Save the Date
Jul 13: MAHC Housing Narrative Discussion, 10-11 am, via Zoom, register here.
Aug 2: Member's Meeting, 9-10:30 am, TBD n person
Oct 4: Member's Meeting, 9-10:30 am, TBD in person
Nov 17: MAHC Conference, 8 am - 4 pm, Westin Portland Harborview - Sign Up as a Sponsors here.
MAHC Member Housing Narrative & Message Discussion - 7/13, 10 am, Zoom
MAHC is pleased to host a highly interactive discussion with the national Housing Narrative Lab on a shared Maine housing message that supports meeting the need for affordable housing throughout the State. Your input is needed in developing this message, while learning what the Housing Narrative Lab has learned about what does and doesn't work. We have the attention of stakeholders. We need to use one voice to move our work forward, while keeping the spotlight on the housing crisis in Maine. Sign up to attend here.
MAHC Policy Priority Survey Results
We asked and you answered! Thank you for sharing what you see as priorities for MAHC's advocacy work increasing the availability of affordable homes in Maine. The MAHC Board is using these results to help draft policy priorities as well as interviews MAHC has conducted with members, other advocacy groups, policy makers and more. MAHC will share policy priorities with members for feedback in late July. 

Innovative Housing Solutions
MAHC is working with a USM PhD student, Sarah Sturtevant, as she researches a pilot modular housing development and engages undergraduate students in developing a database of affordable housing in our state, and who these developments serve. Expect an update on this work at the MAHC member meeting on Aug. 2, in person. In the meantime, the White House showcased innovative housing solutions in Washington, D.C. last week - read the full article here.
Federal Reconciliation Negotiations Continue as 9/30 deadline nears - Take Action Today!
As high-level negotiations continue between Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) on a revised reconciliation package, there is increasing concern that the House-passed $150 billion in investments for affordable, accessible housing – including significant funding for the National Low Income Housing Coalition's (MAHC is the Maine coalition member) top priorities – will be left behind.
The reconciliation package is the last and best opportunity this year to advance the bold, long-term solutions needed to address the nation’s affordable housing crisis, and we cannot miss this critically important moment!
Contact your members of Congress TODAY and urge them to include in any reconciliation package robust affordable housing investments targeted to those with the greatest needs, including NLIHC’s top priorities:
- $25 billion to expand rental assistance to more than 300,000 households. See how many vouchers your state would receive here.
- $65 billion to make critically needed repairs to public housing and preserve this valuable asset for its 2 million residents.
- $15 billion for the national Housing Trust Fund to build and preserve over 150,000 affordable, accessible homes for households with the lowest incomes. See NLIHC’s breakdown of how much each state would receive through the Housing Trust Fund here.
Email, tweet, and call your representative and senators today and urge them to support targeted investments in rental assistance, public housing, and the national Housing Trust Fund in any reconciliation package! Use our call-in script and advocacy toolkit to help create your own message to Congress!
Submit Your News
MAHC invites you to share case studies of projects, events, research, analysis of policy or other relevant tidbits to include in our newsletter. Email Laura for more information or to submit your piece.

Meet Laura Mitchell, new Director of MAHC
Over the next few months in my new role as MAHC Director I look forward to meeting many of you in person or via Zoom. I want to understand your business challenges and how MAHC can support Maine in meeting it's need for 1,000 new units of quality, affordable housing a year. Please find a time on this calendar when we can meet. These 30-minute meetings are over zoom. The link is included in your calendar invitation. Feel free to book two 30-minute blocks together if you'd like more time. Thank you and I will see you soon.