Dear Friends,

Words do not express the joy we are feeling to be writing to you on such a historic day!

The United States Supreme Court has overruled Roe v. Wade and ruled that there is no constitutional right to abortion!

Praise the Lord!!!

There is cause for great rejoicing and celebration in our land today!

It is stunning to be alive for this historic moment for which many of us have labored for decades! The Roe v Wade decision was always egregiously wrong, and we applaud the Supreme Court for finally acknowledging that.

Friends, we have spent years of hard work and endless hours of prayer on our face in anticipation of this moment. But now the real work begins of ensuring that every state ends the bloodshed!

Crisis pregnancy centers and adoption ministries will need us now more than ever! 

When we launched the Day of Mourning four years ago, I never would have imagined we'd see so much mobilization not simply of political activism, but spiritual petition and repentance.

Something powerful happened when Christian believers came together not just to pray for an end to abortion, but to repent of growing complacent while preborn lives were being destroyed.

If our country is to turn to God, we must first humble ourselves before Him. And that is precisely what we've seen over the last several years...with amazing results!!!

He is delivering His people!

Abortion is a horrific, exploitative practice that destroys the image of God, not just the precious preborn children He hand crafts in their mothers' wombs, but the women and girls who are often manipulated and deceived into making the irreversible decision to end the life of their babies.

Friends, our ministry is dedicated not only to vocally opposing abortion, but to supporting women and children through physical and spiritual ministry.

When you partner with us, you directly partner with a force that is building up the culture of life we will need to truly end abortion in the United States.

Do you want to passively oppose abortion, or do you want to actively engage in ending it by supporting women who need love, care, resources, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

Please donate today to continue our efforts to be His hands and feet outside abortion clinics and anywhere His people are needed.

It’s an honor to partner with you to turn our nation and globe back to God and end the child abuse and exploitative practice of abortion.

For Christ and His children,

Elizabeth Johnston
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We love you and pray God’s blessing on you and yours! 
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Activist Mommy
P.O. Box 5430
Concord, NC 28027

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