔健康聯盟成員們在阿拉米達縣政府再次為華人護工們發聲 📢,促進IHSS長期家庭護工漲薪協議的達成。

長期家庭護理工會(SEIU 2015)的不少護工是我們精神病患的護理人員。漲薪協議將會為她們在未來三年內漲薪18%,在2025年1月達到時薪20元的水準,縣內將會有6000名華裔護工受益!👏




🍻On June 28, Elaine Peng and members of MHACC once again spoke out for the Chinese mental health caregivers. 

Many of the Long Term Home Care Union (SEIU 2015) workers are caregivers to our mentally ill patients. The agreement will increase their salary by 18% in the next three years, reaching a wage of $20/hr in January 2025. This provides an opportunity for the county’s 6,000 Chinese workers to benefit while simultaneously supporting a crucial cause.

For those who have not yet registered, please register as a member online!


We ask that you forward this link to anyone interested in becoming a union member. Together, we can make the wage increase process take effect as soon as possible!



🍻 美國華人大會將於 7月14 - 16日在華盛頓舉辦,期間會有內容豐富的 WAVES 精神健康系列講座。華裔健康聯盟主席彭一玲和其他精神衛生領域的專業人士會在講座上發言,希望朋友們來DC參加 👏

本次的第三屆 “美國華人大會” (Chinese American Convention)和第一屆 “全國青年大會” (UCA National Youth Convention)將有白宮官員、國會議員、華裔民選官員、智庫學者、工商領袖、社會組織、社區領袖以及數百位關心華人社區發展的華裔朋友和下一代的代表們聚集一堂 🧑‍🤝‍🧑


🍻 The Chinese American Convention (UCA) will be held through July 14-16 in Washington, D.C., along with an informative WAVES Mental Health Lecture Series. Elaine Peng (MHACC) and other Chinese Mental health professionals will speak at the convention. 

The 3rd Chinese American Convention and the 1st UCA National Youth Convention will have White House officials, members of Congress, elected Chinese officials, think tank scholars, business leaders, social organizations, community leaders, and hundreds of Chinese representatives of the next generation gather together.



Scan the QR code below to register:



🍻 8月7日在俄勒岡州舉辦的青少年心理健康急救課程現在接受報名。



🍻Registration is now open for the Teen Mental Health First Aid course in Oregon on August 7.

This event is organized by both the Oregon Chinese Alliance and MHACC. It will provide a unique opportunity for adults who want to understand adolescent mental health and who are willing to help adolescents cope with mental health crises. 

Training is free, but spaces are limited! Upon completion of the course, you may qualify to receive a globally certified Mental Health First Aid certificate. 


❗️點擊連結或掃碼下圖報名 - Scan the code below to register:



🍻 心理健康維護專用手機App上線啦!MHACC 為華裔社群設計了兩款免費的維護心理健康手機 Apps

Our mobile apps are now available online! 

MHACC has designed two free mental health mobile apps created for the Chinese community. 

☀️ MiSunshine 是一款幫助心理健康護理人員獲取相關信息,協助管理護理工作的手機App,支持中英雙語。軟件還會關注您自己的情緒變化,提供支持和安慰,並放鬆您的心情。您還可以在這裡找到大量與心理健康相關的視頻,和分享的故事 ❤️

MiSunshine is a mobile app designed for mental health caregivers to obtain relevant information and arrange care work. The app takes into account the caregiver's mood changes, offering a source of support and relaxation. It also provides mental health related videos and stories shared by peers. Both Chinese and English speakers can utilize this tool!

📱安卓手機安裝 (Android Store Download):

📱蘋果手機安裝 (Apple Store Download):

☀️ UrSpace 是一款維護心理健康和協助心理康復的手機App,支持中英雙語。您可以在 UrSpace 裡選擇一個虛擬夥伴,並與虛擬夥伴交流,尋找支持和安慰。軟件還會關注您的情緒變化,協助您放鬆心情,提醒您使用藥物,顯示附近的活動,提供心理健康資源。您還可以在這裡找到大量心理相關的視頻,和分享的故事。

UrSpace is a mobile App used as a mental health care and recovery tool. It supports both Chinese and English speakers. Users can select their own virtual buddy in the app for your support and comfort. The app also tracks your mood changes, reminds you to take medication, displays nearby activities, and provides mental health resources. You'll also find plenty of mental health related videos and stories shared by peers.

📱安卓手機安裝 (Android Store Download):

📱苹果蘋果手機安裝 (Apple Store Download):



🍻患友互助組活動安排如下(Peer Support Groups)

每月第二個週六 (7/09/2022)2nd Saturday every month

🐯時間:11:00 am to 12:30 pm(美西時間 Pacific Time)

✅組別:患友英語互助組 NAMI Connection-API English Peer Support Group

🐯時間:1:30 pm to 3:00 pm (美西時間 Pacific Time)

✅組別:患友廣東話互助組 Cantonese Peer Support Group

每月第三個週六 (7/16/2022)3rd Saturday every month

🐯時間:1:30 pm to 3:00 pm (美西時間 Pacific Time)

✅組別:患友普通話互助組  Mandarin Peer Support Group

每月第四個週六(7/23/2022)  4th Saturday every month

🐯時間:11:00 am to 12:30 pm(美西時間 Pacific Time)

✅組別:患友英語互助組 NAMI Connection-API English Peer Support Group

💻 患友互助組 網上會議 - Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 913 1187 4702

