
Information Pack 3 Part 3 of 3
Masonic Etiquette

Please take a moment to continue your learning on Masonic Etiquette:

Do not enter or leave the lodge room during a ballot.
Why? It is discourteous to leave the lodge room during a speech, during a degree, etc. There are several natural periods, such as at the end of one section and before the next begins, or when the Master puts the lodge at ease until the sound of the gavel. Then, and only then, you may leave the lodge without being considered rude.
It is Masonic etiquette that all Brethren vote when requested to do so. Failure to cast your ballot not only results in your failure to share in your duties but is in direct disobedience of the Master’s request.
When an issue is put to a vote, all Brethren should vote.
Why? A brother who does not vote is discourteous because he skews the ballot. He becomes the weak link in a strong chain.
No matter what the reason of his non-vote, he injures the lodge’s ballot, its value and its secrecy. Failure to vote can injure a lodge’s feeling of brotherhood, and by that injury, can injure the Masonic Fraternity. No matter what reason you may privately hold about voting, it is poor Masonic etiquette to fail to vote when requested to do so by the Master.
It is good Masonic etiquette to accept a request made in the name of the lodge if it is within your abilities.
Why? A lodge is a working "beehive of industry." If you receive a request from your lodge, that means you are trusted to competently fulfill such a request, based upon your knowledge.

Lodge customs state that no one except for the Worshipful Master or his prearranged prompter may correct any mistake that may occur during the course of a ceremony, and even he does so only when the error is a serious one.
Why? It is discourteous to point out others’ mistakes in front of the lodge Brethren.

Why? Good posture is necessary while within the lodge room. Lounging, leaning and slovenly attitudes should be avoided. Poor posture is considered poor Masonic etiquette.
Why? The great lessons of Masonry, which are taught by our ritual, should never be demeaned by levity or pranks. The lodge room is not a proper location for the telling of practical jokes, pranks, horseplay nor off-color stories.

Why? It is common courtesy to be accurate in speaking a Brother’s name, so it is proper Masonic etiquette to address officers, members, and visitors by their correct Masonic titles and addresses.
If a Brother should enter the lodge after the opening ceremony is underway, he should go to the Altar to salute the Master. If he must leave before the meeting is over, the correct Masonic etiquette of his departure is that he should salute the Presiding Master at the Altar before he departs. The salute should always be given properly and not in a careless or perfunctory manner.
Freemasonry is worldwide and holds no sectarian views. Non-sectarian means not sectioned into one, specific religion. Freemasonry embraces all religions. A Mason may choose the religion of his choice in his private life but should be aware and open to the fact that others among the Brethren do not necessarily share nor were they brought up with the religious dogmas and beliefs that you personally embrace.
Why? Prayers at lodge functions should be scrupulously in keeping with Masonic teachings. The Masonic etiquette of offered prayers is that they should never be an expression of specific sectarian views or dogmatic creeds.
It is a matter of courtesy that all prayers, speeches and discussions at Masonic affairs avoid sectarian, controversial or political tones.
Prayers are best directed to the Creator, the Master Architect of the Universe, and not toward specific religious teachings such as Jesus Christ, Mother Mary, Muhammad, Jehovah, Allah, etc. To do so omits the religions of others within the Brethren, which can cause conflict, and therefore, is not harmonious to the whole. In the spirit of non-sectarianism, we must remember that since the day that our Creator found that Man created the Tower of Babel to glorify themselves, it is HE who changed man's language into the many diverse languages now spoken on Earth. In so doing, our Creator has many names across the world.
All cell phones should be turned off before entering the lodge room so as not to disrupt the proceedings.
Masonic etiquette is simply the rules of good manners which make lodge meetings pleasant for everyone. The position of Worshipful Master in the East occupies the most exalted position within the lodge. A lodge that does not honor its Master no matter how they personally feel about the man himself lacks Masonic courtesy.
The honor conveyed by the Brethren in electing him, in other words, the historical traditions and the men who have gone before you, must be given the utmost respect if the traditions of the Fraternity are to be observed and proper Masonic etiquette is to be maintained.

Masonic etiquette comprises lodge courtesies and proprieties.
Good manners imply observance of the formal requirements governing man's behavior in polite society and a sense of what is appropriate for a person of good breeding with high morals and good taste. The spirit of brotherly love and affection, by which we are bound together, will be exemplified in our conduct, our carriage and our behavior at all times. It is my hope that you will use your trowel to cement the stones of brotherly love for the “More Noble and Glorious Purpose” of exhibiting these rules of Masonic etiquette toward one and all within the brethren.

If this topic is of interest, you may find "The Art of Manliness" website to be interesting although not of a Masonic nature.
Art of Manliness Website
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