July 1, 2022

Thank you to everyone who continues to support Sinister Wisdom. Sinister Wisdom continues to commit to addressing the issues that affect women and lesbians everywhere. Enjoy this week’s Sinister Snapshot, Sinister Wisdom’s biweekly newsletter with a featurette and lots of links. If you have suggestions for future editions of Sinister Snapshot, send them to

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Sinister Wisdom shares the pain, anger, and outrage of women in our community about the recent reversal of Roe by the Supreme Court. Many activist formations are doing vital work to protect choice, reproductive and abortion rights including URGE, Sister Song, and legal organizations like the National Center for Lesbian Rights. We encourage you to support their work and consider giving to the national network of abortion funds.

Lesbians to Watch Out For on tiktok

written by Ivy Marie Clarke (strwbryfemme)

Summer is hopping at Sinister Wisdom with three interns and one remote creative endeavors resident working on projects for Sinister Wisdom. In one group meeting sharing ideas about contemporary lesbian culture, our summer lesbian cadre discussed tiktok. tiktok is a connective tissue in the sapphic community—if you know how to look past their suppressive algorithms and find the lesbians. Here are some tiktok accounts to keep an eye on:

  • iamdivinechi - Teeming with outfit inspiration and resources for those with androgynous tastes
  • celestialmoonmoth - Navigating life as a niqab-wearing nonbinary lesbian with humor and cosplay
  • adelinetroutmann - Femme musician with an ethereal aesthetic 
  • anitatangoart - A poet and an artist who paints while she talks about mental health and life
  • gigi_dawnie - Sharing the daily affirmations posted on her sticky note wall to spread positivity
  • softsadlesbian - Creating a safe, healing space on their journey to recovering from addiction and coping with mental illness
  • uncle.phoebe - A handpoke tattoo artist based in NYC
  • twoshortnails - Reveling in avant-garde makeup and fashion with some occasional sewing and crocheting tutorials 
  • britnedionne - A peaceful lifestyle, food, and interior vlogger
  • trshboyoli - A butch who heavily engages with online culture, queer discourse, and gender and sexuality politics
  • catalina_cheng - Dually passionate about skateboarding and ceramics
  • scarysappho - A vlogger, crocheter, and makeup artist building a life based in love and light
  • belovedhestia - A classics and historian major with a penchant for butch-femme dynamics
  • joansssong - A jewelry-maker posting about culture, politics, and sex, often through memes
  • khal_essie - A body positive author with a pastel style
  • lindsaynikole - Fascinating audiences with zoology facts
  • bugeater1101 - Everyone’s favorite finger-wagging comedian 
  • elliemedhurst - From doc martens to rings, she’s unpacking lesbian fashion history
  • lupita.reads - A booktoker with an adorable family
  • cowboyjen - Proudly representing rural, over-50, butch lesbians

New to tiktok? Here is how to get started:

  1. Download the app and set up your account
  2. Like, share, and comment on videos to curate your feed to content you’re interested in
  3. Create your own content and tag it to reach the “For You” feed of other lesbians
The Black Lesbian Literary Collective will host “a discussion featuring Black women writers sharing their challenges, silver linings and thoughts on publishing” on July 14. Register here for “Black. Queer. Writer.” Also, listen to Black Lesbian Literary Collective's podcast.
Thank you to everyone who attended the zoom celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Atlanta Lesbian Feminist Alliance’s first meeting! If you missed the event, you can watch on the Sinister Wisdom youtube channel, or on the Sinister Wisdom website. Atlanta Magazine celebrated the leftist gay sisters in an article anchoring ALFA’s history through an interview with Elaine Kolb.
If you were unable to attend the zoom conversation on Jewish and gender identity, cohosted by Sinister Wisdom, watch it here, on The Workers Circle youtube channel. Purchase Irena’s latest collection of poems, Her Birth and Later Years New and Collected Poems, 1971-2021, which will print in December of 2022.
Jewell Gomez was in conversation with Krystal A. Smith about Gomez's new book Still Water: Poems, published by BLF Press, on the Charis Books and More youtube channel. Watch here
BLF Press is also seeking submissions for Black Joy Unbound: An Anthology. Specifically, they seek writing that “merges the themes of joy and pleasure; affirms the interconnectedness of race, gender, and sexual orientation, and affirms our gifts as Black diasporic writers and artists…” Submissions are due by December 31.
It’s Nice That writes about the ONE Archives Foundation’s online exhibit Days of Rage. View the curated set of Queer designs here.

Allyson McCabe talks about the origins of the march for lesbian empowerment (the Lesbian Avengers) on NPR. Listen here. The Lesbian Avengers hosted the first Dyke March in which they swallowed fire in front of the White House to draw attention to the murders of Hattie Mae Cohens and Brian Mock, victims of a hate-motivated firebombing.

Watch Dodici Azpadu read at Tony Hillerman Public Library. She is introduced by Mary Oishi, Albuquerque’s poet laureate. Visit Dodici Azpadu’s website to view more of her works.

Read about Mapping Queer Oakland through oral history of queer elders. The StoryMaps uniquely contextualizes the audio story with geological location.
Acro Iris Earth Care Project’s Spring Caminata was a five-day ceremony to bless the sacred Ozark Wilderness. It “preserves indigenous and Ozark cultures, and provides a sanctuary that empowers women and children of color, displaced indigenous peoples, and our community with natural and healthy skills for sustainable living and self-sufficiency.”
We’Moon is accepting art and writing submissions for We’Moon 2024: Luminations, which is a “calendar filled with beautiful and inspiring art and writing” until August 1. The theme of Waxing Half Moon draws from “this curious edge where Light meets Dark is an exquisite place for evaluating options.” Through ceremonial selection circles, you can join in on the curation process.
Vogue asks, “Is This the Golden Era of Queer Literature?” How do YOU think the lesbian/gay print scene differs today? Reply to this email and let us at Sinister Wisdom know!
Pamela Dodds, who contributed to Sinister Wisdom 115: Lesbian Learning, presented an exhibition entitled “Documenting Border Barriers” at Open Studio Gallery. View photos of it here. Also read about her process in The California Printmaker.

Breaking Form: a Poetry and Culture Podcast explores the relevancy of the censorship of Chrystos, Audre Lorde, and Minnie Bruce Pratt in “Tear All This Ugly Mess Down Now.” They also talk about the waining awareness of AIDS.

If you would like to support Sinister Wisdom's thriving lesbian community, please consider donating or subscribing. Your support is vital to our mission of profiling, supporting, and nurturing lesbian culture as well as providing educational resources to women and lesbians. Thank you to our sustainers for supporting the advancement of lesbian art and culture!


Curated with community, history, and an understanding that every present moment is a nexus of many pasts. May these stories of queer culture inspire, enthuse, and rouse you to lesbian actions. We hope you've enjoyed the eleventh installment of Sinister Snapshot! Have a lovely weekend.

Copyright © Sinister Wisdom 2022, All rights reserved.
Sinister Wisdom, Inc. · 2333 McIntosh Road · Dover, FL 33527 · US

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