Passcode: MHACC 

☎️ 或撥打電話 or Call at: 1669 900 9128 / 1346 248 7799

Meeting ID: 913 1187 4702 



🍻 照顧者 (家人) 互助組活動安排如下(Family Support Groups)

每月第二個週六 (07/09/2022)2nd Saturday every month

🐯時間:3:30 pm to 5:00 pm (美西時間 Pacific Time)

✅組別:照顧者(家人)廣東話互助組 Cantonese Family Support Group

每月第三個週六 (07/16/2022)3rd Saturday every month

🐯時間:3:30 pm to 5:00 pm (美西時間 Pacific Time)

✅組別:照顧者(家人)普通話互助組 Mandarin Family Support Group

💻 網上會議 Zoom link:

☎️ 或撥打電話 Or call at:1669 900 9128 / 1346 248 7799, 

Meeting ID:741 323 2578

期待與您相聚!Looking forward to meeting you! 🐯🙏🏻😇



🍻美國華裔精神健康聯盟MHACC公益健康項目 🎵歌聲暢享人生 Sing A Song

特聘:男高音夏陽老師 👨‍🏫

⏰時間:每週二晚上 7:30-8:00pm(美西時間)

🎶活动期间,传奇抒情男高音赵夏阳先生每周都会介绍分析一首歌曲,并现场演唱。 优美的歌声是缓解压力、抚慰心灵、享受美好生活的法宝。


🍻Sing A Song to Enjoy Life by Zhao Xia Yang

Held every Tuesday night from 7:30-8:00pm PT

During the event, the legendary lyrical tenor Zhao Xiayang will share a song every meeting and sing it live. The beautiful singing works like magic to relieve stress and soothe the soul. While falling in love with music, let us enjoy our lives together!

💻 Zoom Link 點擊鏈接:

Meeting ID: 850 791 6770



⚠️ 應歌友們的請求,在“歌聲暢享人生”開辦一周年之即,MHACC 將向歌友開放 YouTube 頻道,分享我們錄屏的精彩視頻,歡迎 👏 大家收看並給以反饋,

At the request of many, MHACC will open our YouTube channel to share the screen recordings during the first anniversary of "Sing A Song to Enjoy Life". Please watch and give any feedback you have~

點擊 MHACC YouTube Link 👉



🍻歡迎加入“跳入精彩人生” ,大家一起保持身心健康,享受放鬆的放飛心情,開心過好每一天!💃

⚠️ 7月起平台舞會時間有調整,日場延長,新增週末場,請關注海報與每日通知


🍻Welcome to “Cathy’s Fun Fitness Dance”! Let's stay healthy together, enjoy some relaxation time, and live happily every day.

Starting in July, the fitness dance time will be adjusted: the daytime session has been extended and weekend sessions have been added. Make sure to pay attention to the posters and daily notices!

⏰ 每日雲健身(Daytime Session)

美西:4:30-6:00pm (Pacific Time)

美中:6:30-8:00pm (Central Time)

美东:7:30-9:00pm(Eastern Time)

北京:7:30-9:00am (Beijing Time)

⏰ 周末(Weekend Session)

美西:8:00-9:00am (Pacific Time)

美东:11:00-12:00am(Eastern Time)

💻 連結 Zoom Link:

Zoom ID: 889 0406 8282

Passcode: 8888

視頻 YouTube: Fun Fitness Dance 👉

欢迎订阅🔔 /点赞👍 /转发 Please subscribe, like, and forward!



🍃 🍃 🍃 🍃 🍃 🍃 🍃 🍃 🍃 🍃 🍃 🍃 🍃 🍃 🍃 🍃 🍃 🍃 🍃



☎️當您經歷恐懼,焦慮和痛苦, 不要遲疑, 請撥打我們的心理援助熱線 ☎️ (800) 881-8502, 我們一直在您身旁 👬

If you experience fear, anxiety, or distress, don't hesitate to call our Psychological Assistance Hot Line at ☎️ (800) 881-8502. We will always be here for you.




⛽️ 美國華裔精神健康聯盟是聯邦認可的全國性501(c)(3)非營利公益機構,致力為華人社區的心理/精神健康提供服務,我們的點滴成長離不開您的支持。按下圖片即可在進行樂捐,非常感謝您的慷慨捐獻 ❤️

MHACC is a federally-recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit public welfare organization dedicated to providing services related to mental health issues within the Chinese community. Our growth can only be possible from your support. Click the button below 👇 to make a donation. We thank you for any generous contributions!




🚗 捐舊車支持我們的工作!您可以透過網站 或致電 ☎️855-500-7433 捐出任何狀況的舊車(免費上門拖走舊車),並把舊車出售後的淨額指定捐給MHACC,可以得到退稅憑證

You can also donate used cars to support us. Donate your old car (acceptable in any condition) through the website: or by calling ☎️ 855-500-7433 (includes free towing), and donate the net amount to MHACC to get a tax refund certificate.


🛒 Support Mental Health Association for Chinese Communities on Amazon! 各位親,如果您在amazon 購物,請用amazon smile 😊 選擇美國華裔精神健康聯盟MHACC為被捐助的慈善機構,在您購物的同時也在做善事!美國華裔精神健康聯盟致力於建設更美好的生活品質!堅定不移地提高大眾對精神健康的認知,共創一個大家所希望的美好家園。

這是華裔精神健康聯盟的慈善鏈接 👉



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